Canine (n.)
any animal belonging to the dog family; (adj.) of or like a dog
Ossify (v.)
to change into bone; to harden like bone; to become rigid, hardhearted, or opposed to change
Meager (adj.)
noticeably inadequate; scanty; lean; thin
Ravage (v.)
to inflict terrible destruction; to ruin violently; (n.) the act of destroying; great damage
Influx (n.)
a flowing in, as of people or things
Defunct (adj.)
no longer in existence or functioning; dead
Perceive (v.)
to become aware of or to understand by means of the senses; to detect; to observe; to grasp the meaning of
Bourgeois (adj.)
of or like the middle class—often referring to a focus upon material things and respectability; (n.) a middle-class person; the middle class
Apex (n.)
the highest point of something; vertex; the culmination or point of climax
Obliterate (v.)
to blot or wipe out completely; to erase, leaving no trace