Which Cold War event happened last?
The Berlin Wall is built.
Which of the following phrases best describes West Germany after World War II?
democratic government
The inset on the map shows that Berlin was
divided just as Germany was divided.
Who were the two world superpowers after World War II?
the Soviet Union and the United States
When the western allies created West Germany as a nation in 1948, how did the Soviet Union respond?
It established a blockade of West Berlin.
The Cold War was a period of history during which
the United States and the Soviet Union mistrusted each other.
Which statement best describes the United States and the Soviet Union during World War II?
They were both members of the Allies.
The United Nations was created in 1945 with the purpose of
maintaining world peace.
Which countries were made permanent members of the UN's Security Council in 1945? Select all that apply.
-United States -Soviet Union -Great Britain -China
How did the United States respond to the Berlin blockade?
by airlifting supplies into West Berlin