What are your main responsibilities as an instructor?
1. Eyes. Always keep your eyes on your swimmers at all times (never turn your back) 2. Uniform. Be in proper uniform (when clocked in, follow style guide) 3. On Time: Be on time for your shift (10 min. before and 5 min. afterward, use time clock and exception sheet) 4. Consistency: Provide consistency for your classes (no more than 1 sub per month, use lesson plans) 5. More: There is more to your job than just teaching lessons (communicate with parents on progression, skill sheets, progression charts, in services, enforce pool rules, keep area clean)
What are you responsible for outside of lessons?
Maintaining skill sheets, progression charts, attending in-services, talking to parents, cleaning up pool deck, .
What are the three learning styles?
Auditory, Visual, and Kinesthetic.
How do you teach auditory learners/what are their characteristics?
Through careful story telling and explanation. They: talk to themselves, are distracted by noise, lips move while thinking, can repeat quickly back to you, music lovers, memorize through steps, procedures, and sequences, speak slowly, and are natural listeners.
How do you teach visual learners/what are their characteristics?
Through carefully demonstrating. They: are more organized, well groomed, deliberate, appearance oriented, soft spoken, orderly, less distracted by noise, fast talkers, impatient, and interrupt more.
How do you teach kinesthetic learners/what are their characteristics?
Through giving them plenty of time to try the new skill. They are: focused on emotions, more athletic, more while thinking, like to talk about how they feel, slow decision makers.
What is the SEDP model?
S: Tell the story E: Explain how to do the skill D: Demonstrate the skill P: Practice the skill and provide corrections
How long should you spend in each section of the SEDP model?
Never stay on a topic for more than 7 minutes. Story: 15 seconds Explain: 15 seconds Demonstrate: 15 seconds Practice: 5 minutes
What are the four competitive swim strokes?
Freestyle, Backstroke, Breastroke, and Butterfly
What are the four learning stages and how do you teach a skill in each stage?
1. Unconscious incompetence: name skill, briefly show 2. Conscious incompetence: tell story, explain, demonstrate, practice, give feedback 3. Conscious competence: re-tell story, re-explain, briefly demonstrate, practice, ask questions to help them become self-aware 4. Unconscious competence: name skill and have child complete it, add difficulty, give sticker, child has mastered the skill.
What classes do we offer in LT Swim?
Intro to Splash (4 months-15 months), Splash 101 (16 months-2.5 years), Splash 201 (2.5-3 years), Ripple 101, 201, 301, 401 (3-4), Wave 201, 301, 401, 501, 601 (5-6), Surf 301, 401, 501, 601 (7-12), Swim Team, Adult Group, Private, Semi-private, and Masters.
What are the class ratios?
Intro to Splash: 1:8 Splash 101: 1:8 Splash 201: 1:3 Ripple 101: 1:3 Splash, Ripple, Wave 201: 1:3 Ripple, Wave, Surf 301: 1:4 Ripple, Wave, Surf 401: 1:5 Wave, Surf 501: 1:5 Wave, Surf 601: 1:6 Private: 1:1 Semi-private 1:2/3
What are the fundamental skills in Intro to Splash?
Water Entry Water Exit (elbow, elbow, squish, knees, push, sit) Kicking
What is the difference between the fundamental skills and progressive skills in Intro to Splash?
The fundamental skills only have one degree of difficulty, while the progressive skills are ones to build upon and eventually move to independent swim.
What are the progressive skills in Intro to Splash?
The Palmer Technique Conditioning Submersions 1 Submersions 2 Submersions-Passing Turning 1 Turning 2
What is the Palmer Technique?
It is used as the first step to help a baby out of the pool. First, put a ring in a baby's palm and they will grab on. Pull on the ring. Parent puts finger in palm of child's hand and pulls. Pull baby to the side of the pool and monkey climb along the wall.
What is conditioning?
This is breath holding. Use cups to acclimate to water. Say cue: "Bob, ready, go!", pour water on head, praise.
What is submersion-part 1?
Hold baby face to face, move back, cue, lift baby, submerge and lift, praise, and repeat.
What is submersion-part 2?
Hold baby face to face, move back, cue, lift baby, submerge, let go, put hands in baby's palms, once baby grasps hands, lift and pull out of water, praise.
What is submersion-passing?
Hold baby in side-to-side position a few feet away from instructor, cue, lift and submerge, pass to instructor, hands in palms, pull out of water, praise.
What is Turning-part 1?
Put your back against the wall, face baby outward, que, lift and turn, say peek a boo, praise.
What is Turning-part 2?
Put your back against the wall, face baby outward, que, lift and submerge, thumbs in palms, pull out and put hands on wall, child climbs out, sits, praise.
What are the three words you say to cue a baby in conditioning? Why is this important to always use these three words?
"Bob, ready, go!" Use them for consistency.
What skills, in the proper order, are taught in an Intro to Splash Class?
1. Water Entry 2. Welcome Song (same each week) 3. Water Exit 4. Water Acclimation 5. Kicking 6. Palmer Technique 7. Conditioning 8. Activity (song or game) 9. Submersions 1 10. Submersions 2 11: Submersions-Passing 12: Turning 13. Safety 14. Homework 15. Goodbye Song (same each week)
What pieces of equipment do we use?
Mirror, Seal Mat, Cups/Buckets, Noodle, Barbell, Kickboard, Little Barbell, Kickboard, Flippers, Pull Buoy, Rings, Hula-Hoop
What levels do we use a mirror?
Intro, 1, and 2; back floats and kick
What levels do we use a seal mat?
Intro, 1, and 2; log rolls, kicks, water acclimation, and playtime
What levels do we use cups and buckets?
Intro and 1; water acclimation, conditioning, and playtime
What levels do we use a noodle?
1, 2, and 3; kicks, paddles, sammy the seahorse
What levels do we use a barbell?
Intro, 1, and 2; ice cream scoops, flutter kicks, assisted floats
What levels do we use a little barbell?
3, 4, 5, and 6; rotary, one arm sunrise/sunset
What levels do we use flippers?
4, 5, and 6; flutter, freestyle, back, dolphin, fly
What levels do we use pull buoys?
5 and 6; focus on arms, 4 competitive strokes
What levels do we use rings?
All; palmer, streamline kicks, submersions, and playtime
What levels do we use hula hoops?
All; streamline and jumping in
What levels do we use kick boards?
3, 4, 5, and 6; flutter kicks, whip, rotary breathing
What does it mean to master a skill?
Being able to perform a skill correctly multiple times (unconscious competence)
How to use a progression chart?
Once a child has mastered a skill, they receive a sticker for their progression chart
When creating a lesson plan, what are the components of your lesson?
Welcome (on time, open, ask about life, re-introduce self) Warmup (moving and excited, song, game) Review (using conscious competence stage, building) Repeat Review (different skills)--75% of time spent here New Skill (SEDP) Wrap Up (fun game/activity, high five, see you next week) Parent Involvement (name, open, sandwich)
Which component of a lesson plan takes up the most time?
Repeat Review--75% of time
What percentage of class do your kids stay active?
Describe circle swimming. Include where you should be standing during circle swimming.
Swimming between benches and islands; go down on right side and come back on right side; gives a visual goal; keeps kids active; 6-8 times back and forth for each skill; instructors back to lane lines at all times
Intro to Splash skills:
get in/out by self, kick, palmer technique, holds breath with face in water, conditioning, turning
101 Skills:
[All with assistance] float on front/back, paddle on front/back, kick on front/back, hold breath for 3 seconds, log roll
201 Skills:
[All without assistance] float on front/back, paddle on front/back (10 ft), kick on front/back (10 ft), hold breath for 3 seconds, log roll
301 Skills:
Streamline kick on front/back (4 yds) Swim on front with log rolls (7 yds) Backstroke (7 yds) Breastroke Arms Dolphin Kicks Jump and swim to side of pool
401 Skills:
Streamline kick on front back (7 yds) Free with roll breathing (15 yds) Backstroke (15 yds) Whipkick Butterfly Arms Rotary Breathing with equipment
501 Skills:
Stream line kick on front/back (10 yds) Free with rotary (25 yds) Backstroke (25 yds) Breastroke (15 yds) Butterfly (15 yds) Dolphin Kick 10 yds
601 Skills:
Free with rhythmic breathing (50 yds) Backstroke (50 yds) Breastroke (25 yds) Butterfly (25 yards) Flip turns, legal turns, and finishes
How far are the benches and islands from each other in each level?
101:2-3/5-10ft 201:5-10ft 301:10ft-7yds 401: 7-15 yds 501: 15-25 yds 601: 25-50 yds
Freestyle Progressions
101: paddle with help (scoops) 201: paddle 10 ft (alligator arms) 301: log roll 7 yds (sunrise, sunset) 401: roll breathing 15 yds, rotary breathing with equipment (catch) 501: rotary breathing 25 yds (recovery) 601: rhythmic breathing 50 yds (fingertip drag)
Backstroke Progressions
101: paddle with help on back (goldfish arms) 201: paddle 10 feet on back (snow angel) 301: backstroke 7 yards (PB & J Arms) 401: backstroke 15 yards (Windmill Arms) 501: backstroke 25 yards(Thumb, pinky, pull) 601: backstroke 50 yards (body roll)
Breastroke Progressions
301: Arms (scrape bowl) 401: Whip Kick (pop balloon) 501: 15 yards (pull, breath, kick, glide) 601: 25 yards (lift body)
Butterfly Progressions
301: Dolphin Kick (super glue) 401: Butterfly Arms (question mark) 501: Butterfly 15 yards 601: Butterfly 25 yards