anger (ira)
anger (ira)
the feeling that you want to shout at someone or hurt them because they have done something bad.
apology (disculpa)
apology (disculpa)
something that you say or write to say sorry for something bad you have done.
coach (entrenador)
coach (entrenador)
someone who gives lessons, especially in a sport.
complaint (queja)
complaint (queja)
a statement that someone makes to say something is wrong or not good enough.
compliment (cumplido)
compliment (cumplido)
something good that you say about someone, showing that you admire them.
criticism (crítica)
criticism (crítica)
remarks about the faults of someone or something.
guy (tipo)
guy (tipo)
a man.
houseguest (huésped (invitado)
houseguest (huésped (invitado)
a person who stays at someone else's house for one or more nights.
good/bad intentions
(buenas /malas intenciones)
lie (mentira)
lie (mentira)
something that you say or write that you know is not true.
regret (lamentar)
regret (lamentar)
to feel sorry about a situation, especially something that you wish you had not done.
ride (paseo)
ride (paseo)
to travel by sitting on a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle and controlling it.
sympathy (simpatía)
sympathy (simpatía)
the feeling of understanding and caring about someone's problems.
workshop (taller)
workshop (taller)
a room or building in which goods are manufactured or repaired.
average (promedio)
an amount calculated by adding some amounts together and then dividing by the number of amounts.
due (debido)
expected or planned.
greasy (grasiento)
greasy (grasiento)
containing or covered with fat or oil.
babysit (cuidar a los niños)
babysit (cuidar a los niños)
o look after children while their parents are not at home.
express (expresar)
express (expresar)
to show what you think or how you feel using words or actions.
have the flu (tener gripe)
have the flu (tener gripe)
Infectious disease, acute and contagious, caused by a virus, which attacks the airways and produces fever, headache and a general feeling of malaise.
hide (ocultar)
hide (ocultar)
to put something in a place where no one can see it.
reorganize (reorganizar)
reorganize (reorganizar)
to organize differently; to put in a different order.
sail (vela)
sail (vela)
to control or travel in a boat or a ship that has an engine or sails.
out of town (fuera de la ciudad)
in a place outside the main part of a town.