Membership based on ones national origin or the national origin of ones ancestors when they immigrated to the united states is
Ethnic groups
All of following are reasons for voluntary immigration except
The state with the largest population of American Indians is
A population that is native to a country or region is
By 2050 the percentage of the population that is expected to be Latino is
The legislation that restricted citizenship to white Americans is
The naturalization act
The primary and most often used legal path to immigration is
Family sponsorship
The supreme court decision that indicated unauthorized immigrant children have a right to seek a public education is
Plyler v. Doe
Marriage within the same ethnic, cultural, or religious group is
Adoption of the dominant groups cultural patterns by a new or oppressed group is
Marriage between persons of different races is
All of the following are true about race identification except
It tells a lot about people in racial groups
The variables that contribute to the population growth of persons of color are
Birth rate and immigration
The largest non-european group in the United States is
The area of the United States with the largest concentration of students of color is the
A label used by some people to describe persons of the same race who take on the behaviors and attitudes of the dominant culture is
Acting white
Legal restrictions preventing persons of color from sharing public accommodations with whites are
Jim Crow laws
In 1964, African American democrats from Mississippi challenged the seating of the all-white delegation under the leadership of
Fannie Lou hamer
The legislation which banned discrimination in schools, employment, and public accommodations and secured the voting rights of African Americans is
Civil rights act
The Supreme Court unanimously declared that separate but equal schooling was not equal in
Brown v. Board of education
The separation of groups of people that has been mandated by city, state, or federal government policies is
De jure segregation
An offense committed against a person that is motivated by an offenders bias against a race, ethnicity/national origin, or other factor is
A hate crime
The majority of hate group chapters in the United States are located in the
A claim that one treats everyone equally regardless of race is
Color blind ess
Anti racist education involves all of the following except
Ignoring racial slurs or derogatory comments in the classroom
Curriculum in most schools in the United States has traditionally been centered on
Dominant culture
Courses that introduce students to the history and contemporary conditions of one or more ethnic groups are
Ethnic studies
Curriculum centered on or derived from African history, culture, and traditions is
Afrocentric curriculum
The minimum level of student performance required by the federal legislation, "no child left behind" is
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
All of the following accurately represent trends in American education except
Approximately 1/3 of white students take at least one calculus-level course
According to recent research, the number of hate group chapters in the United States is about
The most important factor in student achievement is
Teacher effectiveness
White have little or no experience with
All of the following strategies are critical components of multicultural education except
A course of studies that reflects accurate and positive information about the history, experiences, contributions, and perspectives of the ethnic groups that comprise the u.s. population is
Multiethnic curriculum