the land controlled by a ruler or lord
Royal Charter
a written grant of rights and privileges by a ruler or government to a town, class of people, or organization
An organization of people in the same craft or trade. Each craft had their own guild from Cloth makers to cobblers(shoe makers).
An Apprentice
A young person, usually 12, who works for an expert in a trade or craft in return for training. The master agrees to feed, house and train them in exchange for their work.
A person who has learned a particular trade or craft but has not become an employer, or master
the buying and selling of goods
a skin and nerve disease that causes open sores on the body and can lead to serious complications and death
Bubonic Plague
a deadly contagious disease caused by bacteria and spread by fleas
Common law
A series of rulings made by judges that become part of a country's legal system.
a singer or musician who sang or recited poems to music played on a harp or other instrument
Mystery play
a type of religious drama in the Middle Ages based on the stories from the bible
Miracle play
a type of religious drama in the Middle Ages based on stories about saints
The excess production of crops sold to towns allowed people to move to towns and cities and no longer work on the land.