Child maltreatment - kinds, frequency
Child abuse (deliberate action that is harmfulto a child's physical, emotional, or sexual well being), child neglect (failure to meet a child's basic physical or emotional needs). 1 million substantiated maltreatment, 2.7-3 million reported cases of maltreatment a year.
Appetite, weight gain, growth
Age 2-6 well nourished kids gain 4.5 lbs/year and 3 inches/ year by age 6 average 46 lbs, 46 inches tall in a developed nation. Appetites decrease between 2 and 6 because children need fewer calories per pound compared to infants
Brain structures and functions
Limbic system: Amygdala (registers emotions, both positive and negative including fear) Hippocampus (responds to amygdala by summoning memory Primarily responsible for memory) Hypothalamus (responds to signals from amygdala and to signals from the hippocampus by producing cortisol and other hormones that activate parts of the brain and body, influences pituitary and adrenal cortex to release hormones). Prefrontal cortex (enables a balance between action and inhibition, allowing children to think before they act as well as to stop one action in order to begin another), Corpus callosum (connects left and right sides of the brain) Right side of the brain is responsible for controlling the left half of the body as well as controlling areas dedicated to emotional and creative impulses Left side of the brain controls the right side of the body as well as areas dedicated to logical reasoning , detailed analysis and the basics of language
Injury control
Practices that are aimed at anticipating, controlling, and preventing dangerous activities: these practices reflect the beliefs that accidents are not random and that injuries can be made less harmful if proper controls are in place.
Nutrients lacking in developed nation's diets
iron, zinc, and calcium
Different kinds of prevention
Primary, secondary and tertiary.
actions that change overall background conditions to prevent some unwanted event or circumstance, such as injury, disease, or abuse.(sidewalks, cross walks, speed bumps)
actions that avert harm in a high-risk situation, such as stopping a car before it hits a pedestrian. (Warning signs, salt on icy roads, walk signals)
actions, such as immediate and effective medical treatment, that are taken after an adverse event (such as illness or injury) occurs and that are aimed at reducing the harm or preventing disability. (Speedy ambulances,efficient emergency rooms)
Cross cultural differences
growth Africans, tallest followed by European, Asian, and Latinos.
Motor development
Gross: involve large body movements (running, jumping, throwing a ball, climbing a ladder, pumping a swing). Fine: involves small body movements (cutting, buttoning, involves two hands and thus both sides of the brain)
Cultural context and child rearing practices
Diseases in developed and undeveloped countries
Most common in developed is tooth decay.
Childhood obesity
at age 2, 14% obese, doubles age 4, 27%, increases as family incomes fell, children with children playing less outside, and parents still encouraging overeating. Overweight children: Hispanic 27%, Asian American 22%, African American 14%, and European 11%. (A New York study)
Piaget - stages, ages, milestones, critiques (page 257)
Theory of mind (page 267)
a persons theory of what other people might be thinking. In order to have a theory of mind, children must realize that other people are not necessarily thinking the same thoughts that they themselves are. The realization seldom occurs before age four.
Preschool education
Vygotsky - terms, cultural context
apprentice in thinking: Guided participation: Zone of proximal development: Scaffolding
_____: Vygotsky's term for a person whose cognition is stimulated and directed by older and more skilled members of society.
apprentice in thinking: Vygotsky's term for a person whose cognition is stimulated and directed by older and more skilled members of society.
______: The process by which people learn from others who guide their experiences and explorations.
Guided participation: The process by which people learn from others who guide their experiences and explorations.
_______: skills cognitive as well as physical- that a person can exercise only with assistance, not yet independently.
Zone of proximal development: skills cognitive as well as physical- that a person can exercise only with assistance, not yet independently.
_______: Temporary support that is tailored to a learner's needs and abilities and aimed at helping the learner master the next task in a given learning process.
Scaffolding: Temporary support that is tailored to a learner's needs and abilities and aimed at helping the learner master the next task in a given learning process.
the belief that natural objects and phenomena are alive
Language development (stages, theories, terms)
Gender identity development:
Sex vs gender:
Sex- Biological Gender-Your identity
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
Different kinds of play
Internalizing and externalizing problems
Erikson's theory
Emotional regulation
Freud's theory
Moral development
The ability to control one's impulsiveness appears to be directly related to the development of the:
prefrontal cortex.
The text refers to research in which brain scans and hormone measurements were taken from 4- to 6-year-old children after they were exposed to a fire alarm. Which of the following was one of the conclusions drawn from this research?
Some levels of stress hormones improve memory.
An example of kinship care is:
Eric and Sherral provide foster care for their neglected nephew.
Researchers found that children under the age of 4, especially children of European descent, when asked to sort cards of different shapes and colors:
had difficulty switching their original sorting pattern.
Which of the following is the best way to ensure adequate nutrition and vitamin intake?
Eat well-balanced meals with a variety of foods.
The most common disease of young children in developed nations is:
early tooth decay.
Gross motor skills such as riding a tricycle are acquired:
through a combination of brain maturation and practice.
Although excessive stress can be harmful to the developing brain, research shows that some stress can facilitate memory and cognitive growth if:
adults are reassuring, warm, and supportive after a stressful event.
About 1 out of _____ people is left-handed.
A confidential nationwide survey of young adults in the U.S. found that, as a child, ______ had been slapped, hit, or kicked by a parent or other adult caregiver.
25 percent
Which of the following statements is true about oral health in early childhood?
It is vital for children in early childhood to brush their teeth every day.
Which of the following tends to be true of Hispanic and Asian children who live with their grandparents?
The grandparents are likely to be of normal weight, while the grandchildren are likely to be overweight.
Which of the following is a leading cause of death among young children?
drowning in a swimming pool
Which type of injury prevention begins after an injury and is intended to limit the damage caused by the injury?
After a head injury, 15-month-old Jack started having temper tantrums. Most likely his ______ was injured.
prefrontal cortex
Writing your name is a ______, whereas kicking a ball is a(n) ______.
fine motor skill; gross motor skill
On a cross-country car trip, Anna and Robert asked "Are we there yet?" so many times that their mother began covering her ears. The children were exhibiting:
Preschoolers often have trouble tying their shoelaces because they have inadequate:
fine motor skill development.
The average 6-year-old from a developed nation weighs:
40-50 pounds.
The most common cause of death of children worldwide is:
Secondary prevention involves:
responding to the first warning signs of a problem.
Janie just cannot seem to keep from becoming extremely angry when she does not get her way. Her ability to rein in this tendency toward tantrums will get better when her ______ has further matured.
prefrontal cortex
Which of the following statements is true regarding fine motor skills?
Fine motor skills mature about 6 months earlier in girls than in boys.
The part of the brain where planning, language and advanced thought occur is:
the cortex.
Between the ages of 2 and 6, a well-nourished child will gain about ______ pounds and grow about ______ inches per year.
4; 3
The impact of any child-rearing practice is influenced by the:
cultural context.
Consumption of calcium by children is lower than it was 20 years ago because:
children are drinking less milk.
The area of the brain that is crucial in expressing and regulating emotions is the:
limbic system.
Culture seems to influence impulsivity and perseveration. Research found that preschoolers from ______ had earlier attention control and less perseveration than English preschoolers.
Which of the following 4-year-old children is most likely to be taken to the dentist?
Hailey, whose parents are European-American and middle-class
A mistreated child who is startled at any noise and is continually looking around to see who is coming up to them is showing symptoms of:
Many preschoolers have trouble dressing themselves, writing, or stringing small beads. This can be explained by a lack of:
brain maturation and having short, stubby fingers.
Pete's father is physically abusive toward Pete, often leaving bruises. His mother, also living in the home, witnesses the abuse but says nothing. She is:
The long band of nerve fibers that connects the brain's hemispheres is:
the corpus callosum.
Even though a 4-year-old child has the ability to comprehend numbers, store memories, and recognize routines, which of the following will determine whether or not the child actually demonstrates these abilities?
family and culture
The characteristic of preoperational thought in which a young child thinks that nothing changes is called:
static reasoning.
Jake's father is taking him to the barber for his first real haircut. At first, Jake is excited about his first trip to the barber, but as soon as the barber makes the first cut in his hair, he becomes very upset and tells his father to make the barber stop. In spite of his father's efforts to assure Jake that his hair will grow back, Jake is exhibiting the concept of:
The function of speech by which a person's understanding is expanded and advanced is:
social mediation.
Low-income children are given preschool education through:
Head Start.
Each time Juan puts a puzzle together, his father gives him a little less help. Which theorist would be happy with Juan's father?
How many states now sponsor public education for young, lower-income children?
Where has Piaget saw cognitive development as a result of individual discovery, Vygotsky attributed it to:
social activities guided by others.
Logical extension involves:
applying a newly learned word to other objects in the same category.
Britney understands that her father is crying because his best friend died. This shows that Britney:
has a theory of mind.
Overregularization occurs because children:
assume their language always follows the rules they have learned thus far.
Which of the following is the best example of scaffolding?
Miriam helps her son Ben make cookies. She measures all of the ingredients out and places them on the counter in small bowls. She reads the recipe aloud while simplifying it as Ben places the ingredients in the bowl and mixes them together with a spoon.
Teacher-directed preschool programs stress:
A child's ability to add new vocabulary words very quickly is called:
Child-centered programs are often influenced by the theories of ______ and ______.
Piaget; Vygotsky
According to recent research, the development of theory of mind is age related and a function of:
the maturation of the prefrontal cortex.
One way researchers today have been able to identify greater cognitive ability in preschoolers than Piaget originally observed is through:
the use of brain scans.
Generally speaking, which of the following best explains why young children have difficulty thinking logically?
Children in this age group tend to focus on single aspects of an object or situation.
Six-year-old Mikael has 10 dinosaur toys on the floor in front of him. You ask him how many he has, and he counts them one at a time. This is an example of which of the following?
one-to-one correspondence
What is the average sentence length for 3-year-olds?
3-8 words
To assume that the world is unchanging is to engage in:
static reasoning.
Failure to understand that undoing a sequence of events will bring about the original conditions or situation is called:
According to Vygotsky, guided participation requires that a child:
interact with a mentor to accomplish a task.
When a young child asks "why?" what kind of information are they most likely seeking?
They want to know how the situation or behavior affects them.
According to the text, what would be an important question for parents to ask about prospective early education programs for their children?
How long has each staff member worked here?
Vygotsky believed that children's cognition is shaped by:
the wishes and emotions of others.
Vygotsky believed which of the following aspects of language advances thinking
private speech and social mediation
In 2010 in the United States, what percentage of children spoke English at school and another language at home?
When a child is learning a second language, the basics of language learning such as the naming explosion, fast-mapping, and overregularization apply:
to both the native and second language.
Four-year-old Graciela is a balanced bilingual. That means that she:
speaks her native language and her second language both very well.
Preschoolers use private speech to:
explain events to themselves and solve problems.
Which of the following describes early childhood interventions that have been found to aid reading in elementary school?
book reading and code-focused teaching
Preschoolers have a tendency to try to make up a reason for why things that they see and hear occur. This tendency is known as:
Programs are called child-centered because they stress children's:
development and growth.
Gabriel's language and cognitive skills have developed greatly since he began attending preschool. His teacher explains things to the children when they participate in small-group activities and she encourages conversation between children and adults. According to Vygotsky, she uses language to advance thinking through:
social mediation.
To focus on one aspect of a situation and simultaneously exclude all others is called:
Demetrius' family recently immigrated to the United States from the Ukraine. After he attended kindergarten, his parents noticed that his English was becoming more fluent than his native language. Demetrius was exhibiting:
a language shift.
A study of parents in Hong Kong found that most classified themselves as using what type of parenting style?
Which of the following is a criticism of Baumrind's classification of parenting styles?
She focused too much on parental attitudes and not enough on daily interactions.
Sociodramatic play, according to the text, can help children develop:
Theory of mind
Angelica is 3 years old and says frequently that she wants to "marry daddy." According to psychoanalytic theory, this is a manifestation of:
When would a time-out possibly be an effective discipline strategy?
if the child prefers to be with other people
Children whose parents use psychological control as a means of discipline are more likely to:
be depressed and anxious.
In active play, which of the following functions do peers provide?
role modles
Which type of aggression tends to be characteristic of 2-year-olds?
What do many developmentalists believe is the foundation of morality for children?
According to the text, neurological and hormonal effects may make boys more vulnerable to __________ problems and girls more vulnerable to __________ problems.
externalizing; internalizing
Judith is insisting her 3-year-old son, Trace, share with his friend Delia. Trace is becoming extremely upset and Judith gives Trace a time-out. Which developmental concept might be helpful for Judith to understand to try to avoid this conflict with her son?
Identify the prosocial behavior.
Beth feeds her baby brother because her mother is sick.
Which of the following aids a young child in demonstrating the new initiative that Erikson describes?
a longer attention span resulting from neurological maturity
Rough and tumble play between boys and fathers may prevent _____ later on.
antisocial behavior, including murder
An alternative to physical punishment that involves the parent talking to the child and helping the child to understand what he or she did wrong is:
Excessive guilt, shame, or sense of worthlessness constitutes which of the following?
internalizing problems
Which of the following focuses on how children perceive and understand their experiences?
cognitive theory
Identify the scenario that best demonstrates learning theories:
Christine wears a dress, and both her parents tell her how pretty she looks.
An illness or disorder of the mind is referred to as:`
Shame is used for emotional control when:
a family's reputation is a priority.