A portable navigation device that sailors used to keep their ships traveling in the right direction.
Jewish nationalists who originally supported the re-establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Israel
Zimmermann telegram
a secret message sent between German diplomats suggesting that Mexico might want to join forces with Germany in an effort to regain the territory it had lost to the United States in the Mexican-American War of 1946
Mandate of Heaven
The Zhou belief that said that heaven would grant the Zhou power only as long as its rulers governed justly and wisely
Zheng He
a Chinese navigator, led fleets throughout southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean. sailing all the way to East Africa
Yuan Dynasty
When the Mongols conquered the Chinese Song Dynasty in 1279, they established the Yuan Dynasty.
Yamato clan
First important ruling family in Japan. They came to power in the fifth and have been the only dynasty to rule Japan since.
Wu Zhao
empress of Han dynasty, took power after husband's death
Wu Ti
Often called "Warrior Emperor" Ruled from 141 BCE to 87 BCE. Best known for repelling Hun invaders and expanding the Han Empire to central Asia
World Trade Orginization
The general agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT) was agreed upon in 1947 to reduce barriers to international trade. GATT became the World Trade Organization (WTO)
Women's Suffrage Movement
During the Industrial Revolution, women began to organize in order to increase their collective influence and petition for the right to vote.
Winston Churchill
Replaced Neville Chamberlain as prime minister of Britain. Churchill proved to be a firm and resolute leader, refusing to strike a deal with Germany which would allow Hitler to maintain his hold over most of mainland Europe.
Fourteen Points
A speech made by U.S President Wilson, which was intended to create a workable balance of power in Europe and promote peace.
William Shakespeare
Famous European writer of the Renaissance. His works represented humanism to the extreme and reflected the era's focus on the politics and mythology of classical civilization.
William I of Prussia
Began an effort to consolidate the German territories into a powerful empire.
White Lotus Rebellion
A rebellion led by Buddhists because they were frustrated with taxes and government corruption.
Western Bloc
9 countries (Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, West Germany, Greece, and Turkey) which were democratic and allied with the United States
Weimar Republic
a fairly conservative democratic republic that favored the desires of the conservative middle class, which had been quite prosperous before the war
Warsaw Pact
A military alliance among the Soviet Union, East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Hungary.
War of Spanish Succession
A war against Spain and France to stop the two countries from unifying under one Bourbon monarch.
a writer during the Enlightenment. He promoted ideas of religious toleration, free trade, and civil liberties.
Vladimir Putin
Took over Russia when Yeltsin resigned in 1999. Putin
Vladimir Lenin
Marxist leader of the Bolshevik Party, issued his April Theses in 1918, which gained him support of the working class, peasants, and soldiers.
Germanic peoples who had adopted Roman Law and Chrisianity
a powerful group of invaders from Scandinavia, they developed some of the earliest knows commercial fisheries in northern Europe