The correspondence principle refers to schools that perpetuate social-class integration within a community setting.
Search engine Google, which has had a large influence on how we interact with information—especially in an academic setting—handles what percentage of Internet searches in the U.S.?
NOT: division of labor
When a teacher spends eighty-percent of her time filling out proper forms required by the school district and the rest of her time actually teaching, this is an example of which characteristic of a bureaucracy?
All of these
In 1996, Great Britain decided to instill which of the following core values via socialization in the school system?
promotion of a common language
In the past, what was one of the most obvious examples of the integrative function of education in the U.S.?
Samuel Bowles and Harold Gintis
Which sociologist argued that capitalism requires a skilled, disciplined labor force, and that the educational system of the United States is structured with that objective in mind?
interactionist perspective
The teacher-expectancy effect reflects the views of which sociological perspective?
NOT: Max Weber
Which researcher's work yielded the concept referred to as the "teacher-expectancy effect"?
In 1960, 41 percent of people age 25 or over held a high school diploma, what was the percentage as of 2007?
conflict perspective
Which sociological perspective is most critical of the differential way in which education bestows status