Flammable materials, like alcohol, should never be dispensed or used near A. an open door. B. an open flame. C. another student. D. a sink
If a laboratory fire erupts, immediately A. notify your instructor. B. run for the fire extinguisher. C. throw water on the fire. D. open the windows
Approved eye protection devices (such as goggles) are worn in the laboratory A. to avoid eye strain. B. to improve your vision. C. only if you don't have corrective glasses. D. any time chemicals, heat or glassware are used.
If you wear contact lenses in the school laboratory, A. take them out before starting the lab. B. you do not have to wear protective goggles. C. advise your science instructor that you wear contact lenses. D. keep the information to yourself
If you do not understand a direction or part of a lab procedure, you should A. figure it out as you do the lab. B. try several methods until something works. C. ask the instructor before proceeding. D. skip it and go on to the next part.
After completing an experiment, all chemical wastes should be A. left at your lab station for the next class. B. disposed of according to your instructor's directions. C. dumped in the sink. D. taken home
If a lab experiment is not completed, you should A. discuss the issue with your instructor. B. sneak in after school and work alone. C. come in during lunch and finish while eating lunch. D. make up some results.
You are heating a substance in a test tube. Always point the open end of the tube A. toward yourself. B. toward your lab partner. C. toward another classmate. D. away from all people.
. You are heating a piece of glass and now want to pick it up. You should A. use a rag or paper towels. B. pick up the end that looks cooler. C. use tongs. D. pour cold water on it.
. You have been injured in the laboratory (cut, burn, etc.). First you should A. visit the school nurse after class. B. see a doctor after school. C. tell the science instructor at once. D. apply first aid yourself.
. When gathering glassware and equipment for an experiment, you should A. read all directions carefully to know what equipment is necessary. B. examine all glassware to check for chips or cracks. C. clean any glassware that appears dirty. D. All of the above.
You want to place a piece of glass tubing into a rubber stopper after the tubing has been fire polished and cooled. This is best done by A. lubricating the tubing with water or glycerin. B. using a towel or cotton gloves for protection. C. twisting the tubing and stopper carefully. D. all of the above.
Personal eyeglasses provide as much protection as A. a face shield. B. safety glasses. C. splashproof chemical goggles. D. none of the above.
Long hair in the laboratory must be A. cut short. B. held away from the experiment with one hand. C. always neatly groomed. D. tied back or kept entirely out of the way with a hair
. In a laboratory, the following should not be worn. A. loose clothing. B. dangling jewelry. C. sandals. D. all of the above.
The following footwear is best in the laboratory. A. sandals B. open-toed shoes C. closed-toed shoes D. shoes appropriate for the weather
Horseplay or practical jokes in the laboratory are A. always against the rules. B. okay. C. not dangerous. D. okay if you are working alone
If a piece of equipment is not working properly, stop, turn it off, and tell A. the custodian. B. your lab partner. C. your best friend in the class. D. the science instructor
If an acid is splashed on your skin, wash at once with A. soap. B. oil. C. weak base. D. plenty of water.
When you finish working with chemicals, biological specimens, and other lab substances, always A. treat your hands with skin lotion. B. wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. C. wipe your hands on a towel. D. wipe your hands on your clothes.
1. If a fire erupts, immediately A. notify the teacher. B. run for the fire extinguisher. C. throw water on the fire. D. open the windows.
. Approved eye protection devices (such as goggles) are worn in the laboratory A. to avoid eye strain. B. to improve your vision. C. only if you do not have corrective glasses. D. any time chemicals, heat, or glassware are used
If you do not understand a direction or part of a laboratory procedure, you should A. figure it out as you do the lab. B. try several methods until something works. C. ask the teacher before proceeding. D. skip it and go on to the next part
After completing an experiment, all chemical wastes should be A. left at your lab station for the next class. B. disposed of according to your teacher's directions. C. dumped in the sink. D. taken home.
You have been injured in the laboratory (cut, burned, etc.). First you should A. visit the school nurse after class. B. see a doctor after school. C. tell the teacher at once. D. apply first aid yourself
. Long hair in the laboratory must be A. cut short. B. held away from the experiment with one hand. C. always neatly groomed. D. tied back or kept entirely out of the way with a hair band, etc.
Which of the following should NOT be worn during a laboratory activity? A. loose clothing B. dangling jewelry C. sandals D. All of the above.
Horseplay, practical jokes, or pranks in the classroom are A. always against the rules. B. okay. C. not dangerous. D. okay if you are working alone
When handling animals, students should A. open cages only with permission. B. not tease or handle animals roughly. C. report bites or scratches to the teacher immediately. D. All of the above.
0. If a piece of equipment is not working properly, stop, turn it off, and tell A. the principal. B. your lab partner. C. your best friend in the class. D. the teacher.
When you finish working with chemicals, biological specimens, and other lab substances, always A. treat your hands with skin lotion. B. wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. C. wipe your hands on a towel. D. wipe your hands on your clothes
. The following activity is permitted in the laboratory: A. chewing gum B. eating C. drinking D. None of the above.
When using a razor blade or scalpel, always cut material A. away from you. B. toward you. C. in your hand. D. perpendicular.
Before you leave the science room, you should A. clean your work area and equipment. B. return all equipment to the proper storage area. C. wash your hands with soap and water. D. All of the above
The best way to identify a chemical is to ................ A. smell it B. taste it C. read the label D. use a straw
Any spill on the floor can cause an accident. Always clean it up A. at once D. at the end of the period B. during clean up time E. when someone else notices C. when you have time
Alcohol, acetone, and other volatile materials that can burn easily should never be used near A. another person C. a laboratory counter B. an open flame D. a work table
When you work with laboratory chemicals that pose a splash hazard, you must always wear A. loose clothing C. contact lenses B. safety goggles D. loose jewelry
Whenever you are in the classroom or laboratory working on an experiment, you should wear A. sandals C. open-toed shoes B. closed-toe shoes D. no shoes
All the floors, aisles, and passageways should be kept clear of A. electrical cords D. Answers A & B & C B. laboratory equipment & chemicals C. backpacks
To put out a fire in a person's clothing, use A. the fire blanket D. the shower B. a handy chemical E. wait for the fire department C. the wind from running
Chemicals, small parts, glassware, and stirring rods are not to be A. used in the laboratory C. put on the bench B. put in the mouth D. taken from boxes
In the event of a fire in the laboratory, which would be the correct order of events. I. notify the teacher, II. secure your own immediate safety, III. evacuate the building, IV. Pour water on the fire A. I, II, III, IV B. I, II, III only C. II, I, IV, III D. II, I III only E. IV, II, I, III
When preparing dilute solutions of an acid, A. slowly pour the acid into the water B. slowly pour the acid into the container C. carefully pour water into the acid D. swiftly pour the acid into the water
When heating substances in a test tube, be sure the open end of the tube points toward A. yourself D. a classmate B. no one E. someone you don't like C. your partner
The correct way to move about the clasroom or laboratory is to A. run C. hurry B. walk D. skip
All chemicals should be stored in A. beakers B. dark brown bottles C. clear glass bottles D. properly and clearly labeled containers
You should prepare for each laboratory activity by reading all instructions A. after school B. while you are working C. before you start to work
Which of the following is considered to be personal protection equipment for our lab? A. spill kit B. fire blanket C. goggles D. fire extinguisher
Protective clothing and equipment, such as gloves and lab coats, should be removed before leaving the laboratory primarily because: A. visitors may be frightened by the strange clothing B. contaminants may be transferred to persons or objects outside the lab C. one may forget to return the gear to the lab D. someone may mistake you as a doctor