Why, at this point does Lucentio take on the role of a school master?
Lucentio wants to be able to court Bianca without Baptista's knowlege
Why is Old Gremio so anxious for Lucentio to become a tutor for Bianca?
Old Gremio doesn't know Lucentio is in love with Bianca, he has tentatvely bargained with Lucentio (in disguise of a tutor) that he would plead Old Gremio's cause to Bianca
What purpose does it serve to have Tranio become Lucentio?
It's important so that "Tranio" can make a bid for Bianca on Lucentio's behalf
Why has Hortensio disguised himself as a tutor/ teacher for Bianca?
Hortensio also wishes to pusue Bianca for himself and plants to court her wile disguised as a teacher.
Petruchio's unconventional mannerisms mirror Kates. Why do you feel Shakespeare has presented him in this manner rather than in, say, the manner of Lucentio?
Petruchio's manner increases the efet of the "taming." If Peruchio were less aggressive and less boisterous, he might not have bothered with Kate nor she with him; he would've been no match
Luentio has his servant Tranio disguise himself as his master. He then has Tranio do what?
He has Tranio disguised as Lucentio, present himself as a tutor
Hortensio, disguises himself and asks Petruchio do what?
present him as a teacher for Bianca
Gremio will offer Lucentio (disguised) as a school master/ teacher for Bianca he thinks that the disguised Lucentio will do what?
speak on his behalf; Gremio has no clue that Lucentio himself is in love with Bainca
At the beginning of Act 2, what does Kate want of Bianca?
Kate wants Bianca to admit which suitor she prefers
Why does Hortensio get his position as a music teacher?
Petruchio gives him as a gift for Kate's instruction.
Why does Hortensio return saying Kate will make a soldier rather than a musician?
She has broken the lute over his head and has verbally abused him
How does Grmio get his choice of teacher of languages?
He matches Petruhio's gift to Kate with (Lucentio) as a teaher of languages
What assurance does Petrucho give Baptist that he can provide fittingly for Kate?
He already increases his great inheritance and promises to leave her everything, should she survive him
What effet does Kate's treatment of Hortensio have on Petruchio?
His desire to meet woos Kate more