Uncle Tom's Cabin was translated into thirty-seven languages.
The novel form was first used by American writers in the eighteenth century.
Cooper began writing novels because he thought he could do a better job than the novelists that he was reading.
Nathaniel Hawthorne thought of himself as a romancer, rather than a novelist.
American history had no influence on the novel.
Thomas Wolfe wrote very short novels.
Social issues were a subject of novelists in the late nineteenth century.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Uncle Tom's Cabin
James Fenimore Cooper
Last of the Mohicans
Herman Melville
Mark Twain
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter
Herman Melville's novel about Captain Ahab and the large whale was _____.
Cooper's novels about Natty Bumppo are called the _____.
Leatherstocking Tales
Mark Twain was the pen name of _____.
Samuel Langhorn Clemens (Samuel Clemens)
The Mark Twain novel that contributed to the romantic revival in literature was _____.
Joan of Arc
Nathaniel Hawthorne used many _____ in his novels.
The book generally conceded to be the first American novel is _____.
The Power of Sympathy
Mark Twain's two famous historical novels are _____. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court The Prince and the Pauper The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Gilded Age] The Innocents Abroad
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court The Prince and the Pauper
Cooper's Leatherstocking Tales include the novels _____. The Last of the Mohicans Miles Wallingford The Pathfinders The Pilot The Water Witch The Deerslayer
The Last of the Mohicans The Pathfinders The Pilot The Deerslayer
Hawthorne most famously explored the effects of guilt in his novel _____.
The Scarlet Letter
What all did Mark Twain contribute to the history of the novel? developed art of story telling usually sentimental used social and political criticism romantic revival
developed art of story telling used social and political criticism romantic revival
What were the concerns of the domestic novel? political criticism hearth and home usually concerned with tragic occurrences usually sentimental
hearth and home usually concerned with tragic occurrences usually sentimental
What did Nathaniel Hawthorne contribute to the novel? use of symbols Christian ideals novels of the sea Christian attitudes
use of symbols Christian ideals Christian attitudes
To Kill a Mockingbird won a _______.
Pulitzer Prize
visits Maycomb for the summer
the Finch family cook
a lawyer
nicknamed "Boo"
Arthur Radley
source of gossipy information
Stephanie Crawford
first grade teacher
Caroline Fisher
Dill's most noticeable physical characteristic is that he is
Scout first has the idea to make Boo come out.
Scout's first day of school was miserable because _____. she could already read and write the work was too difficult for her the teacher embarrassed her about Walter Cunningham she embarrassed the teacher about Walter Cunningham
she could already read and write she embarrassed the teacher about Walter Cunningham
Walter Cunningham causes a stir at lunch when he pours _____ over all his food.
Who said it? "You never really understand a person . . . until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
The compromise Atticus and Scout reach is that she will continue to go to school, and they will continue to ____ as before.
Since Jem and Dill are excluding Scout, she begins to visit with Miss Maudie.
The children are caught trying to _____.
send a note to Boo
The following things were found in the knothole: A. ball of twine B. spelling medal C. pocket watch D. package of gum E. carved soap figures F. stick of gum G. two pennies. Place the items in the order in which they are found
stick of gum two pennies ball of twine carved soap figures package of gum spelling medal pocket watch (F G A E D B C)
The snowman Jem and Scout made was symbolic because it was _____. unusually large made mostly of mud dressed in a stolen coat the best snowman in town
made mostly of mud
Whose shadow warned the children off the Radley porch?
Boo (Radley)
At Christmas Scout broke her promise not to _____.
Uncle Jack is a favorite of Scout.
The book title is part of the saying, "It's a _____ to kill a mockingbird."
Sheriff Tate once had the nickname of "One Shot."
Atticus discusses the court case with Jem and says, "Before I can live with other folks, I've got to live with _______."
In anger, Jem _____. tells on Scout destroys Mrs. Dubose's camellia bushes cuts down the knothole tree kicks the snowman
destroys Mrs. Dubose's camellia bushes
Mrs. Dubose wants to be rid of her addiction to _____. alcohol cigarettes anger morphine
Atticus goes to Montgomery to _____. work on government legal business take a vacation prepare for the Robinson case research family history
work on government legal business
The Ewells accused _____ of the crime of ______.
Tom Robinson; rape
Aunt Alexandra joins in the social life of Maycomb.
Alexandra tells Atticus he should get rid of Cal. How does Atticus respond? He refuses to back down. He agrees with her, but then doesn't dismiss Cal. He immediately fires Cal. He tells Alexandra she can do the firing herself.
He refuses to back down.
Mr. Underwood supports Atticus that night at the courthouse with a _______.
Alexandra says, "Don't say I haven't told you." Atticus makes the humorous reply that he'd "never say that," alluding to the fact that Alexandra comments on everything. This is an example of _____. comedic timing flashback plot development irony
the prosecuting attorney
Mr. Gilmore
attorney for the defense
the first to testify
Mr. Tate
Mayella's father
Bob Ewell
the accused
Tom Robinson
________ is left-handed.
Bob Ewell
The piece of physical evidence that proves Tom's innocence is _____. a security camera photo of Tom at the bank at the time of the crime DNA evidence taken from the victim and from Tom a useless arm on Tom's left side the broken leg that prevented him from walking
a useless arm on Tom's left side
Mr. Raymond pretends to be drunk because _____. he knows people can't understand a white man choosing to live with blacks he does not want anyone to know that he is the one who committed the crime he wants people to talk freely around him so he can eavesdrop he does not want to accept the responsibility of working for a living
he knows people can't understand a white man choosing to live with blacks
What did Miss Maudie tell the children about their father? He was appointed very deliberately by Judge Taylor to be Tom's lawyer. He stands for truth, no matter what the personal consequences. He stands for Christianity and truth when the rest cannot. The judge believed he would be too busy and too weak to defend Tom properly. He is the person to do this community's "dirty work." He is sure he can get an innocent verdict for Tom.
He was appointed very deliberately by Judge Taylor to be Tom's lawyer. He stands for truth, no matter what the personal consequences. He stands for Christianity and truth when the rest cannot. He is the person to do this community's "dirty work."
Scout tells Atticus all about the night they went on the Radley porch.
Jem's major injury is _____.
a broken arm
Sheriff Tate's statement about the switchblade knife, "Took it off a drunk man," is not technically a lie because _____. it was Mr. Raymond's knife one of the Cunninghams was drunk he had just arrested a Black man Bob Ewell was drunk
Bob Ewell was drunk
Criticism means examining the separate parts.
Interpretation is the same as analysis.
Characterization is too broad a topic for a critical essay.
Interpretation deals with the question "What does the writer say?"
Interpretation deals with the content and underlying ____ of a work.
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Uncle Tom's Cabin
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Scarlet Letter
Moby Dick
The Pathfinder
Scout first has the idea of making Boo come out.
What crime is Tom accused of? murdering his wife stealing a car raping a white woman starting a knife fight
raping a white woman
______ comes to live with the Finches during the trial.
(Aunt) Alexandra
Tom is killed in prison by another inmate.
_______ says Bob Ewell fell on his own knife.
Sheriff Tate