Alexander II
(r. 1855-1881) Emperor of Russia; advocated moderate reforms for Russia; emancipated the serfs; he was assassinated.
Alexander Kerensky
an agrarian socialist who became prime minister. He refused to confiscate land holdings and felt that continuation of war was most important.
Alexander the Great
(356 BCE-323 BCE) He conquered most of the ancient world from Asia Minor to Egypt and India, which began the Hellenistic culture which was a blending of Greek, Persian, Indian, and Egyptian influences.
An alliance between Britain, France, and Russia- Later joined by Italy, during WWI
American War of Independence
13 Colonies war against British rule, fought from 1776 to 1783. 13 Colonies wins and calls itself the United States of America.
Amerigo Vespucci
an Italian navigator who explored south american on several expeditions
Triple Entente
A friendly agreement signed by Britain with France and Russia in 1907
Triple Alliance
Otto van created this between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
Tripartite Pact
Signed between the Axis powers in 1940 (Italy, Germany and Japan) where they pledged to help the others in the event of an attack by the US
Treaty of Versailles
Brought an end to WWI and force Germany to pay war reperations
Treaty of Verdun
when Charlemagne's son Louis died in 843, a treaty that divided the holy roman empire among his 3 grandsons
Treaty of Tordesillas
A 1494 agreement between Portugal and Spain, declaring that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal.
Treaty of Shimonoseki
a treaty that ended the Sino-Japanese war and it required China hand of control of Taiwan to Japan
Treaty of Nanjing
Forcefully signed by China and granted Britain rights to expand trade with china
Treaty of Kanagawa
1854 treaty between Japan and the US. Japan agreed to open two ports to American ships
Treaty of Cordoba
Spain declared its 300 year rule on mexico has ended. Mexico gained independence
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Granted a large piece of western Russia to Germany
when a dictator tries to control every aspect of life
Tokugawa Shogunate
a strict and rigid government that rule Japan until 1868, established by Tokugawa leyasu. He claimed ownership of all lands between japan
Timur lang
a army general for the mongols. He and his warriors destroyed almost everything in sight and killed thousands
Time of Troubles
a period in Russia from 1604 through 1613 where Russia's feudal lords battled over who should take over the empire after Ivan IV's death
Tiananmen Square Massacre
Occurred in 1989 ,one million demonstrators gathered on Tiananmen Square, where the Chinese govt ordered troops to open fire on demonstrators, killing hundreds
Three-masted caravels
Ships that used large sails for easy maneuvering and could hold supplies for larger journeys
Thomas Paine
an English student of the Enlightenment turned American colonist, urged fellow colonists to support the revolution with his widely distributed pamphlet. Common Sense
Thomas Hobbes
an Enlightenment philosopher who wrote Leviathan, put forth his idea that people are inherently avaricious and prone to violent warfare