Which of the following is most closely associated with surgical removal of parts of the brain? (Hint: Avalanche can cause you to have brain surgery)
Your instructor announces a "pop" test. You have not read the chapter yet. Your heart and breathing rate increases, and your mouth becomes dry. Which nervous system was responsible for this reaction? (The teacher won't give you "sympathy")
The brain structure that is part of the forebrain and acts as a relay to sort and send sensory information to the cerebral cortex is the Hint: my "thigh" can sense fat
Involuntary changes in heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and sweating are controlled by the You can't go on "auto" pilot when this happens
autonomic system
The branching fibers of the ____ end in ____ and link with parts of other neurons. To link to my family after a flight I need to go to the terminal
axon; axon terminals
The brain consists of approximately 100 billion nerve cells called Jimmy neutron has a lot of these
Communication between neurons is considered to be a(n) ____ change involving ____. Hint: When something changes in your body is changes this way and you transmit to a new person
chemical; neurotransmitters
Megan suffers from a phobia of kittens and cats. Even though she consciously understands that she does not have to be afraid of such small creatures, she still exhibits nervousness as she watches her daughter petting a neighbor's gentle cat. Which part of the limbic system causes this fear response that Megan does not understand? "I'm sure Amy doesn't like this"
Scientists destroyed a tiny area of a cat's limbic system by inserting a tiny electrode into this target area and then passing an electric current through the electrode. The technique used is known as
deep lesioning
Weeks after an automobile accident, a friend continues to have difficulty maintaining balance and movements. You should suspect that damage may have occurred to the Can't walk in a circle
Zelda is experiencing more and more blind spots in her vision as her inoperable brain tumor increases. The brain tumor would be in her
occipital lobe
In the nervous system, the inactive neuron is said to be in a(n)
resting potential
The ____ is a network of fibers and cell bodies that lie inside the medulla and brainstem and is associated with attention, alertness, and some reflexes, such as sneezing and coughing.
reticular formation
The "all or nothing event" refers to the fact that
action potentials occur completely or not at all
A psychologist may
teach, do therapy, or conduct research. have a doctorate or a master's degree. serve as a consultant to business, schools, and social agencies.
The founder of psychoanalytic psychology was
Sigmund Freud.
Brain mechanisms involved in hunger and thirst would most likely be studied by a
The functionalists were interested in how thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and habits help people and animals
adapt and survive.
Which of the following is NOT one of the six elements of the scientific method?
common sense
Latoya is using a reading strategy that has been shown to improve learning and grades because it promotes active learning and information processing. Latoya is using the ____ method.
The ____ view is considered reductionistic and mechanistic and seeks to explain behavior through the principles of natural selection.
____ is important in psychological research in order to disseminate results to the scientific community
Which of the following is NOT one of the basic ethical guidelines for psychological researchers?
Never use deception
After reading a small amount of material in her textbook, Juanita pauses and rehearses what she has just read and tries to mentally answer the question, "What is the main idea here?" Juanita also jots down brief notes on what she has just read. Juanita is engaged in which of the six steps of the SQ4R method?
Meridian Community College has a total of 4,000 students. One hundred of these students are surveyed about the programs offered at the college. The 100 students surveyed would constitute the
John recently took what he thought was a pain reliever and reports less shoulder pain. However, the pill he took was only a sugar pill. This best illustrates the
placebo effect.
A researcher determines that the crime rate in a large city is related to the phases of the moon. He concludes that the gravitational pull of the moon influences human behavior. He has committed what error?
the difference between correlation and causation
An experiment is performed to test the effects of sleep deprivation on rote memory. In this experiment, the dependent variable is the
rote memory scores
Which of the following is characteristic of a humanistic approach to the study of behavior?
emphasis on the importance of subjective factors, such as one's self-image
Wundt observed stimuli of various kinds and then used a process called ____ to probe his own reactions to the stimuli. He was spectating his own inside
You discuss your feelings of loneliness with the psychologist, who responds by having you consider how your own behaviors contribute and reinforce your loneliness, how your early childhood relationship with your parents influences current relationships, and how your distorted self-image may inhibit you from seeking new relationships. This psychologist is most likely It's called being a human
a humanist
As gas prices increase we see a decline in the number of travelers on the highway. This is an example of ____ correlation.
Critical thinkers
gather and evaluate evidence. may constantly revise their understanding of the world. analyze the quality of the evidence, not just the quantity.
The town of Indianola, Mississippi, wants to know what the community thinks about building a high-tech movie theatre. Increased taxes will be used to pay for the new theatre. Therefore, elected officials are mailing out questionnaires to determine public opinion about the theatre and the use of increased taxes to pay for it. Which type of research method are they using?
Decreases in one measure are matched by increases in the other measure in a
negative correlation.
Psychology is
the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
If you read an article comparing the value of breastfeeding versus formula feeding on the physical growth of infants, the psychologist who would have written this article is probably a(n)
developmental psychologist.
The chief function of the control group in an experiment is that it
provides a point of reference against which the behavior of the experimental group can be compared.
A(n)____ is any condition that can change and that might affect the outcome of the experiment
The autonomic nervous system contains two branches called the
sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
neurotransmitters are released at the
axon teminals
a person will "hear" a series of sounds when which area of the cortex is electrically stimulated
temporal lobe
the reflex control centers for vital life functions like heart rate and breathing are found in the
nerves that leave the brain directly are called
cranial nerves
in response to experience, new synapses form between neurons, and other connections grow stronger. these changes in the brain due to experience illustrate the brain's?
A sleepy driver rounds a bend and sees a deer standing in the road. the driver anspas to attention and applied brakes because his
reticular activating system (RAS)
In a car accident a person sustain major trauma to his brain and the spinal cord region of his neck. Damage, in this case, was mainly to areas of the
central nervous system.
The tiny gaps separating neurons from one another and across which information must be transmitted are known as
Aaron flexes his muscles as he shoots a basketball into the basket. His voluntary use of his muscles is controlled by which nervous system?
The electrically charged molecules that are involved in a nerve impulse are called
According to Izard and other emotional researchers, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Izard believes that infants can express several basic emotions as early as two weeks of age.
Regarding the grasping reflex, which of the following statements is FALSE?
The grasping reflex is elicited for the first time as a baby attempts to stand by holding onto objects.
Loud noises can increase the fetus' heart rate and movement, which illustrates that outside conditions can affect the unborn in the the __________ environment.
Regarding Piaget and Vygotsky's views of cognitive development, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Piaget gave too little credit to the effects of the learning environment on cognitive development.
A person's developmental level refers to that person's
Current stat of physical, emotional and intellectual development.
Vygotsky realized that some tasks are just beyond a child's reach. However, children receiving sensitive guidance from skilled partners could make rapid progress. Interactions like this are most helpful when they take place within a child's
zone of proximal development.
Tony has resolved his struggle with dying and is neither happy nor sad, but at peace. At this point, all he desires is the companionship of his family and friends. Tony is exhibiting which emotional reaction to impeding death?
In which parental style do parents enforce rigid rules and demand strict obedience to authority?
Jimmy is trying to get his infant son's attention. So, he talks in a higher pitched voice and repeats short simple sentences like, "Daddy's big boy." Jimmy is using
The bedtime distress that occurs when babies are left alone at night can sometimes be eased with the presence of a stuffed animal or favorite blanket, which are known as
security objects.
The study of changes in behavior from conception to death encompasses the field known as
developmental psychology.
The pleasant, reassuring feeling infants get from touching something soft and warm, especially their mother, is referred to as
contact comfort
Regarding identity formation
Problems of identity occur at other stages of development besides adolescence. After adolescents have attained the stage of formal operations, they are better able to form an identity. Identity formation is a key task of adolescence.
Regarding the research on happiness
Happiness is related to good and bad life events, but the impact is smaller than expected. People who are good at dodging life's hard knocks tend to create their own "luck" and tend to be happier. Subjective well-being is affected by one's goals, choices, emotions, values, and personality.
Which psychologist believed that all children pass through a series of distinct stages in their intellectual development?
Jean Piaget
In the human growth sequence, a child who is between the ages of 15 to 18 months and two to two and half years old would be
referred to as a toddler.
The dying individual asks, "Why me?" in which emotional reaction?
In talking to an infant, an adult may use exaggerated or musical voice inflections during a type of speech known as
parentese or motherese.
Regarding fluid abilities, which of the following statements is TRUE?
Fluid abilities include vocabulary and stored-up facts
Through such games as "I'm-Going-To-Get-You," adults and babies come to share similar rhythms and expectations that help to create a system that includes touching, vocalizing, gazing, and smiling, which are referred to as shared
Which of the following is NOT good advice when visiting a person who is dying?
Be lively and keep the conversation going at all times.
Eleven-year-old Jason wants to go to the movies with his friends, but his parents say that he can't. When he asks why, his parents respond that as long as he's living under their roof, he will do what he's told and not ask any questions. This style of parenting will most likely lead Jason to be a(n)
emotionally stiff, withdrawn, and apprehensive child, lacking in curiosity.
Defects that originate during prenatal development in the womb due to environmental conditions are known as
congenital problems
Regarding smiling, which of the following statements is FALSE?
The social smile does not appear until around 16 to 24 months of age.
After being adopted, the children who were raised in severely overcrowded orphanages where they got little attention, showed all of the following characteristics EXCEPT for
wanting to be constantly held by their adoptive parents.
A hallucination is
a perception of objects or events that have no external reality.
The direct flow of charged atoms into the tips of the taste buds explains which two tastes?
salt and sour
Visual problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism are the result of
physical abnormalities in the structure of the eye.
Obtaining additional information as a check on the accuracy of one's perceptions is called
reality testing.
A dog whistle can be heard by dogs but not by humans. This whistle takes advantage of a characteristic of sensory systems known as
the absolute threshold.
Converting important features of the world into neural messages understood by the brain is called
sensory coding
If you work in a noisy environment or enjoy loud music, motorcycling, snowmobiling, hunting, or similar pursuits, you may be at risk for developing which type of hearing loss?
Most of the focusing is done at the front of the eye by the cornea, with additional, smaller adjustments being made by the
Which theory of color vision explains what happens in the optic pathways and in the brain after information leaves the eye?
Jeremy who sits in the back of the seventh grade classroom, has no trouble reading the words in his textbook, but he is having difficulty reading the words that the teacher is writing on the board or seeing the images on the projection screen. Jeremy most likely has which vision problem?
The somesthetic senses include
touch, the vestibular sense, and the kinesthetic sense
The ears of bats can transduce and hear sound waves that humans cannot. This allows them to fly in complete darkness by using
The physical "height" of a sound wave that tells how much energy the wave contains is called
Regarding inattentional blindness, we are more likely not to perceive something when
our attention is narrowly focused.
A researcher is using an apparatus that consists of a glass-topped table with one side having a checkered surface that lies directly beneath the glass with the other checkered surface being four feet below the glass surface causing the appearance of a drop-off. This apparatus is known as
a visual cliff.
Which one of the following sequences is the correct one for audition?
eardrum, ossicles, cochlea, hair cells
When you are traveling in a wide open space with clean air, very distant mountains often appear to be closer than they really are. This occurrence is due to a decrease in
aerial perspective
The cones of the retina
number about five million in each human eye.
Bifocal lenses are used to correct
both near vision and distance vision.
When our attention is narrowly focused, we may experience
inattentional blindness.
Which of the following statements is/are TRUE regarding sleep sex?
The official name for sleep sex is sexsomnia. Sleep sex involves someone who is actually sleeping attempting to have sex with another person. It is not uncommon for sexual assault charges to be laid against a person who attempts to have sleep sex.
Jeffery has just taken a substance that alters his sensory impressions. Which type of drugs did he most likely consume?
The mental exercise known as meditation
is characterized by all of these.
Amphetamine is very similar in its effects to
The safest sleep position for most infants in order to prevent SIDS is
on their backs
Most stage hypnotists get people to do strange things because
all of these factors are involved.
One's natural sleep need
is indicated when one can wake without an alarm clock and feel rested.
A substance capable of altering attention, judgment, perception, and emotions
is classified as a psychoactive drug.
Brief ____ appears to be one of the surest ways to induce deep relaxation.
sensory deprivation
REM is the acronym that stands for
rapid eye movement.
Kyanna sometimes stops breathing for more than 20 seconds while sleeping. This can happen hundreds of times per night. She has
sleep apnea
A person suffering from insomnia has a sleep problem characterized by
difficulty in going and staying asleep
Nicotine is classified as a
Drugs with names like Xanax, Halcion, and Valium are
Smoking leads to an increased risk of
several types of cancer. cardiovascular diseases. reproductive disorders.
Physical cravings for a drug and unpleasant reactions when the drug is withheld are signs of
physical dependence.
Ashley seems to fall asleep in the middle of a conversation. She has even suffered one of these sleep attacks while standing. She is likely to suffer from the sleep disturbance referred to as
According to your text, sensory deprivation is defined as
any major reduction in the amount or variety of sensory stimulation.
The two major forms of meditation are
concentrative and mindfulness
Confusion, disorientation, delusions, and hallucinations are characteristic of
sleep deprivation psychosis
is an innate biological rhythm. is necessary for life. may give way temporarily in times of great danger.
While you are watching TV, your mind begins to drift and you become increasingly drowsy. You know the television is on, but you cannot distinguish which program is on. Then, your friend says, "You're asleep." You quickly state, "No, I'm not," but you really were. The sleep stage described would be
Rohypnol is
Margo dreams of stealing her friends' wedding ring and placing it on her hand. According to Freud, Margo's dream probably represents
Superstitious behavior
is based upon an apparent connection between a response and a reinforcer.
A linked series of actions that lead to reinforcement is the definition of which of the following concepts?
response chaining
Jason's parents reward him with a play break after he has worked on his homework for 20 minutes. After 20 more minutes of study, Jason receives another play break. Jason is on a ____ schedule of reinforcement.
fixed interval
____ is the tendency to respond to stimuli similar to those that preceded operant reinforcement.
Operant stimulus generalization
A puppy has begun to cry and bark in order to be let into the house. To extinguish this response, you would
ignore the crying, letting the puppy in when quiet.
The learned ability to respond differently to various stimuli is known as
stimulus discrimination.
To produce extinction in the traditional Pavlovian experiment, an experimenter would
present the bell alone.
A(n) ____ is a dependable, inborn stimulus-and-response connection.
One thing that reinforcement and punishment have in common is that both
are less effective if they are delayed.
Pavlov's most famous experiment involved teaching dogs to ____ to a new stimulus
To be effective, punishment should be
___ is given only when a particular response is made
Response-contingent reinforcement
Advertisers often try to use higher order conditioning by
pairing images that evoke good feelings with pictures of their products.
The concept that best explains persistence at gambling is
partial reinforcement.
The basic tools available to control simple learning work best when used
in combination
In a self-management program, self-recording
provides feedback and lets you know if you are reaching your goal
Psychologists define learning as
a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience.
The brief return of an operant response after extinction is known as
a spontaneous recovery.
In the textbook example regarding "Shaping the Teacher," psychology students looked really interested in her lecture when she was standing on the right side of the room, and they looked bored when she was standing on the left side. The students were shaping the teacher's behavior using
social reinforcers
According to the ____, learning is strengthened each time a response is followed by a satisfying state of affairs
law of effect
Teaching your cat to turn on the living room lights would best be accomplished by
People prone to repression tend to
be extremely sensitive to emotional events.
If two brain cells become more active at the same time, the connections between them grow stronger. This process is called
long-term potentiation.
State-dependent learning is a term which refers to the fact that
bodily states can be strong cues for later memory.
Regarding the ways to improve memory, which of the following statements is FALSE?
There is very little you can do to improve your brain's ability to store long-term memories.
A member of your favorite study group from last semester is walking toward you in the mall, but you cannot remember her name. You are sure you would be able to remember her name if you were back on campus in the library room where the group met to study. Maybe when you hear her voice, her name will come back to you. You are experiencing
cue-dependent forgetting.
Which of the following types of memory is most often stored phonetically (by sound)?
In which memory system will information be quickly "dumped" unless the process of maintenance rehearsal takes place?
short-term memory
Smelling apple pie causes you to have vivid and detailed memories of the happy times that you spent in your grandmother's kitchen. This process is called
The worst that happens when hypnosis is used as an aid to memory in solving a crime is that
additional memories are produced that are largely false.
A history exam that requires students to "Discuss economic factors that contributed to World War I" is measuring
Extremely traumatic experiences, such as military combat, can result in memories and "flashbacks" that leave a person emotionally handicapped because they produce so much activation in which part of the brain?
limbic system
After memorization, most forgetting tends to occur
Regarding the use of hypnosis, which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
If a questioner asks misleading or suggestive questions, a hypnotized person tends to weave this information into his or her memories.
Information in long-term memory is generally stored on the basis of
meaning and importance.
After a long flight, a very tired Mark rented a car at the airport and drove to a nearby motel. The next morning, when he went to the parking lot, he could not remember what make, model, or color car he had rented. Mark's forgetting illustrates
encoding failure.
A strategy or a device that acts as a system or aid to improving memory is called a(n)
Déjà vu experiences feel familiar but yet strange because
a past memory was retrieved but was too weak to yield adequate details.
According to the network model of memory, the time required to answer questions about objects, events, or individuals depends on
the length of the chain of associations that connects them.
If you can link information in short-term memory to knowledge already stored in long-term memory, the information will
gain meaning and be easier to remember.
Regarding episodic memories, which of the following statements is TRUE?
Unless episodic memories are important, they are more easily forgotten than semantic memories.
Which of the following psychologists pioneered the scientific study of forgetting using nonsense syllables and plotted the curve of forgetting?
Herman Ebbinghaus
Regarding electroconvulsive shock (ECS) and consolidation
Recent memories are more easily disrupted by ECS than older memories. If enough time is allowed to pass between learning and ECS, the memory will be unaffected because consolidation is already complete. The part of the brain known as the hippocampus plays an important role in consolidation.
Trisomy-21 results in which condition?
Down syndrome
Which of the following types of intelligence tests minimizes language skills and consists mainly of items that require the student to match patterns or choose the figure that completes a sequence?
culture-fair tests
An idea representing a category of related objects or events is called a(n)
Which of the following represents a mixture of convergent thinking, intelligence, reason, creativity, originality, openness, and tolerance?
Compared to routine problem solving, creative thinking involves
fluency, flexibility, and originality
On a creativity test, you are asked to list all the uses of a paper clip. The more unusual or novel your answers the higher will be your __________ score.
A person who gets "hung up" on using a familiar object only in one certain way is exhibiting
functional fixedness.
In the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), an intellectual disability is also referred to as a(n)
intellectual developmental disorder.
Regarding "reverse vision," which of the following statements is TRUE?
"Reverse vision" occurs when one forms any mental image
Billy has a mental age of eight and a chronological age of ten. Billy's IQ is
The items actually selected for an intelligence test provide which type of definition of intelligence?
Regarding Terman's study of the 1,500 intellectually gifted he called the "Termites,
Terman found that the gifted tend to be well adjusted psychologically. A majority of the "Termites" finished college, earned advanced degrees, or held professional positions. Many of the "Termites" had written books or scientific articles.
Semantic problems would be LEAST likely to occur
when one includes the word's denotative meaning.
Down syndrome results from flaws in the parents' egg or sperm cells, a condition called
For the last 30 years, Duane Rumbaugh and Sue Savage-Rumbaugh have taught a chimp named Kanzi to communicate using
a computer keyboard with lexigrams.
In a study of how language affects one's thoughts, individuals who spoke different languages were asked to arrange a set of cards that depicted a series of events, such as a meal being cooked and eaten. Which of the following is a FALSE statement regarding the findings of this study?
All the subjects regardless of the language they spoke arranged the cards from left to right
Average intelligence is usually defined as any score from
90 to 109.
Which of the following is based on the fact that many tasks can be reduced to a set of rules applied to a body of information?
artificial intelligence
A 10-year-old child with a mental age of 10 would have an IQ of
IBM's Watson supercomputer, which outperformed even expert humans at playing the television game Jeopardy, and the computer Deep Blue that beat world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997 are examples of
expert systems
The fact that the sentence, "Samantha kissed Trevor," has a very different meaning from "Trevor kissed Samantha," demonstrates the importance of
A diet of cheese, peanut butter, cookies, bananas, marshmallows, and chocolate is referred to as a(n) ____ and tends to encourage ____,
"supermarket diet"; overeating
The National Academy of Sciences recently concluded that polygraph tests
should not be used to screen employees.
When asked a series of questions with critical items mixed among them by a skilled polygraph examiner, an innocent person
may respond emotionally to the whole procedure, while only a guilty person is supposed to respond more to relevant questions.
After eating a salty fish dinner you are very thirsty for plain water, a condition described as
intracellular thirst.
The human sex drive
is not necessary for individual survival, but is necessary for the survival of the human species.
Many of the physiological changes during emotion are caused by the activity of the ____ nervous system.
Taste aversions are a type of classical conditioning, and if there is a long delay between the CS and US, conditioning is usually prevented. The fact that people and animals can develop taste aversions, even though sickness occurs long after eating, indicates that
there is a biological tendency to associate sickness with any food eaten earlier.
If the ventromedial hypothalamus of a rat's hypothalamus is destroyed, the rat will
eat until it becomes obese.
A cat caged in complete darkness learns to press a lever to briefly turn on a light. In terms of the cat's motivation, the light serves as a(n)
stimulus motive.
You are driving cross-country and stop in at a fast food restaurant. You eat several cheeseburgers and a gargantuan-mound of fries. After eating this food, you find yourself very thirsty. Your thirst would be best quenched by drinking
plain water.
The psychological state or feeling we call thirst or hunger corresponds to which element of motivation?
Curiosity and exploration are ____ motives, while thirst and hunger are ____ motives.
stimulus; primary
There is a rare genetic defect in which a person has reduced ____ levels in his or her body, leading to obesity.
The perception of an emotion in any situation can depend on what a person thinks has caused his or her feelings of physical arousal. This illustrates which theory of emotion?
attribution theory
You are about to make a speech. Your hands tremble, your posture tenses, and your voice has a slight quiver as you begin. These outward signs represent which component of emotions?
emotional expressions
Which of the following statements is/are TRUE regarding diets and dieting?
a. Restaurant foods in the U.S. are higher in fat and calories than meals made at home. b. Food portions at restaurants in the United States are 25 percent larger, or more, than they are in France. c. Far fewer people are obese in France because they eat less and take longer to eat a meal. d. All of these statements are true.
According to Martin Seligman, ____ can be cultivated by using the strengths we already possess, including kindness, originality, humor, optimism, and generosity.
Which of the following is FALSE regarding the suppression of emotions?
Suppressing emotion can enhance thinking and memory because one remains in control.
Which theory of emotion BEST explains how "putting on a happy face" can actually make you feel better?
facial feedback hypothesis
Which statement concerning stimulus drives is FALSE?
Stimulus drives are observed only in humans.
Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are
serious health threatening problems.
Frequent changes in diet and weight can
lead to a risk of heart disease and premature death.
Regarding the dimensions of sex, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Hormonal sex involves the thyroid glands in the female and the parathyroid glands in the male.
Over the past 20 years, extreme gender role stereotyping has been
The two structures that carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus are the
fallopian tubes.
Within a healthy sexual relationship, according to McCarthy, there are four important elements including
valuing one's sexuality
Recent research with the Scholastic Assessment Test indicates that the differences in verbal and math abilities that do exist between men and women are based on
Dr. Armond is investigating what role genetics play in homosexuality. His research centers on how genes are expressed during development. Dr. Armond's field is called
The word androgyny refers to having both masculine and feminine traits and literally means
Regarding research on the effects of sexual arousal and testosterone levels on behavior, which of the following statements is FALSE?
In a study, the men correctly predicted that being sexually aroused would influence their sexual choices
Regarding the after-effects for rape victims, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Most women have overcome their fear, anxiety, and sexual dysfunctions a year after being raped.
Which of the following reflects all the subtle pressures from parents, peers, and cultural forces that urge boys to "act like boys" and girls to "act like girls"?
gender role socialization
In recent years, an increasing trend has been
that people today spend as much of their adult lives (on average) alone as they do in marriage.
Regarding forcible rape, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Most rapists feel remorse or guilt about their deed.
Achieving sexual arousal by wearing clothes of the opposite sex is known as __________ disorder.
Regarding current trends in the sexual behavior among young people, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Friends with benefits is a more casual sexual script than the sexual script known as the hook-up script.
According to Sandra Bem, a person who is cheerful, compassionate, gentle, understanding, loyal, soft spoken, and sympathetic would be considered
Regarding gender stereotypes, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Extreme gender stereotyping has increased somewhat in the last 20 years
Overall, for every dollar earned by men in North America, women tend to earn __________ cents.
A person who desires sexual activity but does not become sexually excited is suffering from a(n) __________ disorder.
The belief that a woman who is raped by an acquaintance actually wanted to have sex is an example of
a rape myth.
Heredity influences
a. one's body type. b. one's intelligence. c. one's behavioral tendencies. d. all of these.
Mark is very hungry. After class, he leaves the building and sees the signs of the fast food restaurants near the college. After seeing the signs, he gets in his car to satisfy his hunger. Dollard and Miller would describe Mark's hunger as a
Which region of the mind holds repressed memories and emotions, plus the instinctual drives of the id?
Based on the research to date, most psychologists would argue that personality is
a combination of genetics and environment.
The dimensions of the "Big Five" factor model of personality are
extroversion, agreeableness, conscientious, neuroticism, and openness to experience.
The "amazing similarities" of identical twins may be a result of
the fallacy of positive instances
The four approaches to personality theories covered by the text include all of the following EXCEPT
transactional analysis.
The concept of traits is used for
stable qualities a person shows in most situations.
According to ____, personality is acquired through classical and operant conditioning, observational learning, reinforcement, extinction, generalization, and discrimination.
behavioral personality theorists
A personality type is
a style of personality defined by a group of related qualities.
Temperament refers to
hereditary emotional traits.
According to Freud, when impulses from the id overwhelm the ego, the person experiences
neurotic anxiety.
To assess personality, psychologists tend to use
a. interviews. b. observation. c. questionnaires and projective tests. d. all of these in combination.
The MMPI-2 was primarily designed
to identify people with particular psychological problems.
According to Freud, the ego is governed by the
reality principle
According to Freud, children from age six to puberty experience a quiet, settled time when psychosexual development is dormant. This is the ____ period.
In the five-factor theory of personality, the dimension of ____ measures whether a person is self-disciplined, responsible, and achieving or irresponsible, careless, and undependable.
Marla believes herself to be hardworking, conscientious, and a team player; but when she received her job evaluations from her employer and peers, she was shocked to learn that she was not viewed as hardworking or as a team player. According to Rogers, Marla is experiencing
In Freudian theory, ____ refers to a preschool boy's attraction to his mother and feelings of rivalry with his father.
the Oedipus complex
If we describe Dan as being sociable, orderly, and intelligent, we are referring to his
personality traits.
____ people have personality traits that increase their chance of suffering a heart attack, while ____ people take a more laid-back approach to life.
Type A; Type B
During the first year of life, a child goes through the ____ stage, while between the ages of one and three years, the child is said to go through the ____ stage.
oral; anal
In the Freudian view of personality, which part of the personality is totally unconscious and dominated by biological instincts?
A psychologist is administering a projective test in which his client looks at several pictures and tells a story about each one. The psychologist will interpret the content of his client's stories. For example, he will count the number of times the central figure in each story told by his client is angry, overlooked, apathetic, jealous, or threatened. The projective test being used by this psychologist is most likely the
Thematic Appreciation Test.
According to social learning theory, ____ refers to the child's emotional attachment to admired adults, especially those who provide love and care.
Irrational and very specific fears that persist even when there is no real danger to a person are called
specific phobias.
Gwendolyn is a 34-year-old, unmarried woman, who relies on her parents to take care of her. She refuses to move out because she has an extreme lack of self-confidence and feels that her parents do a better job of structuring her life than anyone else, including herself. Gwendolyn fits the description of a ____ personality disorder.
Although her family is unaware of her feelings of hopelessness and despair, Carmen is very unhappy. Thus, she would be exhibiting psychopathology based on
subjective discomfort
Depressive, somatic, grandeur, persecution, influence, and reference are types of
The neurotransmitter ____ has been shown to be related to schizophrenia and is also affected by PCP use.
Medical and psychology students have a predictable tendency to notice in themselves the symptoms of each dreaded disease or psychopathology they study. This is known as
the "medical student's disease."
Persons who suffer from paraphilias are categorized as having
sexual disorders
Allison believes that her body is "rotting away" on the inside, her hair is falling out, and her skin is completely drying out. Allison is experiencing
somatic delusions.
Ben was usually in the hospital at least 15 times a year. He was taking 19 different medications, and his mother said that she desperately wanted him to be healed. The doctors discovered that there was nothing wrong with Ben. However, his mother was eventually diagnosed with ____ because she had a pathological need to seek attention and sympathy from medical professionals by "keeping her child sick."
Munchausen syndrome by proxy
Women who are exposed to ____ during the middle of pregnancy have children who are more likely to become schizophrenic.
a flu virus or rubella
According to the textbook, abnormal behavior is defined by two core features that are indicative of the person requiring psychological help. These two features are
maladaptive and loss of control over thoughts and behaviors.
Aaron has had to reschedule his voice recital four times. Each time on the day before his recital, he loses his voice. Aaron's doctor CANNOT find anything that could physically cause Aaron to lose his voice. Thus, psychological factors appear to underlie Aaron's symptoms, which indicates that Aaron most likely has a(n)
somatoform disorder
CT scans and MRI scans both suggest that the brains of schizophrenics have
shrunk (atrophied)
Some researchers believe schizophrenia results from brain receptors becoming super-responsive to normal amounts of
Paula would love to have friends and go to the movies and parties, but she just knows that she would embarrass herself in these situations by not wearing the "right" clothes or not being able to carry on a conversation. Paula would be diagnosed as having a(n) ____ personality disorder.
Statistical approaches to abnormality define as "abnormal" those who
deviate from typical or average patterns of behavior.
Calvin has been on a "pleasure binge" for the last three days. He has cleaned out his bank account spending the money on anything that gains his attention. He would be described as loud, elated, and hyperactive. A week ago he was feeling like a failure and was withdrawn and unhappy. Calvin would most likely be diagnosed with
bipolar disorder
Under what circumstances do mental problems represent an elevated risk of violence?
when a person is actively psychotic (currently experiencing delusions and hallucinations)
Which of the following mood disorders is characterized by the person being mild to moderately depressed most of the time for at least two years with no psychotic episodes and no mania?
dysthymic disorder
Paul is described as irresponsible, reckless, deceitful, and lacking a conscience. Which type of disorder is most likely involved?
antisocial personality disorde
Annabelle is in the grocery store when she notices her heart is racing, and she becomes very dizzy. She is shaking so that she is barely able to stand up, and she cannot seem to get enough air and begins to hyperventilate. Annabelle thinks that maybe she is having a heart attack or going insane. She was fine a few minutes ago. Annabelle is exhibiting symptoms of a(n)
panic disorder (without agoraphobia)
An obsession is an unwanted ____, while a compulsion is an unwanted ____.
thought; behavior
The risk of postpartum depression is increased by
a. the mother experiencing stress and anxiety before birth. b. the mother having negative attitudes toward child rearing. c. a poor marital relationship and lack of support from the father.
According to the text, dissociations are often triggered by
traumatic events.
According to the textbook, the reason for the gender bias in judging normality is due to
standards for normality being based on males.
Which of the following statements regarding media psychologists is FALSE?
Most media psychologists view their work as being as therapeutic as individual counseling sessions.
Which of the following is NOT an effective counseling skill?
Selected Answer: providing several solutions to the problem Answers: providing several solutions to the problem active listening focusing on feelings accepting the person's perception of the world
"The owner of a chicken ranch ends a pet dog's habit of stealing and eating eggs by allowing the dog to 'find' and eat several eggs laced with Tabasco sauce. The ranch owner's approach is similar to
aversion therapy
For what is Philippe Pinel most famous?
changing an asylum in Paris into a mental hospital
Freud believed that neuroses
involved all of these. caused people to devote excessive amounts of time and energy to compulsive and self-defeating behaviors. "were caused by repressed conflicts, particularly those stemming from instinctual drives for sex and aggression." forced people to develop rigid ego-defense mechanisms.
People with drug addiction may find it nearly impossible to resist the temptations for drug abuse in their daily lives without the use of
"____ therapy seeks to uncover a 'true self' hidden behind a screen of defenses, while ____ therapy emphasizes that you can choose to become the person you want to be."
Client-centered; existential
Which of the following would be the BEST definition of psychotherapy?
A psychological technique used to facilitate positive changes in a person's personality, behavior, or adjustment
Patients are randomly assigned to a therapy treatment group, while the other patients are placed on a waiting list. If members of this control group, who were placed on a waiting list and received no treatment, improved at the same rate as those in the experimental therapy group, we could conclude that ____ was responsible for improvement of the patients."
spontaneous remission
Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the effectiveness of therapy?
In a national survey, it was found that almost six out of ten people who have sought mental health care say their lives improved as a result of the treatment."
Trepanning involves
boring a hole into a person's skull.
Analysis of resistances and transference are standard features of
"To alleviate bed wetting, special sheets connected to an alarm are placed on the child's bed. When the child's full bladder releases the first droplets of urine onto the special sheet, the alarm will sound and awaken the child. Through this pairing of a loud alarm with a full bladder, the child will learn to awaken to the full bladder. This illustrates the use of ____ in alleviating a problem behavior."
classical conditioning
"To reduce the time you spend watching TV, you vividly imagine yourself failing an important exam. This technique is called"
covert sensitization
"During the Middle Ages, treatments for mental illness in Europe focused on ____, which blamed abnormal behavior on supernatural forces, such as possession by the devil, and on curses from witches and wizards."
____ is the use of learning principles to make constructive changes in behavior and includes aversion therapy, desensitization, and token economies."
Behavior therapy
"Problem gamblers suffer from several cognitive distortions related to gambling, including which of the following?"
all of these selective memory attribution errors luck as a trait
Which of the following would be a behavior that would help if you were providing support and counseling to a friend?
using open-ended questioning and supportive statements
Which of the following is considered the LEAST preferred place to find a psychotherapist?
newspaper advertisements
The negative impact of shortening psychiatric hospitalization has been to
discharge many chronic patients into hostile communities
"When looking in the yellow pages, counselors are usually found under the heading ____; psychiatrists are generally listed under ____."
Marriage and Family Counselors; Physicians
Sharing your own private thoughts and feelings with others is called
With regard to romantic love, the nearly exclusive attention lovers give to one another is called
mutual absorption
You are practicing your guitar alone in your dorm room when your roommate and another student from down the hall walk in and motion for you to keep going. If you are confident in your musical skill, you are more likely to perform better with these two people present, according to the principle of
social facilitation
Regarding Jane Elliot's demonstration with blue-eyed and brown-eyed children, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Although the brown-eyed children were being mistreated by Jane Elliot, their academic performance and test scores did not suffer.
Acceptable behavior in most situations is defined by society, as a whole, through the broadest set of
In his research on stereotype threat, Steele found that when African-American college students were told that a task to be performed was a test of academic ability, their performance was
worse than the European-American college students
When we bring our behavior into agreement with the actions, norms, or values of others in the absence of any direct pressure, we are exhibiting
Tony asks his friend Clay how he was able to get his mom to give him $10 for the movies. Clay replies that you first ask for a loan of $25. When she refuses, you then ask if she could at least loan you $10. Clay has learned that which approach works his mom?
door-in-the-face effect
A person has fainted and collapsed on the sidewalk. Latané and Darley suggest that if the sidewalk is crowded, few people will even see the person due to
the widely-accepted norms against staring at others in public
A friend asks you to bring dip to a party, and you agree. Then, your friend adds that you need to make at least two quarts of it and bring at least three bowls to serve it in and three bags of chips. This party planner has used which compliance strategy on you?
the lowball technique
Cognitive dissonance theory is based on the human need for
A selection committee was interviewing applicants for a new position in the media department of the college. The psychologist on the committee found it very interesting that a majority of the committee believed that the applicant who was a former beauty queen was the most intelligent, likeable, and socially skilled of all the applicants, although two of the other candidates had considerably more education and experience with college publications. The majority of the committee is exhibiting
the halo effect.
Who is best known for his research on conformity?
Solomon Asch
In public areas that are kept clean, people tend to
not litter because there is a norm or standard set for cleanliness in that area.
People are more likely to aggress when their goals are blocked, according to the
frustration-aggression hypothesis.
Comparing hairstyles, habits of speech, dress, eating habits, and social customs in two or more cultures makes it clear that the members of each society tend to
conform to social norms
Abe and Sandy have deep emotional and sexual feelings for each other, which Sternberg referred to as
Race is
a social construction.
Regarding what people look for when considering potential dating partners, Goode conducted a study in which personal ads were placed in newspapers. The four ads included a beautiful woman who was a waitress, an average-looking female lawyer, an average-looking male lawyer, and a handsome male cabdriver. Results of the study showed that in choosing a potential dating partner, the majority of
men were more influenced by physical attractiveness, while women were more influenced by success.