Climate is affected by
Rainfall, Wind, and Temperature
Climate is not affected by
Soil type
Biomes are determined by
Temperature and rainfall, type of soil and growing season, and latitude and altitude
Biomes are not determined by
The number of rivers and streams
The largest land animals like elephants are found in
Deciduous trees lose their leaves in order to save
Deciduous trees do not lose their leaves in order to save
Nutrients, heat or soil
The biome that would most likely have animals that migrate and hibernate
A coniferous tree produces seeds in cones and has small leaves shaped like needles to protect from-
Water loss or dehydration
Which of the following biomes receives the most yearly rainfall to support the largest variety of organisms?
Which biome has a very short growing season and as little precipitation as a desert?
Plants found in which biome would need large vacuoles for water storage?
Which of the following adaptations would be LEAST useful for plants living in a tropical rainforest?
Having waxy leaves to prevent water loss
Which of the following adaptations would be MOST useful for plants living in a tropical rainforest?
The ability to grow fast, having broad or wide leaves to catch limited sunlight, and the ability to climb (like a vine)
An adaptation best suited for the desert biome would be _____.
Shallow, wide roots
An animal with tan fur, long eyelashes, claws and long limbs is most likely adapted to live in which biome?
An animal with thick fur, wide feet, layer of fat, and small ears is most likely adapted to live in which biome?
Biodiversity important to the sustainability of an ecosystem for all of the following reasons except-
More water availability
Biodiversity important to the sustainability of an ecosystem for all of the following reasons
More gene variety, more available food sources
Which of the following is not a threat to biodiversity?
Conservation and preservation
Which of the following is a threat to biodiversity?
Pollution and contamination, overhunting and overfishing, habitat loss and destruction
A group of ecosystems with similar climates and organisms; may be land or aquatic.
Average condition of temperature, rainfall, wind and clouds in an area over time.
coniferous trees
Trees with needle-like leaves and cones for seed dispersal.
deciduous trees
Trees that shed their leaves at least once a year.
A state of greatly reduced body activity that occurs during the winter.
Saltwater ecosystem.
An animal leaving one place to another to find warmer weather, food or for reproducing.
An organism's particular role in an ecosystem.
Plants that do not die after one year but are able to survive the winter.
succulent plants
Water retaining plants adapted to arid climate or soil conditions.
A group of ecosystems with similar climates and organisms; may be land or aquatic.
long double set of eyelashes, ability to close nostrils
Water lilies
Broad flat leaves and air spaces to help it float
Polar bear
Double layered fur, wide paws
Long tongue and thick lips to protect from spines on trees
Small leaves and growth close to the ground to retain heat
Long arms and legs and flexible hips and should for swinging from branches
Giant kelp
Air bladders to help it float and reach sunlight though deeper water
Black bears
Curved claws to dig for food, a long tongue to reach insects in trees, hibernate in the winter
Succulent plants
Large vacuoles to store water, waxy leaves with small stomata to limit water loss from leaves, sharp spines to keep animals away and shallow roots to absorb lots of water
Teeth that never stop growing, waterproof fur
Thin blades to help save space and protect from cold winters, thick roots to survive dry summer months, small seeds that are easily spread
Sea turtles
Thinner shell for swimming, long flippers for swimming and digging holes to lay eggs
Maple tree
Deciduous-leaves fall in the autumn or fall to help prevent water loss during the cold winter. Broad leaves for absorbing more sunlight in the forest
Coniferous tree
Have needles for leaves that help it continue photosynthesis during the long winter and limit water loss because the needles are very narrow.