Those working in the interdisciplinary field called_____study the brain activity associated with perception, thinking, memory, and language.
cognitive neuroscience
What are the mind's two tracks, and what is "dual processing"?
Our mind has separate conscious and unconscious tracks that perform dual processing—organizing and interpreting information simultaneously.
What is the place of consciousness in psychology's history?
Since 1960, under the influence of cognitive psychology and neuroscience, consciousness (our awareness of ourselves and our environment) has resumed its place as an important area of research. After initially claiming consciousness as its area of study in the nineteenth century, psychologists had abandoned it in the first half of the twentieth century, turning instead to the study of observable behavior because they believed consciousness was too difficult to study scientifically.
What is the "dual processing" being revealed by today's cognitive neuroscience?
Cognitive neuroscientists and others studying the brain mechanisms underlying consciousness and cognition have discovered that the mind processes information on two separate tracks, one operating at an explicit, conscious level and the other at an implicit, unconscious level. This dual processing affects our perception, memory, attitudes, and other cognitions.
How much information do we consciously attend to at once?
We selectively attend to, and process, a very limited portion of incoming information, blocking out much and often shifting the spotlight of our attention from one thing to another. Focused intently on one task, we often display inattentional blindness to other events and changes around us.