During Mongol rule of Russia
Women's status declined
An influence that spread from the byzantine empire to early russia
Orthodox christianity
Which of the following is associated with Ivan the Terrible
Extreme absolute rule
Which of the following cities became the capital of Russia under the czars
The mongols played a significant role in russian history by
Isolating russia from western europe during the early e Renaissance
Which of the following is true of the byzantine economy
It was properous
Which empire introduced the cyrillic alphabet to russia
A dispute over these divided the chruch in the byzantine empire and in western europe
Of all Justinian's works he is best remembered for
His code of laws
Early russia was most strongly influenced by which of the following cultures
Golden Horde
Ruled Russia for 240 years
Constantinople acted as this between Christian and Muslim world
Ruler with supreme authority
Genghis khan
United the Mongols and Built an empire that surpassed Alexander
Hagia sophia
Rebuilt by Justinian a church called holy wisdom
The byzantine empire preserved the cultural heritage of
Greece and rome
Which of the following groups conquered the byzantine empire
Ottoman turks
Unlike roman catholic byzantine clergy could
Greek fire is a
Weapon used by byzantines
Leader of the Greek orthodox church
Permanent split between Roman Catholic Church and the Greek orthodox church in 1054 AD
Eurasian grassland
A Russian noble
Byzantine artform used in the churches to tell bible stories