Smiles, head nods, eye contact, and clapping from audience members in response to you message are all forms of
when you avoid telling the whole truth about a situation to avoid hurting another person you are telling a
white lie
the _____ also referred to as the sender, is the person who talks or sends the message
what percentage of experienced speakers have fear before giving a speech
the use of text's or a person's exact words is
what method of plagiarism involves selecting material from several sources, taking them word for word and joining them together in a way that makes sense
cut and paste
When you have _____, both the sender and the receiver have a similar understanding of the messages delivered in the communication event
shared meaning
when speaking ethically, you should always follow the guidelines in your textbook and:
have a clear and responsible goal
___ is the act of using another's ideas or language as if it is your own.
the ____ are the mediums through which messages are sent
Observations, asking people other than group members, and reviewing written documents are examples of ____ methods for collecting information
when you tailor your speech to the education level of your classmates in a public speaking course, you are focusing your audience analysis on_____
audience demographics
If you see quizzical looks from your audience while you are giving your speech, your should____
try to explain your point again
A ____ is a gathering of selected individual participants who are encouraged to talk in an unstructured way about questions posed by a facilitator
a focus group
why is being audience-centered a good idea
An audience will pay attention to something that is relevant to them. It helps you achieve your speech goals. It shows you care about not wasting the audience's time
When giving a speech you need to consider the ____ setting to be sure the area is free of things that may have an effect on audience's attention span or their ability to hear you
The age of your audience members is a factor related to _____
____ is where your audience stands on a continuum from in favor of your topic and ideas to opposed to your topic and ideas
getting audience____helps you stay audience - centered by giving you cues that you can use to adapt your delivery while you are speaking
when you are giving a speech, you should maintain eye contact ____ of the time
What should you consider when selecting a topic where you have no prior knowledge?
if you have enough time to adequately research it
The goal of a(n)_____speech is to attempt to change the audience's convictions or urge members to take some sort of action
The specific purpose statement identifies
what the speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech
Your speech should revolve around your _____
thesis statement
What is a question you should ask yourself while selecting a topic?
What expertise do you have? What experience do you have? What excites you?
When you need to generate a large number of ideas quickly with a goal of quantity, not quality, you should use the technique known as___
What is the general purpose of an informative speech?
to inform
In this course, where do you get the general purpose of your speech from?
it is assigned
A speaker's _____ purpose might be to inform, to persuade, or to entertain
What does the general purpose do?
What would be the best design for a speech on Stuttering
A _____ organization pattern divides the thesis into subtopics or categories
If you present your ideas in a logical, easy-to-follow manner, you will be a more successful speaker. Using a(n) _____ will help you achieve this goal.
Organizational pattern
A(n) ______ is a specific case used to represent or illustrate an idea, condition, experience, or group of people.
Where should transitions be included in the speech?
Between the introduction and body of the speech Between each main point Between the body and conclusion
A(n)_____ example is a narrative or story developed at some length with more detail than a brief example
What would be the best design for a speech on "How to Provide Adult CPR"
Select the best example of a thesis statement
Owning a home can often be more cost-efficient than renting.
Organizing ideas within a speech according to the order in which they occurred or should occur based on time, sequence, or steps employs a _____ organizational pattern.
_____provide(s) proof or evidence to bolster your main points.
Martina is concerned about her introductory speech for the guest speaker at her banquet. What should Martina keep in her mind as she prepares her introductory speech?
She should introduce the topic and the speaker, briefly and accurately.
This type of special occasion speech makes a serious point even though the purpose is to entertain.
An after-dinner speech
At Donald's funeral, Patrick was asked to give the eulogy. In the eulogy, Patrick mentioned Donald's accomplishments in art, his loving devotion to his family, and how Donald got people to smile with the short stories or jokes he told. At the close of the eulogy, Patrick encouraged everyone to keep Donald in their memories and close to their heart. What guidelines did Patrick follow in preparing this eulogy?
Remember the specific achievements of the person, include personal information and experiences, and show empathy for those who have assembled to pay their respects.
A vigorous delivery style is an essential characteristic of which type of speech?
A speech of inspiration
This kind of speech may be delivered in times of adversity to challenge the audience to be strong.
A speech of inspiration
Renton has been asked to present his colleague, Rebecca with the "Journalist of the Year" award. What is important for him to remember to say in his speech?
Explain the significance of the award and why Rebecca fulfills the standards of excellence to receive the award.
In this type of special occasion speech, you need to balance effective delivery with your emotional state.
A eulogy
A brief, accurate speech where the goals are to gain the attention of the audience and arouse interest in the speaker and his or her topic is______
A speech of introduction
An after-dinner speech may be used to provide some information but it is generally intended to ___ the audience.
This speech of celebration should be positive, communicating hope and joy.
A commemorative speech
What is a formal outline?
A full-sentence content plan of your speech ideas.
In preparing your delivery outline, avoid writing complete sentences because:
You will be tempted to read your outline and if will cause you to be unsuccessful in delivering adequate eye contact.
Using short words and phrases on your speaking notes will allow you to:
speak in a natural and conversational manner
The delivery outline should _____
be brief and be prepared on 4x6 inch note cards
Which objectives should be included in your outline?
General purpose, specific purpose, thesis statement
Which type of outline should be used for presenting a speech
_____ are used in outlining your speech ideas.
Standard subdividsions
In an outline, sub points should be represented by:
Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3)
Main points are identified by using _____.
Roman Numerals
What types of sentences are used in a preparation outline?
Short sentences and phrases
Listening for enjoyment or pleasure is _____ listening.
A _____ is something that incites your senses to their functional activity.
The term _____ refers to a back and forth negotiation of meaning.
_____ is meant to explain the point, provide an illustration or example of the point, and provide evidence as proof of an argument made by the point.
supporting material
_____ is the process of recalling by an effort of memory.
The stage of listening in which you receive information through the five senses is known as _____.
_____ is a listening technique where you "will yourself" to pay attention.
active listening
The principle that we focus on something to the exclusion of other things is known as ____.
selective attention
Research points out that employees spend ____ of their time listening.
What type of listening is concerned with evaluating the content of a message for the purpose of accepting or rejecting it?
Speaking "off the cuff," casual, and delivered with little or no preparation is called _____ speaking.
A figure of speech in which nonhuman, nonliving, or abstract subjects are given human characteristics is called:
An example of this figure of speech is "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
The position or bearing of your body, a nonverbal behavior your audience will notice, is referred to as your _____.
Good delivery is ____.
natural, comfortable, and spontaneous
As a general rule, you should aim for making eye contact with your audience members approximately _____ of the time you are delivering your speech.
Justin was asked to recite the Gettysburg Address. When he did, the first sentence came out like this: "Uh, mm. Four score and, um, seven years ago, er, our fathers brought forth, ummm, on this continent, a new nation." Justin's speech was plagued with _____.
verbal fillers
The technical language of a group of people is known as _____.
In writing your speech, your goal is to get your message across to your listeners while relating to them on some level so they will be more receptive to your ideas. You can achieve this through the use of _____.
audience centered writting
Manuscript speaking is useful when _____.
your speech required precise, accurate, well-worded content
Annual publications that report information about the previous year are called _____
_____ provide general information about a variety of topics and include encyclopedias, yearbooks, and dictionaries
Reference works
A(n) _____ provides maps of the world.
Sara is doing a speech about the Psychology Department at the University. She makes an appointment to interview the department chair to find out more information on the program. What role does the department chair play?
The _____ is a global super network linking thousands of computer networks in order to share information
_____ encyclopedias provide information about what we know, arranged alphabetically.
The _____ you have gathered from your research provide richness to what is being said and help hold the audience's attention.
supporting material
_____, such as those available on, organize and sort by topic and subtopic.
subject searches
_____ provide access to articles from newspapers, popular magazines, and scholarly journals.
periodical database
A successful outcome to a persuasive speech requires the audience to believe you are very _____.
In an informative speech to a group of high school juniors, Tori talked about how college can change your life, about the change in her confidence level from her first year to her senior year. Although college seemed a long way off for her audience, they listened intently. Tori made her speech interesting by using which guideline?
A speech to inform is designed to allow the speaker to _____.
share knowledge with the audience
When speakers jump back and forth between ideas and ramble, the audience tends to become more confused than informed. Which public speaking guideline is not being followed?
Defining a word by explaining the root of the word is a type of definition speech known as _____.
A speech which defines a word by using the word in context is a speech of _____ definition.
A speech recounting the history of the attack on Pearl Harbor would be which type of speech?
An informative speech that is useful when speakers need to clarify the meaning of a word, phrase, or idiom is a speech of _____
You are planning to give a speech to high school seniors that will provide them with a vivid mental image of dorm life. Which informative strategy should you rely on most?
The process of finding a pattern that fits your main points together in a meaningful manner is _____.
The "using what's there" principle in an informative speech suggests _____.
B. linking new ideas with familiar ideas
Louise brought her flash drive containing her presentation. When she plugged it into the computer, she could not open her file. What should Louise have done?
Tested the equipment to ensure it would work. Asked what type of technology/software was available in the room. Proceeded with her speech, focusing on the message.
Joe is a member of Future Farmers of America (FFA), so for his demonstration speech he wanted to show his audience the proper way to groom and care for his prize-winning Holstein cattle. Instead of bringing a Holstein to class, what is the BEST visual Joe could use in this demonstration speech?
Use a three-dimensional model of a Holstein along with the items he uses to groom the cattle when the actual object is too large to be easily used as a presentation aid for a speech.
Why would a line graph be used as a visual aid for a speech?
To display trends and the relationship between two variables.
Which visual aid gives listeners something they can take with them when the presentation is complete?
Handouts and brochures
Which of the following is a potential disadvantage of using visual aids in your speech?
Visual aids can reduce credibility.
Which type of visual aid is useful with there is no presentation system available?
What characteristic should models used in speeches have?
Be a look-alike or model of actual object.
Why should you use visual aids?
To add a dynamic dimension to your speech. To make your ideas memorable. To enhance your credibility.
What is a benefit of using a drawing as a visual aid?
Drawings improve clarity in a speech.
Using more than _____ colors when designing your visual aid would be excessive.