Which of the following can explain the change that has occurred when a racquetball player with tendinitis has altered his stroke to a tennis stroke to decrease the stress on the elbow? Altering the stroke would be a(n)
phase shift
Motor skill acquisition falls under which discipline?
motor learning
An individual's motivation to practice is an example of which type of constraint?
functional constraint
A person is considered obese when their:
BMI is 30 or greater
In Article 1, author Mark Fischman identifies that Motor Behavior comprises of which academic discipline(s)?
motor learning, motor development, & motor control
Identify the father of Motor Behavior?
Franklin Henry
A child first learning to swim may experience fear of water. This is what type of constraint?
In article 1, the author recognizes the need to structure appropriate practice experiences in order to promote optimal skill learning
According to the CDC's 2012 report, Louisiana was recognized as the State with the highest obesity rates
Using a smaller ball when practicing throwing with 10-year-olds is an example of manipulating what type of constraint?
BMI refers to:
A ratio of an adult's weight in relation to his or her muscle mass
The perspective or theory that development occurs as a function of nature assumes that maturation occurs as a result of genetic or internal factors. What is this perspective or theory called?
maturational perspective
The generation born between 1980 and the mid to late 90's is referred to as Generation Y
Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of motor learning?
can be observed directly
Researchers in which of the following fields examine the products and underlying processes of motor behavior changes across the life span?
motor development
Which of the following is not a constraint commonly discussed with regard to motor development theories and models?
A toddler who is afraid of being hurt by a thrown ball will likely close their eyes. In this case, fear is a common?
rate limiter
Which term refers to how growth begins with the head, with distal structures growing more slowly?
In which period did motor learning researchers focus on the processes underlying performance changes during the learning of new simple motor skills and the evaluation of such performances?
normative period
Which county in Tennessee has the highest obesity rates?
According to Gentile's multidimensional classification system, the most complex skill would be one whose
environmental context is in motion, involves high intertrial variability, and requires both body transport and object manipulation
Which of the following is an example of an externally paced motor skill?
baseball batting
Which of the following is the strongest example of a closed serial motor skill?
triple jump
Which of the following is an example of an invasion game?
Ultimate Frisbee
Genetically predetermined characteristics that affect movement performance are called
Tasks that require the ability to maintain body position against forces of gravity, which may include other circumstances that increase the difficulty of the task, are termed
stability tasks
Which of the following is an example of a fine motor skill?
Which of the following is an example of a secondary rule in lacrosse?
the different sticks used for men and women
Which type of skills involves interpreting and integrating sensory information to determine the best movement outcome?
perceptual skills
For which type of games is the scoring based on the number of runs?
fielding games
For which type of games are individuals challenged to compete against their competitors and themselves?
personal performance games
Gross motor skills are classified according to which of the following?
movement precision
Continuous motor skills are classified according to which of the following?
nature of the skill
Building a base of fundamental motor skills will likely enable an individual to perform a wide array of similar activities.
There are no skills that are entirely closed.
The rules that characterize the play of the game and how the game is won are the secondary rules
Movement skills, and movement concepts can transfer from one game to another.
Locomotor skills cannot be developed separately from ______________ skills.
Which of the following would have high intertrial variability?
When teaching motor skills to a beginner, the teaching practitioner, physical therapist, occupational therapist, and sport coach should include which of the following?
All options apply
All learners reach the autonomous stage.
According to Bernstein, as performers become more comfortable with performing a skill the number of degrees of freedom decreases
When learning a new motor skill, individuals progress through a series of stages, regardless of the motor skill or the individual's age.
Gentile's stages of learning model recommends which instructional strategy for closed skills during the fixation and diversification stage?
In which of Fitts and Posner's learning stages does the learner begin to develop error correction strategies?
associative stage
In the early stages of skill acquisition, a learner
freezes the degrees of freedom
Factors unrelated to the movement task that can distract learners from important relevant cues, preventing skillful performance, are termed
nonregulatory conditions
The largest gains in learning occur during which stage?
In which of Fitts and Posner's learning stages is the practitioner's main role to motivate the learner
autonomous stage
If the motor skill is an open skill, the practitioner will advance to a diversification strategy after, and only after, the learner is proficient at performing the motor skill consistently by using the fixation strategy.
If an individual has incurred an injury or must make some adaptation due to declines resulting from aging, he has entered which stage in the mountain of motor development?
compensation period
The final learning stage in Gentile's model for a closed skill is
At what age do children begin to refine fundamental motor patterns to movements specific for sports?
7 years
During which of Fitts and Posner's learning stages is attention reallocated to strategic decision making?
autonomous stage
The reflexive period occurs following birth and continues for approximately two months.
exploitation of the environment
Which of the following could cause an individual to enter the compensation period?
an injury and aging
Which of Fitts and Posner's learning stages is also termed the motor stage where movements are refined?
associative stage
Humans are born with "preadapted" motor behaviors, which are either reinforced or modified by constraints in the environment.
During which of Fitts and Posner's learning stages is it most appropriate to use demonstrations, modeling, and verbal instructions?
cognitive stage
Novices require focused attention on the overall mechanics of the movement.
Identify the subjective measurement applied to effort during performance
benefit the most from transfer.
Which type of performance curve illustrates rapid initial improvements followed by a gradual reduction in the rate of improvement?
negatively accelerating curve
Movement pattern bias would least likely occur between which sports?
Tennis and soccer
Which of the following is NOT a criterion of automaticity?
The movement can be altered.
Consistent performance always implies learning.
Transfer is generally small and positive
Which type of test is a measurement of adaptability?
transfer test
Which retention measure informs the learner as to how much was lost relative to the change in the original learning?
percentage score
The positively accelerating curve is the most common type of performance curve.
What is the capability to make movement adjustments to fit the changing demands of the task and environmental conditions?
The transfer-appropriate-processing theory accounts for why positive transfer occurs by stating that positive transfer is due to the similarity of the
Cognitive processes required by two motor skills.
According to the identical elements theory, which two motor skills would have the greatest amount of transfer?
racquetball and tennis
Which of the following measures of retention do not compare performance on the retention test to prior performance levels?
absolute retention
What is a test that is given following a break from practice?
retention test
Transfer-appropriate processing theory asserts that movement strategies and concepts can transfer, while identical elements theory asserts that fundamental movement patterns transfer from one motor skill to another.
Which performance curve indicates that there is a direct relationship between the performance measure and time?
linear curve
In a study comparing energy cost of novice and experienced scuba divers, beginning divers used ________ oxygen compared to experienced divers when performing the same length of dive
If a previous experience produces no effect on performance, then which type of transfer has occurred?
Zero transfer
As an individual becomes a more proficient walker, oppositional arm swing becomes apparent.
A runner who as at the mature stage demonstrates
complete extension of the support leg
Reflex behaviors are broken down into primitive reflexes, postural reactions, and locomotor reflexes
With respect to the overarm throw for distance and accuracy,
more girls than boys remain unskilled into their middle school years
The learner with a solid base of fundamental movement skills
is likely to enjoy organized athletic pursuits
A kicker at the initial stage
pushes the ball with the foot
The walking gait cycle is made up of the support phase and swing phase
Fundamental movement skills are locomotor (e.g., walking, running, jumping, and hopping), manipulative (e.g., throwing, catching, striking, kicking), and stability-related (e.g., twisting, bending, turning) movements that form a base for more complex activities such as gymnastics, dance, and sports.
Object control skills (e.g., throwing, catching, kicking) generally involve a combination of at least two movements.
Across all societal groups, people have become more sedentary over the past two decades, with an increase in obesity and a host of health risks that accompany obesity
A student throwing a baseball for distance and accuracy should
demonstrate clear rotation through the hips and spine
As people move into older adulthood, they are predominantly
adapting their movements due to changes in their organismic constraints
Fundamental movement skills can be divided into the following three general groupings:
stability skills, locomotor skills, manipulative skills
Practitioners should use which of the following tiers to classify the level of development for a given fundamental motor skill
Initial, elementary, mature
Gabbard has referred to fundamental movement skills as the "movement foundation" because of their importance in
complex skill combinations used in sporting activities
As individuals move into early childhood, the primary goal with respect to movement is
the emergence of movement skill
Persistence of a reflex can indicate neurological problems
Spontaneous movements
are also referred to as rhythmical stereotypies
Locomotor reflexes comprise of the following reflexes: Crawling, stepping, and swimming
A synonym for "qualitative" is:
The two types of photoreceptors are called rods and cones.
Visual acuity of 20/40 means that
I see at 40 feet what most people see at 20 feet
Which of the following changes the least during the growth years relative to other body segments?
The interaction of genetic and environmental constraints is complex. Which of the following is the most correct statement?
Training in athletics has a huge impact on performance, but genetic endowment might restrict ultimate levels of performance.
Growth in number of muscle fibers is referred to as
Figure-ground perception is fully developed at age 5 years.
The ability to see in three dimensions is called
depth perception
Which of the following provides information about body position?
After growth has ceased, why is the height of women less than the height of men?
On average, women grow for two years less than men.
From birth to age 20, heart rates
Twins who have identical genotypes are called dizygotic.
Which of the hormones is primarily responsible for the adolescent growth spurt?
Which growth curve of stature best describes height at different ages?
distance curve
Which growth curve of stature best describes rates of change in height?
velocity curve
Object permanence refers to the existence of an object even if it cannot be seen.
Body stature and weight are examples of what type of constraint?
structural constraint