Kinesiology is the subdiscipline of physical education that focuses on
humans in sport moving efficiently and effectively
During world war 1 the selective service examination demonstrated that
one third of men were unfit
A former softball player learning to play golf finds it difficult to not swing the club like a softball bat. this player is experiencing
negative transfer
What is the correct sequence of steps in the information-processing model of motor acquisition and performance?
input, decision making, output, and feedback
According to newtons third law, the lighter the object,
the less force needed to speed it up
Body force is produced by the action of the
muscular system
All of the following are benefits of a more efficient level of cardiorespiratory function except:
low density lipids are increased and high density lipids are decreased
Opportunities for participation by girls and women in sport have grown since the passage of
title IX
Feedback for error correction that focuses on the whether or not the goal of the movement was achieved is called
knowledge of results
In the autonomous stage of learning, it is suggested that the teacher focus on
refining the response, focusing on consistency for closed skills and flexibility for open skills
Which of the following might be studied by biomechanists?
All of the above (the design of a shoe to reduce incidences of foot sores for diabetics, forces exerted don the spine during lifting, optimal form during the javelin throw)
In the 1970s the focus of health care shifted from the treatment and cure of disease to
health promotion and disease prevention
A teacher awards tshirts to students in a walking club who completed their goal of walking 50 miles during the semester. this is an example of a/an:
tangible reinforcement
Exercise physiology is the study of the body's responses and its adaptations to the stress of
What does the karvonen equation (heart rate-her) account for that other methods do not when calculating target heart rate?
individual's resting heart rate
Physical education programs in the early modern Germany focused on all of the following EXCEPT:
emphasized correction of posture and promotion of health
Which of the following is NOT an example of an open skill?
driving a golf ball of a tee
To have motion...
the equilibrium of the body must be upset
Which of the following is NOT a way that energy is expended?
All of the above are ways that energy is expended (basal metabolism, work, and excretion)
In a second class lever ...
the weight is between the fulcrum and the force
The yoga students stretch, bend, and twist during a stationary pose. they are exhibiting a ___ fundamental movement.
In ancient rome, individuals ______.
enjoyed watching professionals competing in gladiatorial sports
Which FITT formula below meets the recommendations for the development of cardiorespiratory endurance?
3-5 days, 55-90%, 20-60 mins
Which fitness component is not considered the be health related?
Which of the following nutrients do NOT provide energy required for muscular work?
Acceleration is a term for time rate of change in which of the following quantities?
All of the following are locomotor skills except:
All of the following are examples of hypo kinetic diseases except
Which energy system provides energy for tasks that demand a high rate of energy expenditure for a short period of time?
Motor development focuses on the study of the ___
origins of and changes in movement behavior throughout the lifespan
All of the following are manipulative skills except
To increase strength, it is recommended that you use a ___
low number of repetitions and a high level of resistance.
Which is an example of internal motivation?
participation in an employee fitness program because of the desire to improve one's health
Which stretching technique is not recommended by experts?
ballistic stretching
T/F: readiness is concerned with the initiation, maintenance, and intensity of behavior.
T/F: one product of anaerobic energy production is lactic acid, which accumulates in the muscles and contributes to soreness.
T/F: american sports began to achieve popularity during the colonial period.
T/F: physiological readiness refers to the learners state of mind.
T/F: cardiorespiratory fitness gains disappear more rapidly than strength fitness gains.
T/F: in ancient greece, physical education promoted the ideals of arete and a sound mind in sound body
T/F: highly complex motor skills should be taught as a whole so the intricacies of timing can be mastered.
T/F: the concept of stability, or balance, is related to the equilibrium
T/F: hypokinetic diseases are caused by too much physical activity.
T/F: velocity refers to the speed and direction of a body and involves the change of position of a body per unity of time.
T/F: there has been a shift in emphasis from performance to health, and
T/F: friction pays almost no role in generation of traction.
T/F: the paralympics is an international...
T/F: in catching a ball, to aid in the absorption of the force, the individual's arms and hands should not give with the catch.
T/F: a negative energy balance exists when more calories are consumed than expended
T/F: quantitive analysis relies on visual evaluation of the performer's movement.
T/F: work refers to the force that is applied...
T/F: body mass index is calculated by dividing the persons weight by kilograms.
T/F: metabolism is sum of all body's chemical reactions
T/F: a batter who wants to produce greater force will hold at the very end of the bat.
T/F: muscular strength refers to capacity of muscle.
Exercise for health and military purpose
Anatomy and physiology and science
Period of nationalism and physical education in school
Golden age
organized games
Great Britain
liftetime sports, fitness, research
mid20th century period
cutback in pe
physical activity living and survival
colonial period
conditioning programs for armed forces
world war 1
education through the physical. vs. education of the physical.
golden twenties
amount of work accomplished in one unit of time
capacity of a body to perform work
study of forces that act on a system, gravity and muscles
any action that changes or tends to change the motion of an object.
study of space and time
ability to execute movements smoothly and efficiently.
ability to maintain equilibrium with stationary or moving.
____ are statements of purposes, intents, and aims that reflect desired accomplishments.
the belief that reality and life are governed by the laws of nature and that the individual's is more important than society
___ is the branch of philosophy concerned with examining the nature of knowledge.
compared with physically active individuals, sedentary ind...
twice the risk for coronary hearth disease.
T/F: according to NATA's., a pe person should demonstrate competency
T/F: taxonomies serve as a guide for professionals in planning
what doesn't influence physical activity?
evaluating an athletes gait is in what subdicipline?
studying the effects of grown and maturation on skill acquisition is an example of whch area of study?
motor development
what is a computerized record keeping programs is used in many schools in the US to gove info about the student's fitness by measuring health related components of fitness?
what is the systematic and reflective study of the truth, meanings, and action of sport?
sport physiology
Concerned with issues of right and wrong, responsibility, and standards of conduct.
Addresses the ultimate nature of reality; what is real and exists.
Examines the nature of knowledge.
Examines the nature of values.
Studies the nature of beauty and art.
intangible reinforcement
verbal praise, not a physical gift
tangible reinforcement
physical gift
5 health related components of fitness
1. flexibility 2. muscle strength 3. body composition 4. cardiorespiratory endurance 5. muscular endurance
6 performance skill components of fitness
1. agility 2. balance 3. speed 4. reaction time 5. power 6. coordination
5 leaders in US that contributed to pe as we know it today
1. Charles McCloy 2. Jay B. Nash 3. Jesse F. Williams 4. Rosalind Cassidy 5. Clark Hetherington