The Catholic Church
dominated the history of Western music for its first 1400 years.
liturgical drama
When secular music and drama were added to the church liturgy this was called :
Gregorian Chant
a system of organizing chants attributed to Pope Gregory
Monophonic texture
chant was set in:
Sometimes syllabic, sometimes mellisimatic, sometimes both
The performance of chant can be:
Church modes
The scale patterns of Gregorian chants are referred to as :
11th century
Polyphonic texture came into existence around the:
Northern France
An important region in the development of notation was:
Imitative Counterpoint
When each voice enters separately, but imitates the previous voice this is called:
Obscuring the text
Thick, Renaissance polyphony produced a problem, namely:
Renaissance period
Individuals such as Michelangelo, da Vinci, Luther, and Shakespeare were associated with :
the church to the courts
In the Renaissance patronage of the arts began to shift from:
the proper
part of the mass that varies according to the church calendar.
Machaut's setting of the mass was important because of:
Polyphonic settings of the mass were most prevalent in:
the vernacular
Madrigals are typically written in:
Forerunner of the violin
The beginnings of Western music until 1450 The Renaissance (1450-1600) The Baroque Period (1600-1750) Classic Period (1750-1820) Romantic Period (19th century) The 20th Century
List, together with their dates, the six periods of music history presented in the text.
Monophonic, polyphonic, homophonic
Name the three musical textures
A choir of sopranos, altos, tenors, and basses
To what does SATB refer?
mass, motel, madrigal
What are the main, sacred, choral genres of the Renaissance?
Kyrie, gloria, credo, sanctus & benedictus, and agnus dei
Name the five parts of the ordinary
Italy and England
Name the two countries where madrigals flourished
Name a common Renaissance keyboard instrument.
Catholic and Protestant
The reform of 1517 divided the church into what two groups?
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
What composer fought to retain polyphony in the Catholic Church during the reformation?