The romans were a military society almost from the moment they settled in italy because they
Were continually forced to defend their own conquests against invaders
What is the legend that explains the end of the roman monarchy and the founding of the republic?
The rape of Lucretia
The division between roman patricians and plebeians was
Between the wealthiest (2 percent) and the rest (98 percent) of the people
The twelve tables of law, approved in 450 BCE, represent
The codification of existing laws for all to see and obey
To limit the influence of wealth in roman politics, new laws were passed
Preventing senators from engaging in commerce
In the early roman republic, Rome was technically a democracy but
The roman constitution essentially ensured an oligarchic rule
According to the patria potestas provision of the twelve tables, a roman father
Had absolute power over his family, up to and including the power of life and death
During the second Punic war, the Carthaginian general Hannibal
Brought his entire army, including elephants, over the alps
After Rome had twice defeated Carthage, a third Punic war
Was provoked by war Hawks who thought Carthage must be destroyed
Changes in the roman law of marriage in the second century BCE meant that
Wives retained control of their fathers property, preserving their independence
The greatest roman stoic, Cicero, believed that
Virtue leads to happiness, and peace of mind is the highest goal
When Julius Caesar adopted Octavian as his heir
Octavian had to fight his rivals and kill his republican opponents
In the aftermath of the assassination of Julius Caesar, the second triumvirate took out its revenge on everyone opposed to them; one of the more prominent victims of the second triumvirate was
The Augustan system of government
Is known as the early empire or principate because Octavian ruled as first citizen
Those who ruled Rome from 96 to 180 CE were called the "five good emperors" because they
Were capable administrators who governed successfully
Pax Romana refers to the
Long period in which there were no major wars within the Roman Empire
Cultural and intellectual developments in Rome reached their pinnacle during the
Roman law consisted of three branches: civil law, natural law, and
The law of nations
According to chapter 6, it is probably best to assume that
Jesus was a historical figure about whose life we know a great deal
Jesus is the central figure in Christianity, but Paul was important
As founder of the universal church, giving it theology and organization
When Diocletian took power, he
Isolated himself from ordinary business and people and introduced an eastern style of rule, wearing a diadem and purple robes
Economic reforms introduced by the early fourth century Roman Empire included
Wage and price controls fixed by the government
Many Greek philosophies gained large numbers of roman adherents and shared several tenets, but the one that was instrumental in influencing Christian theology was
What point was in dispute between the Arians and Christian orthodoxy?
Whether Jesus was of the same being and substance as God the father
Augustine's confession is
A series of autobiographical essays directed toward God
The monastic way of life in the west was influenced greatly by the establishment of a set of rules written by
Describe the historical concept of Late Antiquity introduced in Chapter 6?
Late Antiquity is defined by the triumph of Christianity in the roman world, broad cultural assimilation, and the indulgence of "barbarian" culture
Why did Justinian's re-conquest of the western Roman Empire fail?
The costs associated with conquering and defending the vast western empire were too great
It is difficult to date the beginning of the Byzantine history with precision because
The Byzantine empire was the uninterrupted successor of the Roman Empire
Between 610 and 1071, the major security threats to the Byzantine empire came from
Persia, then the Muslim Arab armies that absorbed the Persian empire and streamed into North Africa
The stability of Byzantine government was the product of
An efficient bureaucracy
Although the inconoclastic controversy was eventually resolved, it's lasting effects included the
destruction of nearly all pre-eighth century religious art in the Byzantine empire
The Byzantine church of Hagia Sophia was influential in the history of architecture because it
Placed a massive dome on a building with a square shape
The word Islam means
The Hijarah (Heigira) refers to the Prophet Muhammad's move from
Mecca to Medina
The Shiite party arose among Muslims because
Of a dispute about the proper succession of caliphs in seventh-century Arabia
The Shiite claim to legitimacy rests on the direct connection to Muhammad through his daughter
Within Islam, social mobility was encouraged because of
The teachings of Muhammad, which stressed the equality of all Muslim men
The key figure in creating an alliance between the Carolingian family, the papacy, and Benedictine monasticism was
Saint Boniface
As a Christian king responsible for ruling a Christian society, Charlemagne
Took responsibility for reforming the religious life of his kingdom just as he reformed its government
Alcuin and his associates contributed significantly to literacy even until today by
Copying corrected versions of biblical texts and inventing Carolingian minuscule script in the process
What was a significant event in creating Byzantine hostility toward the Latin Christian world?
The coronation of Charlemagne as roman emperor on Christmas Day, 800
The Vikings settled the area in Europe known today as
The overall unity of the Muslim world disintegrated during the tenth and eleventh centuries because of
The fractured political unity of the Islamic world exacerbated dissent and tension within Islam itself