Who was David Wilmot and what did he suggest?
Congress man from pensylvania proposed Wilnot Provision- Proposal for new lands gained from mexican American War.
Millard Fillmore and Winfield Scott did what leading up to Election of 1852?
2.Millard Fillmore was the sitting US president. Fillmore was felt to be a weak candiate- Whigs chose Winifield Scott
James Gadsden and Matthew C. Perry did what?
3.American Ambassador to Mexico- he negiotated the Gasden Purchase for 10 million
Who was unpopular and his own party boasted "anyone but him"?
4.Franklin Pierce
Who and why threaten to succeed before Election of 1860?
5.Southerns threated sucession- they promised to leave the union and accused republicans of being Abolutionists
Who was the first state to leave union in 1860?
6.South Carolina
Who "robbed the cradle and the grave" as they drafted men from the ages of 17 to 50?
7.Southern Militery Draft
What role did women play during the war in Washington D.C.?
8.They were hired as clerk and some desguized them self as men to serve in the military
Why is Abraham Lincoln considered a War President?
9.would repeatedly hire and fire his generals, he was impatient and wanted immediate results
How many died in Civil War and how much did it cost?
10. 620,000 died and $15 billion dollars
Who wrote The Impending Crisis of the South and what was it about?
11.Hinton R. Helper- book to try to prove , usuing statistics that non slave holding southerns
Who was the first ever candidate nominated by the Republican Party?
12. John C. Fremont
Which senator led the way for the passage of the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act?
13.Stephen A. Douglas
Who was the originator of the term "popular sovereignty"?
14.General Jachary Tayloer
Who got beat and by whom in the head with his cane until it broke?
15.Charles Sumner
What happened in the Election of 1848?
16.Polk wanted to serve one more term, then on 6/15/1849 he died of cholera. Democrats than chose Lewis Class
What did gold being discovered in California lead to?
17. over speculation of land for potential railroad lines, financial invrstments suffered, over growth of grain and flooded markets
Other than California wanting to enter as a "free" state, what were the other issues being debated?
18.texas new mexico act, utah act created utah territory,fugative slave law of 1850,washington dc bannened slave trade
Who was sent by Lincoln to persuade Britain to not aid the Confederacy with ships, weapons or crew?
19. Charles Francis Adams
Thinking it would be a long war, who proposed the Anaconda Plan to defeat the South.?
20. Winifield Scott
Which U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice made the ruling in the Dred Scott Decision?
21.Chief Justice Roger Taney
Who did Southern Democrats nominate in the Election of 1860?
22.John c. Breckinridge
In December, 1860, who proposed a compromise that banned slavery north of 36'30 line?
23. James Henry Crittenden
Who were in the Great Political Triumvirate?
24.Henry Clay from Kentucky; John C. Calhoun from South carolina; Daniel Webster from massachusetts
What were the compromises in the Compromise of 1850?
25.california was added as a free state; texas-new mexico act created New Mexico Territory; Utah act created Utah Territory; a new fugative slave law; Washington DC banned slave trade
What were the various parts of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850?
26.Fleeing slaves couldnt restify on their own behalf; the federal commissioner who caught each slave, got a $5 bonus if the slave was eventually sent free and $10 if they go ack to the south; People were ordered to help catch slaves- could go to jail if refused
Who was considered to be the classic "dark-horse" candidate in the Election of 1852?
27.Franklin Pierce
What were the results or result of Commodore Matthew C. Perry sailing into the harbor of Tokyo, Japan?
28. Treaty of Kanagawa - opened japan to the rest of the world. would start moderinization,imperialism, and militarism
What were the parts of the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act?
29. opened slavery north of the 36' degrees 30' line
What happened in the Kansas Territory before the civil war?
30. Bleeding Kansas
Who was Charles Sumner and what did he do?
31. Democrat from massachusetts, he gave the "crime against kansas" speech- criticized the southern slavery push in the territory
Which African-American represented Mississippi after Civil War?
32.Hiram Revels and Blanche K. Bruce
Who was Radical Republican Leader in the House wanted to punish the South and change their economy?
33.Thaddeus Stevens
Who established American Red Cross in 1881?
34.Clara Barton
Who was against the 15th Amendment and why?
35.Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony; the amendment inserted the word "male" into the US Constitutional
Who said "Now he belongs to the ages" after the death of Abraham Lincoln?
36.Edwin M. Stanton
What happened leading up to the Election of 1856?
37.Pierce was extremely unpopular president due to; 1854 kansas- nebraska act; repealing missouri compromise; Ostend Manifesto
What were the parts of Chief Justice Roger Taney's ruling in the Dred Scott Decision?
38.no slave could be a US citizen; slavery could not be outlawed- not even by legislature of congress, claimed it violated the 5th amendment, protects a persons property from being taken without due process of the law
What were the result or results of The Great Debate?
39. southern democrats turned to douglas, Lincoln lost the senate election to Douglas, Southerns decided they would never support Lincoln
What did John Brown's attack on Harper's Ferry, Virginia on October 16th, 1859 lead to?
40.he was captured, convicted of treason and hanged on dec 2nd 1859
What were the candidates, their parties, and what happened in Election of 1860, even with Democratic party splitting?
41.Northern Democrats nominated Stephen A. Douglas; Southern Democrats nominated John C. Breckinridge; the Constitutional Union nominated John Bell of Tennessee
What were the seven states that left the Union after the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860?
42.South Carolina, Mississippi, Flordia, Alabama, Georgia, Lousiana and Texas
Confederate States chose whom to be their president and where the capital was located?
43.Jefferson Davis was president and Montgomery Alabama was where the capitol was located
What was it that the South was thinking that justified their decision to leave the Union?
44. Lincoln was elected president and the south did not support him
What did Abraham Lincoln do following the firing on Fort Sumter by the Confederates in 1861?
45. Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers for a naval blockade of the south
What were the crucial Border States?
46.Missouri,Kentucky,Maryland,Delaware, and the future state of West Virginia
At the beginning of the Civil War, what were the advantages that the South had?
47. stratgey- fighting a defensive war
As the Civil War progressed, what were the many advantages that the North would have?
48.population (22 million people) economy (thrived during the war) Factories and Manufactoring plants were almost all in northern states
In what ways was King Cotton dethroned?
49. India and Egypt increased their cotton production
How did Lincoln set a precedent by expanding the Executive Powers and establishing this precedent?
50.- He made decisions that were not clearly defined in the U.S. Constitution. - He proclaimed a Blockade of Southern Ports - He increased the size of the Federal Army He suspended habeas Corpus, He ordered Federal troops to oversee voting in Border States
In what ways did the North go about increasing the size of its army?
51. Congress passed the first conscription law ever, better known as the military draft
What were the economic impacts, North and South, because of the Civil War?
52. The south's inflation soared in the Confederacy, it went up to 9,000%, as opposed to 80% in the North
When the South's weak transportation system collapsed, it specifically led to what?
53.Supplies of everything became very scarce
What were the various parts the "Anaconda Plan"?
54.- (1) Suffocate the South through the Naval Blockade - (2) Free the slaves to undermine the South's very economic foundations - (3) Cut the Confederacy in half by seizing control of the Mississippi River - (4) Chop the Confederacy to pieces by marching through Georgia and the Carolinas - (5) Capture its capital, Richmond, Virginia - (6) Try everywhere to engage the South's Armies and grind them to submission - Winfield Scott was too old to lead troops into battle - He would resign in November, 1861
Which generals did Abraham Lincoln fire?
55. General Hooker, General Mcclellan
Which Civil War battle proved to the North that this would not be a short, easy war?
56.The Battle of Bull Run
Which generals participated in the Peninsula Campaign and the Seven Days' Battle?
57. General McClellan
How did the Seven Days' Battle change Abraham Lincoln?
58. he felt the south must suffer consequences for the bloody war- began drafting the emanicipation proclamation
What events took placed during the War at Sea between the North and the South?
59.The union blockade was weak at first but became more effective as the war progressed
After the Second Battle of Bull Run, why did Confederate General Robert E. Lee decide to invade the North?
60. hoped to get the border states to join the south; trying to get foreign help for the south
Which Civil War Battle was the bloodiest day in American History?
61. The Battle of Antietam
What announcement did Abraham Lincoln make that said slavery would be brought to an end in the Seceding States?
62.Emancipation Proclamation
What were the important results of the Emancipation Proclamation?
63.Gave moral purpose to the war, was to free the slaves, Restoring the union was still a goal, discouraged international help for the south
What were some of the facts regarding African American soldiers during the Civil War?
64.186,000 enlisted african american soldiers, served in 63 seperate units, engaged in every battle from 1864 except shermans walk to the sea, African Americans accounted for 10% of the Union Army
What was the battle or battles fought in the Civil War that are considered Robert E. Lee's "perfect battle"?
65. Battle of Chancellorsville
What caused Robert E. Lee to say "I've lost my right arm"?
66. The death of Stonewall Jackson
What events took place at the Battle of Gettysburg and why was it so important?
67. fought for three bloody days, after 2 days it was a draw
Which Union General had success in the battles of Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Shiloh and Chattanooga?
68.Ulysses S. Grant
During his "March to the Sea", what were Sherman's methods of "total war"?
69. cutting up the railroad tracks, Burning fields and crops, destroying everything in sight
What happened in the Election of 1864?
70.non radical republicans joined with war democrats to form the union party, Lincoln won the election with 212 electoral votes
Order Question: Battle/Gettysburg(1863), Surrender/Appomattox Courthouse(1865), Sherman's "March to the Sea"(1864), Battle/Antietam(1862)
71. Battle/Antietam,Battle/Gettysburg,March to the Sea, Surrender/Appomattox courthouse
Who said "where Lee goes, I will go also" and why did he say it?
72. Ulysses S. Grant- had to send thousands of men to engage the enemy in battle in order to wear them down
How did President Abraham Lincoln respond to the criticisms of "the butcher" and "blood and guts"?
73. Refused to fire him
What happened at Ford's Theater on April 14th, 1865?
74. Lincoln was shot in the head by John Wilks Booth
In what ways was the Civil War America's supreme test of its existence?
75. one million americans died during the civil war
What were the various parts of Lincoln's "Ten Percent Plan"?
76.-each state had to only have 10% of its voters pledge & take an oath to the union-each state had to aknowledge the emanicipation of the slaves- like the prodigal son, Lincolns plan was to forgive the south
What is a "Pocket-Veto" and how did Lincoln use it?
77. do nothing and ignore the bill untill it expires; he used this on the 1864 Wade-Davis Bill
What did the following Amendments State: 13th, 14th and 15th?
78.13- prohibited slavery 14- citizenship to all african-americans 15- right for male
What is a Carpetbagger, Scalawag and a Copperhead?
79.carpetbagger-sold everything they own and would have a carpetbag full of money Scalawag- southerners accused of plundering southern treasuries Copperhead- peace democrat
In what year was the KKK founded, in what state and what does the KKK stand for?
80. founded in 1866 stands for Ku Klux Klan