Boston Massacre
5 colonist die and 6 are wounded due to a great folly from the redcoats. Redcoats open fire on protesting crowd after being intimidated with throwing rock and misinterpereting hearing a gun shot as a sign of aggression.
Boston Tea Party
England sells America excess tea but taxes it. The American's refuse to accept the tea and send it back to England. However, The Royal Governor, Thomas Hutchinson, orders tea not to be sent back and undocked. The Son's of liberty dumps 340 chest of tea into the harbor at night which attacks causes England great monetary loses.
French and Indian War
1754-1763 a nine year ware between the British and French over American land. Four consequences resulted 1. George Washington emerged as a commander in the Army, 2. The Treaty of Paris 1763 ends the war 3. British receive Canada and the land between Mississippi and the Atlantic 4. America incurs huge war debt that England pays for.
Gaspee Incident
British ship beaches of of Rhode Island and Americans shoot the Cpt for not deserting ship after being threatened and burns ship to the ground.
Great Awakening
English Methodist preacher teaches colonist that anyone can have a relationship with God and you choose your own destiny.
Salem Witchcraft Trials
Purtitan trials in 1692 in Salem Massachusetts in which 20 are executed for being found guilty after bing accued of witchcraft.
Battle of Bunker Hill
Battle between British and Americans in which British attempt to clear Bunker Hill. Although British out number Americans, the USA demonstrates their supeior military tactics by shooting in consecutive firing ranks causing the British to take the hill after 3 assualts and 1000 causualities. USA loses only 200 casualities.
Mayflower Compact
Written agreement by the few, the elect, and agreed to by all.
Coercive Acts
Also known as Intolerable Act. Britian responds to unruely colonist, especially Boston, after Boston Tea Party with 5 actions. Britians will: 1 shut down the port of Boston, no ships will be allowed in or out. 2 Parliament will take control of Massachusets legislature 3 all town meetings are banned 4 Martial law is in effect 5 Red coats are moved into towns.
Declaratory Act
Parliament declares that they have the authority to pass laws for the colonies in ALL cases.
Quartering Act
Britians determine that colonist will pay for military barracks for the red coats.
Townsend Act
Britians create import tax on 5 items: 1. glass 2 lead3 paper 4 paint 5 tea. Parliament will resend all taxes except for tea after Engligh merchants complain of negative impact.
Currency Act
Britian forbids the issuing of paper money and all transctions must be in gold.
Navigation Act
A bond of laws that restricted the use of foreign shipping for trade between England (after 1707, Great Britain) and its colonies.
Stamp Act
Britian taxes all paper docuents. This will affect everyone in the colonies. In response the Sons of Liberty will intimidate tax collectors, Americans will boycott British goods
Sugar Act
Britian creates import tax on molasses which will affect the profits from processing rum.
First Continental Congress
Met in Philadelphia and every colonist will send a representative. Two plans are proposed the Suffolk Plan (radical) and the Tory plan (conservative). A compromise is reached called the Suffolk Resolve in which the colonist will ignore the Coercive Act, but not form militias
Secon Continental Congress
George Washington is appointed commander in chief and the Tories will send the Olive Branch Petition; a plea to King George 3rd to intervene.
Treaty of Paris 1783
England recognizes America's Independence, British remove Troops from America, America will pay back Tories for loses during the war, and a boundary agreement is concieved.
Treat of Paris 1763
Treaty resulting from the French and Indian War that allocted Canada to the British
House of Burgesses
The first legislative Assembly in the new country in which colonist will create own laws and taxes.
Olive Branch Petition
Plea, created during the 2nd Cntinental Congress, to King George the 3rd to intervene
Suffolk Resolves
Compromise created from the 1st Continental Congress between the Suffolk Plan (radical) and the Tory Plan (sympathizers)
Proclamation line of 1763
Parliament creates law for America to leave the Appilachian Mountains post French and Indian war due to Indians becoming aggitated. American will not comply.
Bacon's Rebellion
Rebellion in 1676 led by Nathaniel Bacon against Virginia's Governor Sir William Burkley, England's representative, in protest against Sir William not approving of Bacon killing Indians p.59
Battle of Saratoga
Battle in which USA proves to the French we can hold our own as a result the French will alliance with USA and pledge support.
Battle of Trenton
George Washington's first victory as a commander in chief. George Washington defeats the Hessians.
Battle of Yorktown
The last battle of the American Revolution in which Washington and the French trap Cornwallis' army in Yorktown. 7000 red coats surrender as a result.