seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country
belief that one race is superior to others
Social Darwinism
social theory of time: natural selection applying to human society; those who were fittest for survival enjoyed wealth and success and were considered superior to others. Non-Europeans were considered lower because have not made as much scientific and economic porgress.
5 Motives of Imperialism
economic, political, religious, exploratory, and ideological
Berlin Conference
14 European countries met here to divide up Africa; agreed that anyone could claim land if kept each other notified
Zulu chief that used highly disciplined warriors and good military organization to create a large centralized state
Dutch for "farmers"; they were Dutch settlers that gradually took Africans' land and established large farms. ______ a.k.a "Afrikaners."
Great Trek
Boers moved north to escape the British
Boer War
a.k.a the South African War >War between British and Boers was the 1st modern "total" war (Dutch wouldn't give in unless gave it all) >atrocities (terrible deaths) on both sides, but... >British one (Boer republics became part of Union of South Africa)
Forms of Colonial Power
colony, protectorate, sphere of influence, economic imperialism
country or territory governed internally by a foreign power
country or territory with its own internal gov. but under control of an outside power
Sphere of Influence
area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges
Economic imperialism
independent but less developed country controlled by private business interests rather than other governments
Europeans governed people in a parental way by providing for their needs but not giving them the rights >brought in own gov. and did not train local people their gov. methods
policy based on idea that in time, local populations would adopt French culture and become like the French >schools, businesses, courts patterned after French institutions to help make this happen
Menelik II
>Ethiopia's success of resisting Eur. power due to _________, the emperor of Ethiopia (1189). He successfully played Italians, French, and British against each other, all of whom were striving to bring Ethiopia into their spheres of influence >meanwhile, built weapons (purchased from France and Russia) >formed peace treaty with Italy, but miss-communication b/c written in 2 languages. Italians thought Ethiopia was their protectorate; so they came in....Menelik defeated them and stocked more weapons in case anyone else challenged liberty
Maji Maji Rebellion
an uprising between African villagers and Germans insisting to plant cotton as a cash crop for export. The Africans put their faith in a spiritual defense (maji maji) or magic water would turn the Germans' bullets into water >over 20 ethnic groups fought and lost to the machine-gun post (abour 75,000 resisters dead)
Ottoman Empire
had difficulties trying to fit into modern world >made attempts (reforms that lead to corruption, inflation, modernizing army, but older servers resisted) >Ottoman Empire kept losing land and become weak to Europeans and they soon gained control
an interest in or taking of land for its strategic location or products
Crimean War
Russia wanted a warm weather port and fought the Ottomans >British and France fought with Ottomans b/c didn't want Russia to gain control (defeated Russia)
Suez Canal
>human-made waterway that cut through the Isthmus of Suez (Egypt went ind debt because of construction with French money; Britain paid it off and then occupied Egypt) viewed as "Lifeline of the Empire" b/c gave Britain easier access to colonies in Asia and Africa
plentiful in Persia and European powers fought greatly because of discovery of _____
lacked capital to develop own resources(oil);
self-ruling in domestic affairs but remained part of British Empire (which took care of foreign affairs)---Canada
Durham Report
division of upper and lower Canada temporarily eased tensions.
Polynesian people who had settled in New Zealand around A.D. 800
Australia sparsely populated by _______________; the native people. >longest ongoing culture in world >nomads that fished, hunted, and gathered food
Penal colony
a place where convicts were sent to serve their sentences >many European nations used it to prevent overcrowding of their prisons >Australia was a ________ _________
Great Famine
>occurred in 1840's in Ireland >Irish peasants depended on potatoes as sole source of food, 1845-1848 a plant fungus ruined nearly all of the potato crop! >about 1 million people died from starvation and disease out of and 8 million pop. >many fled to U.S., some went to Britain, Canada, and Australia
Home Rule
local control over internal matters >Irish wanted it, but British feared would move them toward independence