the workers Marxist believed that the industrial class of workers would form a "dictatorship of the proletariat"
supported a small number of committed revolutionaries willing to sacrifice everything for change
local councils consisting of workers, peasants, and soldiers soviets had more influence than the provisional government
the Nationalist Party that pushed for modernization and nationalization in China
Long March
a hazardous 6,000 mile long journey undertaken by the communist forces after the Nationalists surrounded them, resulting in the deaths of thousands
a new, militant political movement that emphasized loyalty to the state and obedience to its leader
giving into an aggressor to keep peace
Axis Powers
Japan, Germany, and Italy
the belief that political ties to other countries should be avoided
What were the immediate results of the November 1917 Bolshevik Revolution?
The immediate results of the November 1917 Bolshevik Revolution was the down fall of the Provisional Russian government of March 1917
Name the four methods of control used by totalitarian governments, and describe and example of how Stalin used it
The four methods of control used by totalitarian governments are police terror, indoctrination, propaganda/censorship, and religious/ethnic persecution.
Why did China want to participate in World War 1, and what was the outcome?
They wanted to show the West that were on par with them, they also recently won a war with Russia
What ideas did most fascists share?
They taught an extreme form of nationalism, believed the nation's most struggled peaceful state would be conquered, and pledge loyalty to their leaders who guided them and brought them order
Why was the Munich Conference unsuccessful?
The leaders of France and Britain (and Italy) let Hitler take over parts of Czechoslovakia as long as he promised he wouldn't invade anything else
Vladimir Lenin
Bolshevik leader who controlled Russia from 1917 to 1924
a self described "holy man;" befriended Czarina Alexandra and was allowed to make key political decisions; opposed reform measures and obtained powerful positions for his friends; was murdered by a group of nobles
Joseph Stalin
a general secretary of the Communist Party during Lenin's rule; was in total command of the Communist Party by 1928
Sun Yixian
became president of the new Republic of China in 1912; hopes to establish a modern government based on the "Three Principles of the People" nationalism, people's rights, and people's livelihood
Mao Zedong
one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party; believed he could bring revolution to a rural country where the peasants could be the true revolutionaries
Jiang Jieshi
headed the Kuomintang after Sun Yixian; feared the Communist' goal of creating a socialist economy modeled after the Soviet Union's
Benito Mussolini
founded the Fascist Party in Italy in 1919; became its totalitarian dictator
Adolf Hitler
German totalitarian dictator who developed a brand a fascism known as Nazism
Francisco Franco
a Spanish general who defeated government forces to become Spain's first fascist dictator in 1939
neutrality acts
4 laws passed that were designed to keep the US out of international incidents (no loans or selling arms to nations at war etc.)
totalitarian states use education to instruct people in the government's beliefs to control their minds
Mein Kampf
name of Hitler's book that outlined his beliefs and goals
The Third Reich
the name given to the period of time when Germany was a dictatorship under the control of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party
information that is biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
Stalin removed all words, images, and ideas from newspapers, radio, and other sources that did not conform to the views of the state
Bloody Sunday