birth order and characteristics of parents
Personality may be influenced by:
an unchanging, biologically inherited behavior pattern. most often applied to animal behavior.
Instinct is a changing, biologically inherited behavior pattern. t/f
It is the behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and values of a person. It can develop throughout a person's life. It affects how a person reacts and adjusts in his or her environment.
Feral children are ___ in their own homes.
positive reinforcement
How can the development of aptitudes be encouraged
Our personalities are not influenced by whether or not we have brothers, sisters, both, or neither t/f
Heredity characteristics include body build, hair type, eye color, and skin pigmentation. t/f
Aptitude is the capacity to learn a particular skill or acquire a particular body of knowledge. t/f
the transmission of genetic characteristics from parents to children.
In the Nature v. Nurture debate, scientists who argue that personality is established by our genetics believe the transmission of these traits are a result of _____.
Sociologists found that the effects of institutionalization on infants, i.e. lack of a caring environment, will result in slower development of their mental, physical, and emotional skills. t/f
negative reinforcement
Aptitudes can be discouraged with
Cultural environments determine the basic types of personalities that will be found in a society. t/f
heredity, instinct, and nature
Personality and social behavior can be determined by
____ is the sum total of behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and values that are characteristic of an individual.
heredity, birth order, parents, and the cultural environment
Principal factors that social scientist see influencing personality and behavior are
Tabula Rasa
Idea that each individual is born without a personality
The looking-glass self refers to the non-active process by which we develop an image of ourselves based on how we imagine we appear to others. t/f
The part of ourselves that is aware of the expectations and attitudes of society; the socialized self.
Lack of interaction with social and cultural environments transforms people into members of society. t/f
When identifying and comparing points of view while reading sociology, it is important to determine the nature of the source and read each source carefully. t/f
looking-glass self
The interactive process by which we develop an image of ourselves based on how we imagine we appear to others.
Significant others are individuals that are not of any significance to help form our socialization. t/f
The theory that refers to seeing ourselves as others see us in addition to taking on or pretending to take on the roles of others is known as
The unsocialized, spontaneous, self-interested component of personality and self-identity.
Role-taking forms the basis of the socialization process by allowing us to anticipate what others expect of us, thus learning to see ourselves through the eyes of others. t/f
significant others
People that include parents, siblings, relatives, and others who have a direct influence on our socialization.
generalized other
The internalized attitudes, expectations, and viewpoints of society.
Taking or pretending to take the role of others.
As we grow older, significant others become more important. t/f
family, peer groups, media, and school
In the United States, the primary agents of socialization include
A peer group is not very influential t/f
The family is the principal social agent for
Ethics are deliberately learned from the family t/f
grandparent, school, and TV
Which of the following is an agent of socialization
____ involves a break with past experiences and the learning of new values and norms
emergency room
All of the following are examples of a total institution except
One purpose of fairy tales is to help children master the problems associated with growing up t/f
Resocialization is directed toward changing an individual's personality and social behavior. t/f
A peer group is a _______ group composed of equal age individuals with similar characteristics
Schools play a major role in socialization with an unintended influence. t/f
Fairy tales help introduce children to conflict resolution. t/f
Total institutions are primarily concerned with resocializing their members to help them learn new values and norms. t/f
Schools provide _______ socialization through teacher modeling of behavior.
Puberty is the physical maturing that makes an individual capable of sexual reproduction t/f
expectations, obligations, and rights
Anticipatory socialization is the learning of the _____ of a role in order to prepare for that role.
There are generally eight characteristics that apply to all adolescents. t/f
Puberty is one aspect of adolescence that is found in every society. t/f
education, child labor, and juvenile
What factors lead to the development of adolescence as a distinct life stage?
Puberty is generally considered to run from the ages of 12 to 19. t/f
is universal
children were treated as small adults
Prior to the 1860s
The period between normal onset of puberty and the beginning of adulthood
undergo growth spurts in height and weight. develop primary and secondary sexual characteristics
During puberty, an adolescent will
An increase in the number of puberty rites performed
All of the following helped establish adolescence as a distinct life stage in the United States except:
Anticipatory socialization involves learning the rights, obligations, and expectations of a role to prepare for assuming that particular role in the future. t/f
Making education a requirement and creating work laws for adolescence has ___ the period of dependency on parents.
anticipatory socialization
Playing house as a child is a form of
Farming and Manufacturing
The amount of workers in the field of _________ droppped from 85% in 1900 to 27% in 2000, according to the U.S. Labor Force.
What type of work was done by a majority of the labor force in the 1900s?
Job satisfaction
varies according to income and age
Control over job responsibilities has a positive correlation to job satisfaction t/f
A profession is a high-status occupation that does not require specialized skills obtained through formal education. t/f
cultural background, age, gender, and race
Unemployment rate varies according to such factors as
over one half of the labor force has a college degree.
Changes in the American labor force since 1970 reveal all of the following EXCEPT
have increased in recent years.
Minorities in the workforce
greater emphasis on farming and manufacturing jobs
Which of the following has not been a major change in the workforce within the last century?
Which group holds slightly more than half of the professional jobs in the United States?
One of the most noted changes in the workforce between 2000 and 2010 is the increase in women pursuing professional careers such as those in the medical and legal fields. t/f
In today's labor force, workers are waiting longer to retire. t/f
clarify norms, unifies a group, diffuses tension, and promotes social change
It is suggested that deviance has the following uses in social life:
Conflict theorist
competition leads to deviance. social inequality leads to deviance.
technique of neutralization
The suspension of moral beliefs to commit deviant acts is a
Social scientists who study criminal behavior.
The functionalist perspective views deviance as an unnatural part of society. t/f
The results of an individual being labeled as deviant and accepting the label as true are referred to as secondary deviance. t/f
Behavior that violates significant social norms is called
a mark of social disgrace that sets the deviant apart from the rest of society.
People who use innovation do not accept the cultural goals of their society but do accept the approved means for achieving these goals. t/f
control, labeling, and cultural transmission theory
The interactionist perspective focuses on
be detected committing a deviant act. be stigmatized by society.
To be labeled deviant, one must
Providing law enforcement jobs is a positive function of deviance. t/f
The situation that arises when the norms of society are unclear or are no longer applicable is referred to as
Socialization does not determine a person's level of self-control. t/f
Of the five modes of adaptation, ____ is not a deviant response.
The stronger the commitment to a community, the less likely people are to engage in deviant behavior. t/f
cultural transmission theory
____ explains deviance as a learned behavior.
positive sanction
an action that rewards a particular kind of behavior
negative sanction
used to discourage undesired behavior
formal sanction
a reward or punishment given by a formal organization or regulatory agency such as school, business, or government.
informal sanction
a spontaneous expression of approval or disapproval given by an individual or a group.
the nonconformity that results in the individuals who commit acts of primary deviance being labeled as deviant and accepting that label as true.
social control
enforcing norms through either internal or external means.
rewards or punishments used to enforce conformity to norms.
Racial profiling is most likely to happen to white Americans. t/f
The rate of recidivism is an indication of whether or not corrections is working. t/f
Police discretion is used when deciding who will be arrested. t/f
White collar crime is described as offenses committed by individuals of high social status in the course of their professional lives. t/f
illegal drug use
Which of the following is a victimless crime?
Which of the following is a crime against property?
The attitude of the person making a complaint never influences the filing of that complaint. t/f
Vagrancy is a crime against property. t/f
Any act that is labeled as such by those in authority, is prohibited by law, and is punishable by the government is called a crime. t/f
Plea bargaining allows courts to reduce their already huge caseloads. t/f
Crime reports are less likely to be filed when victims are of a higher social class.
Which of the following statements involving information concerning criminal statistics is not correct?
any act that is labeled as such by those in authority. prohibited by law. punishable by the government.
All of the following are considered violent crimes EXCEPT
A _______ investigates causes of crime and methods of crime prevention.