True or False? Philosophers are more concerned with ides than they are with the reasons offered to support ideas.
True or False? Epistemology is the study of ultimate reality.
The word "philosophy" derives from the greek roots meaning:
"lover of wisdom"
What area of philosophy addresses the problem of what is real?
What area of philosophy studies the rules of correct reasoning?
What area of philosophy concerns itself with moral problems?
What area of philosophy studies knowledge?
The history of Western philosophy has been dominated by:
Logical reasoning and written argument
Philosophers generally define knowledge as:
A form of true belief
Willed ignorance occurs when:
we hold on to a belief regardless of the facts.
A "relativist" would be heard saying something like:
"One opinion is as good as another"
What is cultural relativism?
The belief that values reflect the preferences and customs of a given culture.
Sophists taught that:
goodness is the ultimate virtue
What was one of the most important thing to sophists?
Why was the term "barbarian" invented?
To mock people that do not speak Greek.
Did Socrates believe it was "right" to take money to teach?
What is individual realism?
The belief that no matter how far back we push "ultimate" reasons, they always reduce someone's preference.
Protagoras was perhaps the greatest of the Sophists and said that:
"man is the measure of all things"
The pragmatic point of view holds that:
ideas have truth value to the extent that they produce practical results.
Who said that "might makes right"?
The Sophists
The first Western philosophers were initially concerned with the nature of:
Nature and the world order
True or false? Socrates wrote the first important treatise in the history of western philosophy.
True or False? It is almost impossible to separate what Socrates taught from his whole personality.
True of False? Socrates was noted for physical courage, hardiness, and exceptional "self-control".
True or False? Socrates claimed that wisdom is a form of ignorance, a special kind of "nonknowledge"
True or False? Hemlock is a relatively painless way to die.
True or False? Socrates believed that an individual who is at the mercy of bodily pleasures has no concern for virtue in any form.
True or False? As was typical of the Sophists, Socrates charged fees for his teachings.
True or False? Socrates believed that the teacher's role is to draw wisdom and clarity out of a disordered and confused soul.
True or False? Socrates insisted that the "real person" is not the body, but the psyche.
True or False? Socrates fought the decision of the Athenian court, believing that what was happening to him was evil.
True or False? During his month-long imprisonment Socrates refused to accept opportunities of escape that were offered to him.
True or False? Our chief source of information regarding Plato's philosophy is Aristotle.
True or False? The Republic is probably the most widely read work in all western philosophy.
True or False? Plato concluded that all existing states are bad.
True or False? Plato believed that what is true changes slowly over time.
True or False? Plato divided the human soul into 3 parts: Reason, spirit, and appetite.
The Philosopher Perictione is rumored to have been Plato's:
Plato thought that rule by the many lead to:
In Plato's view, the "average person" lacks:
Wisdom and self-restraint
Plato believed that what is true... always true.
In Plato's metaphysics, the highest level of reality consists of:
According to Plato, democracy leads to:
According to Aristotle, the ultimate goal/purpose for which a thing exists is known as:
Its Final (Telos) cause
So great was Aristotle's influence on later thinkers that for centuries educated person's knew him simply as:
The Philosopher
How many levels of reality did Aristotle believe in?
Aristotle identified eudaimonia with:
A full and vigorous life.
According to Aristotle, a complete understanding of anything can only come from identifying its four causes which are:
Material, Formal, Efficient, and Final.
True or False? When Plato died, Aristotle was appointed head of the Academy.
True or False? Aristotle tutored Alexander the Great.
True or False? What we know today as writings of Aristotle are really a collection of notes.
True or False? Aristotle was accused of one of the same charges leveled against Socrates - not respecting the gods of the state.
True or False? Aristotle agreed with his teacher Plato on all major Philosophical matters.
What are 5 things to know about Plato?
1. Appearances are deceiving. 2. Reality is unchanging 3. Knowledge is obtained through rational reflection as well as dialogue. 4. The most important thing to know is good. 5. The Good person and the Good society
What are 5 things to know about Aristotle?
1. Aristotle rejected Plato's metaphysics 2. Aristotle focused his attention on observation of the material world. 3. Every particular individual is determined by 4 different causes (Material, Formal, Efficient, and Final cause) 4. Human well-being is achieved when human purposes are fulfilled. 5. Human flourishing consists of a life of virtue.
What are some differences between Plato and Aristotle?
~Plato was concerned with mostly forms and not objects and believed that you couldnt find truth in the world because it resides in Forms. ~Aristotle was concerned with objects and believed that truth was found within the world around. ~Plato believed that if something is true, it must always be true. ~Aristotle believed that something doesnt have to always be true, to be true in particular. ~Plato believed truth = something abstract. ~Aristotle believed that truth = something concrete. ~Plato is idealistic ~Aristotle is a realist
What are some similarities between Plato and Aristotle?
~They were both influenced by Socrates, Parmenides and Heraclitus ~Changed the world with their Philosophy