The unique and relatively stable way in which each individual thinks, acts, and feels is
humanistic perspective
Which theory of personality was a direct reaction against the psychoanalytic and behaviorist perspectives?
Sigmund Freud's theory came at a time in history when the predominant attitude toward sex
preconscious mind
Which of Freud's levels of consciousness consists of thoughts and feelings that can be easily brought into immediate awareness?
unconscious mind
For Freud, ideas, thoughts, and feelings of which we are currently aware are in the _________ mind
. Many have compared Freud's idea of the mind to an iceberg. If that were the case and you were standing on the deck of a ship in Alaska, what part of the mind would you see above the water
For Freud, thoughts and feelings that are well below the surface of awareness and cannot normally be recalled are in the ________ mind
In Sigmund Freud's theory, the _________ operates according to the pleasure principle
What is Freud's term for the executive of the personality that has a realistic plan for obtaining gratification of an individual's desires
super ego
For Freud, the moral guardian of personality is the
super ego
In the metaphor "the angel, the devil, and me," the angel is
In the metaphor "the angel, the devil, and me," the devil is
According to Freud, the result of conflict between the id and superego is
psychological defense mechanism
What is Anna Freud's term for the unconscious efforts by the ego to deny or distort reality for the purpose of protecting itself when conflict becomes too intense
When Candace ordered a hot fudge sundae and a diet soda, she told herself that the calories from the ice cream really were not a big deal because the diet soda sort of balanced it all out. Which of Freud's defense mechanisms is motivating Candace
Which term was given to psychoanalysts who broke away from strict interpretation of Freud's theory and developed theories of their own that were based upon Freud's work
Jung believed that there were two levels to the unconscious mind, the personal and the
personal unconscious
Carl Jung's term for the part of our personality that Freud referred to as the unconscious was the
arche type
The neo-Freudian, Carl Jung, suggested the existence of a collective unconscious that contains memories shared by all people and called
arche types
Carl Jung's term for recurring themes that have been important to humans in many cultures and settings since prehistoric times, such as the concepts of mother, hero, or devil, is
less secure upbringing
According to Karen Horney, what causes us to develop a neurotic personality
recipical determinism
Albert Bandura's notion that people are affected by their environment but that they can also influence that environment is known
self efficacy
According to Albert Bandura, a person's belief about his or her skills and ability to perform certain behaviors is known as
locus of control
The source a person believes to be exerting control over life's events is called
external locus of comtrol
Shanda is afraid of failing one of her final exams. This is primarily because she thinks that no matter how much studying she does, it will not help; her professor is known for giving hard exams. Cognitive theorists would suggest that Shanda:
real self
In Carl Rogers's theory, our perception of our abilities, behaviors, and characteristics is known
mismatch occurs between real and idea lslef
According to Carl Rogers, anxiety and neurotic behaviors occur when
unconditional positive regard
Carl Rogers emphasized accepting people for what they are, not for what you would like them to be. This acceptance is termed
Cattell and Allport are both prominent ________ theorists
openness, cosctenous, extra version, nurotcrism
What are the Big Five personality traits?
Which assessment technique requires people to respond to unstructured or ambiguous stimuli?
Personality assessments conducted by behaviorists rely primarily on
general and specific intelligence
Charles Spearman believed that intelligence is composed of
8 or 9
Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences divides intelligence into _________ independent abilities.
analytic,creative, pratical
What three types of intelligence constitute Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence?
Psychological tests that yield relatively consistent results are said to
People are termed gifted in terms of intelligence if their IQ is above
2 percent
What percentage of the population is described as gifted, according to IQ standards?
All parents think their little kids are geniuses. However, to be classified as a genius, the IQ score must be above
lewis truman
The first true longitudinal study of the effects of giftedness on social success was conducted by
behavioral genetics
The field of ____________ is devoted to the study of just how much of personality and intelligence are due to inherited