Assyrian Empire
king of this empire developed the first libraries
Assyrians were known for their mural pictures that depicted this type of scene
modern day England and parts of Africa
Phoenicians were thought to have sailed as far as these two places in their advanced ships
"carriers of civilization"
nickname given to the Phoenicians because of their innovations
importance of tribe vs family
as the Hebrews developed agricultural innovations, this aspect of societal life dramatically changed
the Babylonians took over this formidable empire after this empire's fall
another name for the Chaldean Empire
embrace it as their own
as the Libyans took over Egypt, they decided to do this with Egyptian culture
Egypt and Hittites
the fall of these (2) great empires had major effects on smaller kingdoms like that of the Phoenicians and Hebrews
the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great over took this neighboring empire before going on to over take most of the Middle East
Christianity and Islam
these two world religions are rooted in Judaism
Hebrew religious text
Israel allowed other gods to be worshipped while Judah only worshipped Yahweh
the major difference between Judah and Israel after the death of Solomon was
becoming slave like to the Assyrians
Judah was able to survive Assyrian take over by doing this
the Hebrews will have no king other than the Lord
The Covenant between Yahweh and the Hebrews states
emperor who established the first libraries
Babylonian king known for the burning of Hebrew temples
Cyrus the Great
this Persian ruler was known as tolerant, who's heart was changed by God
this Persian preacher taught of the battle between good and evil
Darius I and Xerxes
these two successors of Cyrus the Great continued the expansion of the Persian Empire making it the largest to ever be ruled by one ruler
this great Assyrian city is still in remarkably good shape
Persia is this modern day country
a highway
the plateau in central Persia served this purpose
Satrapies and Satraps
Persian states and rulers were known as this
this Hebrew state was taken over by the Assyrians
1100 BCE
The Iron Age began about?
It made stronger weapons and tools
Why did the use of iron replace the use of bronze in the ancient world?
Which kingdom emerged in Africa as a result of Egypt's decline?
The Assyrian invasion of Egypt
Why did Kushite rulers move their capital to Meroë in the seventh century B.C.E.?
Modern Lebanon
Where was the Phoenicians homeland located in the ancient world?
Which area was among those colonized by the Phoenicians?
The Phoenician system of writing was phonetic
Which of the following describes the Phoenician system of writing?
The spread of phonetic writing
What was the Phoenicians' most important cultural achievement?
It simplified writing and reading
Which statement identifies an advantage of the Phoenician phonetic alphabet?
The all-powerful god worshipped by the Hebrews
What is Yahweh?
The Hebrew Bible
Most of the information we have about the Hebrews comes from what source?
Where did the Hebrews settle at the end of the Exodus?
Their battles with the Philistines
Saul's establishment of the first Hebrew kingdom coincided with what period in their history?
Who was the first Hebrew king?
It contains the first five books of the Hebrew Bible
Which statement describes the Torah?
The covenant that the Hebrews believed they formed with Yahweh was first agreed to by
Yahweh would protect them
Under the covenant of the ancient Hebrews, what did they receive in return for worshipping Yahweh as their only god?
They believed that worship of Yahweh involved both rituals and ethical obligations
Which statement describes the ancient Hebrews' religious beliefs and practices?
The written word of God was the central focus of the religion
Which statement explains why priests were not as important to the Hebrew religion as they were to the religions of other ancient peoples?
Marriage was a fundamental part of Jewish life
Which of the following statements describes the Hebrews' view of marriage?
Sex was basically a good thing
Which of the following statements describes the Hebrew attitude toward sex?
They had considerable economic freedom
How were women in Hebrew society treated differently from women in other ancient societies of the region?
family trades
As in most ancient societies, urban crafts among the ancient Hebrews were
The preparation and consumption of food
The laws known as kashrut governed what aspect of Hebrew daily life?
Northern Mesopotamia
Where was the Assyrian homeland?
east and north of the Tigris River to central Egypt
At its height, the Assyrian Empire stretched from
To prevent revolts
Why did the Assyrians relocate some conquered peoples to new areas?
The application of technology to warfare
What made the Assyrian military machine particularly capable of conquering cities in the ancient world?
The Medes
The Assyrians fell in the seventh century B.C.E. to the combined forces of the Babylonians and what other group?
It had easy access to both regions
It had easy access to both regions
Based on the map, why was Assyria in a good position to conquer both Babylonia and Syria?
-carriers of civilization -provided foundations for the modern alphabet -outstanding sailors and sailed perhaps as far as Great Britain and western Africa
-believes individuals are accountable for their own behavior, regardless of their leaders -fundamental to an understanding of the Jewish religion is the concept of the Covenant -formulated by Hebrews
world view
-set down the rules that govern man's behavior -governs man's relationship with God -this moral code soon became laws for most civilizations
Ten Commandments
-Assyrian empire is heavily influenced by this -when the Assyrians conquer a city, the first thing they do is build a wall -with the invention of iron technology, it made weapons stronger
-reestablished Babylonian rule and created a large empire -chief god was the war god Marduk -originally did not believe in Hebrews' God but later in life accepted him as his God
-built the Persian Empire into the largest yet seen in the western world -known as the founder of the Persian Empire -built the most powerful ancient empire before Rome
Cyrus the Great
-organized his empire into administrative regions called Satrapies -conquered Scythia, along with much of Thrace and Macedonia -called himself "king of kings"
Darius I
-created by Darius I -each was ruled by a satrap -similar to states with a governor reporting to a president
-major religion of Persia -created by Zoroaster -Zoroaster had a dream he was taken to heaven and met two gods, one good and one bad. They told him to return back to Earth and tell everyone they can choose between right or wrong and they should live their lives but it would affect their after life
-ruled the western coast of Anatolia and many of the islands of the Aegean -created an efficient administrative system to govern the empire based in their newly built capital city of Persepolis -empires were into districts and appointed he king's relatives as administrators each called satraps
Persian Empire (physical)
-Ethical Hebrew texts were edited and brought together in the Torah -had an agreement that the people believed to exist between themselves and Yahweh -pleased Yahweh by living up to high moral standards and by worshipping him above all other gods
Hebrew Faith