____________ refers to the culturally and socially constructed differences between females and males found in the meanings. beliefs and practices associated with "femininity" and "Masculinity"
Based on the map and discussion in the text, in which continent do women have the lowest social standing?
Structural-functioning analysis points out industrialization encourages
growing gender equality
In his global study of how societies view gender, George Murdock found
many taks that were considered masculine by some societies were viewed as feminine by others.
Men and women
Differ physically in some limited ways
Comparing the performances of female and male athletes over time shows
Women have been closing the gap with men in most athletic performances
In which job categories are the workers mostly women?
elementary school teachers
In the United States in 2011, women in the labor force working full time earned _________ to every dollar men earned.
77 cents
Looking back over U.S history, we see a general trend by which women.
Have gained opportunities and power
Which type of feminism accepts the basic organization of U.S. society, but seeks to give women the same rights and opportunities as men?
liberal feminism
Which concept refers to attitudes and activities that a society links to people of each sex?
gender roles
On average, young men show greater _________ ability than young women; young women show greater ______ ability than young men.
Mathematical; verbal
Which factor has helped increase the share of women in the paid labor force over the course of the last century?
a rising divorce rate
Margaret Mead's research on gender in three societies in New Guinea illustrates that
traits that are defined as feminine in one society may be masculine in another.
what is at the heart of the controversy over women's participation in the military?
Women are sen as nurturers rather than people who kill
In what percentage of rapes and attempted rapes on college campuses does the woman know her attacker?
85-90 percent
At every class level
women have less income, wealth, education, and power than men do.
Today, women represent _______ of all students on college campuses across the United States.
57 percent
Sexual harassment became an issue in the United States in
the 1990's
on average, do women or men live longer?
on average, women outlive men by about five years
Approximately what percentage of U.S. women are working for income today?
60 percent
Talcott Parsons explained that males tend to exhibit _________ behavior, while females are more ________.
Instrumental, expressive
The "beauty myth" refers to the idea that
women learn to measure their personal importance in terms of physical appearance
A main idea of multicultural feminism is that
while all women face disadvantages, the life experiences of women differ according to their race, ethnicity, and class position.
Most cases of female genital mutilation occur in
When it comes to gender and schooling
Boys are more likely than girls to diagnosed with a learning disability
The chapter argues that gender is not just a matter of difference in behavior, but also of difference in
Power, wealth, and privileges
The concept of gender refers to
the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male
Looking back over U.S. history, we see a general trend by which women
have gained opportunities and power
_________ refers to social organization in which males dominate females
In the United States in 2011, women in the labor force working full time earned ___________ to every dollar men earned
77 cents
According to Janet Lever's observations of children at play
Boys favor games with clear winners and losers
Which type of feminism seeks to patriarchy by eliminating the idea of gender itself?
Radical feminism
The concept of "comparable worth" means that
people should be paid according to the level of skill and responsibility involved in the work.
Women have served in the U. S. armed forces
since the colonial times.
Today, women represent _________ of all student on college campuses across the United States
57 percent
When did feminism begin as a social movement in the United States?
in the 1840's
In what percentage of rapes and attempted rapes on college campuses does the women know her attacker
85-90 percent
In his global study of how societies view gender, George Murdock found
many tasks that were considered masculine by some societies were viewed as feminine by others.
The concept of "glass ceilings" refers to
the barrier that prevents women from reaching the top
On average, young men show greater ______ ability tan young women; young women show greater ______ ability than young men.
mathematical; verbal
Talcott Parsons explained that males tend to exhibit ______ behavior, while females are more _______.
instrumental; expressive
Which type of feminism links the social disadvantages of women to the capitalist economic system?
socialist feminism
What is at the heart of the controversy over women's participation in the military?
women are seen as nurtures rather than people who kill.