Based on scapegoat theory, you would conclude that prejudice is caused by
frustration among people who are themselves disadvantaged
gender refers to
the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being male and female
max weber argues that, in agrarian societies, the dimension of social inequality that has the greatest importance is
social prestige, honor
which of the following statements is an example of "neocolonialism"
multinational corporations dominate the economy of a poor country
multiculturalists oppose the goal of assimilation because
this suggests that minorities are the ones who need to do all the changing
the US is not truly pluralistic because
racial and ethnic categories today not not have equal social standing
Talcott Parsons described gender in terms of
looking back over US history, we see a general trend by which women
have gained both power and economic oppertunities
while modernization theory focuses on........,dependency theory focuses on.......
the production of wealth;the distribution of wealth
Japanese immigrants differed from earlier Chinese immigrants by
knowing more about the US before they got here
because of social stratification in the US
some people have more privilages and opportunities than others do
the text gives several reasons that a socialist revolution did not take place as Karl Marx predicted. Which of the following statements is NOT one of the reasons given in the text
there is not longer and concentration of wealth in our society
the concept "absolute poverty" refers to
a lack of resource that is life threatening
Margaret Mead's research on gender in three societies supports the conclusion that
societies may define both "masculine" and "feminine" differently
which theoretical approach is linked to dependency theory
the social conflict approch
dependency theory claims that poor nations
were "undeveloped" by the colonial practices of rich nations
In general, societies that have a caste system have an economy based on
a college profesor who has advances degrees, moderate salary, and little power can be described as having
low status consistency
Friedrich Engals claimed that capitalism
increases men's domination of women
Stereotypes refer to
exaggerated description applied to everyone in some category
Which type of feminism accepts the basic organization of US society, but seeks to expand the rights and opportunities of women
liberal feminism
in the US most people
identify with one or more ethnic category
read over the following four statements about social mobility in the US. Which is NOT correct
within a single generation, most social mobility involved jumping from one class level to another rather than making small movements within one class
the "beauty myth" refers to the idea that
women learn to measure their personal importance in terms of physical appearance
Which of the following concepts refers to an invisible, yet real, barrier that prevents many women from rising beyond middle-management positions?
"glass ceiling"
With regard to the role of rich nations, dependency theory
claims that rich nations are to blame for global poverty
Which of the following concepts refers to social organization in which males dominate females
the concept "ideology" refers to
cultural beliefs that justify social stratification
the Davis-Moore Thesis states that
society must attach enough rewards to important jobs to attract the talent needed to perform these jobs well
While being in the upper-upper class is usually the result of.......,being in the lower-upper class is more often a matter of......
In theory, which of the following involved the greatest amount of social mobility
Which of the following situations is NOT an example of institutional discrimination?
A mother wants her child to stay away from schoolmates of a different race
Modernization theory claims that
the main causes of poverty include traditional culture and lack of advanced technology
Jill buys a very expensive car to impress her friend. Her purchase is an example of
conspicuous consumption
Compared to poverty in the US, poverty in low-income nations is
more widespread and severe
Which factor accounts for the largest share of difference in the earning of working men and women in the US
difference in the type of work men and women do
read the following four statements about social stratification. which statement is NOT correct?
A family's social standing typically changes a great deal from generation to generation
Critics claim that modernization theory
ignores how rich nations can block the economic development of poor nations
in the US schools, courses in sociology typically enroll
more women than men
Race refers to.....considered important by a society, and ethnicity refers to.........
biological traits; cultural traits
if you wanted to recruit people to join a feminist organization, you would expect to have the most positive response from
african americans
which of the following statements about gender and housework is CORRECT
among employed people, married or not, with or without children, women do most of the housework
in general, people in the......tend to be less tolerant of controversial behavior such as homosexuality
working class
Read the following statements about minorities. Which is NOT correct?
All people in a minority category are socially disadvantaged
read the following statements about minorities. which is NOT correct?
"arab" and "muslim" mean the same thing
Most low-income nations are found in
Africa and Asia
While prejudice is a matter of.....,discrimination is a matter of......
attitudes; action
In the US, the cost of sexism for men include
engaging in many high-risk behaviors
Which type of feminism seeks to end patriarchy by eliminating the idea of gender itself?
radical feminism