Dad is known doing the ___________________
In the Battle of Little Hobart Street, the Brian and Jeannette fight against __________ and win.
Ernie Goad
In the opening section, what does Jeannette see her mom doing on a street in New York City?
Picking thru the trash
Jeannette and Brian dig a huge hole next to their house for Dad's ____________.
Glass Castle
Lori's reluctance to explore the outdoors and her interest in books arise from her ____________.
bad eyesight
The children, who often go hungry, discover that Mom is hiding a ____________ from them and eating it all by herself.
Hershey's giant chocolate bar
True or False? As an adult, Jeannette never comes to peace with her parents and their parenting style.
True or False? A whipping from Dad spurs Jeannette to start saving money as an "escape fund."
True or False? Before Jeannette leaves for New York, Dad gives her a lucky rabbit's foot as a parting gift.
True or False? Jeannette and Ben find a diamond ring that Mom sells for five thousand dollars.
True or False? Through Jeannette's job on the school newspaper, she is astounded to learn about the outside world through a source other than her parents.
Wells compares her family to which two plants?
Cactus and a Joshua tree
What does Jeannette wish for on her tenth birthday?
That her Dad would stop drinking
When Dad "gives" each child a real star for Christmas, what is he teaching them?
Material things don't matter
When the Wells family arrive in Welch, they live ____________.
With Erma, Dad's mother
Where does Jeannette see her mother at the beginning of the work?
Digging thru the trash
What doll does Jeannette accidentally burn?
What is Jeannette's first memory?
Being set on fire
Why does Maureen get arrested?
Stabbing her mother
What are the names of Jeannette's three sisters?
Lori, Maureen, and Mary Charlene
What two addictions does Rex Walls suffer from?
Gambling and drinking
What does Rose Mary want to do for a living?
Be an artist
What does Rex take his children to the zoo to do?
Pet the cheetah
What does Jeannette try for the first time in the hospital?
Chewing gum
How does Jeannette cover up the holes in her pants?
She colors in her skin with marker
How does Jeannette increase sales of the school newspaper?
She includes a birthday column
When does Jeannette move to New York?
After her junior year of high school
Why is Dinitia arrested?
She stabs her mother's boyfriend to death
What is Rex always promising to build for his family to live in?
A glass castle
What is Rex's nickname for Jeannette?
Mountain Goat
Jeannette attends ____ College.
What happens to the money the Walls children save in Oz, the piggy bank?
Rex steals it
What is the name of Jeannette's first husband.
Who is the Black girl Jeannettte befriends in Welch?
Where does Jeannette learn to swim?
The Hot Pot
What does Lori decide she wants to do as a career?
Be an artist like her mom
Which hero of Rex's visits Welch?
Chuck Yeager
What is the Green Lantern?
A house of prostitution
What type of restaurant does Lori work at in New York?
A German restaurant
What happens to Erma and Ted's house?
It burns down
What type of plant is Rose Mary fascinated by in the desert?
A crooked Joshua tree
How do the Walls children get along socially at their new school?
The other children make fun of them and they get into fights.
Where does Maureen spend most of her time during her adolescence?
At friend's houses
Why do the Welch children end up in special education classes?
They can't understand the principal and don't answer his questions correctly.
How does the Walls' financial situation improve for a time in Pheonix?
They are getting money from mineral rights on the land in Texas.
Rex dies during Part 4 as a result of:
A heart attack
Where does Jeannette attend college after?
Barnard College, Columbia University's sister school
What happens that saves Jeannette from having to drop out of school because of financial problems?
Her father comes up with the money for her tuition.
How does Jeannette help Dinitia's brother?
She chases away a dog that is bothering him.
The owner of the paper that Jeannette works for encourages her to do what?
Go to college
What causes the argument that ends in Rose Mary being dangled out of the window by her feet by Rex?
Rex's being absent from the house while he is "out making money."
Since the Walls family cannot find a house they can afford to rent, what do they do instead?
Buy a house
How do Rose Mary and Rex react to the children's story about the incident between Erma and Brian?
They side with Erma, saying the children should have behaved better.
How does Jeannette learn to swim?
Her father throws her into the water repeatedly until she swims.
When Rex is able to get to the family's money, what does he spend it on?
Alcohol and gambling
Rose Mary hopes to do what while they are living in Phoenix?
Open an art gallery.
What does Jeannette find out about her mother's finances in Part 4 that surprises her?
That her mother owns land that is worth over a million dollars and hasn't sold it.
When Jeannette is sent out to get her father in Welch, where does she finally find him?
At a bar
What does Jeannette try to talk her mother into doing to make hers and the children's lives better?
Leaving her father
What is Jeannette's occupation in New York?
The family often lacks basic necessities, which is underscored by an incident in which Jeannette finds her sister, Lori, eating what?
A stick of margarine with some sugar.
What is Brian doing as he enters adolescence?
He is getting into trouble and frequently involved in fights.
How does Rex put Jeannette in a potentially dangerous situation?
By having her "entertain" a man who he is playing pool with.
Why does Rose Mary dislike her teaching job?
Because teaching requires organization and discipline.
After Jeannette gets a divorce, what type of life does she choose to live?
A simpler life
Doing a "skedaddle," who does Rex say is after him rather than bill collectors?
Who did the family stay with on occasion?
Gramma Smith
Jeannette compares her family to a..
Rex invented this to help him search for gold
After Rex and Rose Mary come out of the Bar None Bar, what happens?
Jeannette falls out of the car
Who is Mary Charlene?
Jeannette's dead sister
The family lived in Las Vegas for a few months. Why did they leave?
The blackjack dealer knew Rex was cheating
What kind of tree doe Rose Mary focus on in this section?
Joshua tree
What was the topic of the fight Rex to chase Rose Mary through the desert with his car?
How long she was pregnant
What does Rex give his children for Christmas?
Because of traveling so much, Jeannette's father had a plan. What was it?
To find gold
What is Jeannette's father's name?
Rex Walls
What is Jeannette's younger brother's name?
Brian Walls
In the beginning of the book, how did Jeannette burn herself?
Cooking a hot dog
Who is Tinkerbell?
Jeannette's favorite toy
What did Jeannette's mother devote her time to a lot?
What did Jeannette never believe in?
Santa Claus
What did Jeannette's father get Jeannette for Christmas considering that the Walls don't have much money?
Venus (the planet)
How many months was Jeannette's mom pregnant with her baby sister?
What name did Jeannette want to name her new baby sister?
What is Jeannette's baby sister's real name?
Lilly Ruth Maureen
What is the name of the van the Walls drive everywhere?
The Green Caboose
Since the Walls were on a mission to find gold, Jeannette's dad found a place in northern Nevada called..
Battle Mountain
At Battle Mountain, what kind of job did Jeannette's father get?
An electrician in a barite mine
How did Jeanette get her scar?
Cooking a hot dog
Why did Jeanette's family leave Las Vegas?
The Mafia was after her dad
Where was Jeanette and Brian's favorite place to go while living at Battle Mountain?
The Dump
Why did Jeanete's mother choose the house in Phoenix?
To start an art studio
Why was Jeanette's father tied up and "tortured" for a short time?
To stop drinking
Why would Jeanette never stay home, even when she was sick?
Warm classroom
Who visited Jeanette's school when she was a junior at Welch High?
Chuck Yeager
Eric was Jeanette's first husband, but who was her second husband?
John Taylor
Did her family pay for her time in the hospital? If not, what did they do?
No, they snuck her out of the hospital so they wouldn't have to pay
What happened to Jeannette on her and her family's way to Las Vegas?
They took a sharp turn around some rail road tracks, the car door flew open and she fell out.
When Jeannette was in 1st grade, why did the 2 Mexican girls beat her up?
Because she was tall, pale, skinny, and raised her had too fast when the teacher asked questions.
What was Jeannettes favorite book?
Black Beauty
What was the ugliest pet that the Walls ever owned?
A buzzer named Buster
Where did the kids ride in the U-Haul when they were moving to Nevada?
In the back of the U-haul, with the baby
How did Jeannettes mother finally help bring in money for the family?
She got a job and the middle school and taught Lori's class.
Why was Jeannette glad they didn't have enough money to buy her class picture one year?
Her mom put mayonnaise in her hair because she heard it's good for her hair, but didn't wash it out for the pictures
What did Billy Deel do the day after Jeannette gave him his ring back?
He went to where they lived and was shooting a BB gun at them.
They could each bring one thing with them to Phoenix. What was Jeannette's one thing?
A geode
What did they find out about Grandma Smith when they were moving to Phoenix?
That she had died
What made Lori decide that she wanted to be an artist, just like her mom?
She got glasses, and now she could see the world clearly
What did Jeannettes dad buy on his first pay day in Phoenix?
3 bicycles
Who the Walls move in with when they moved to West Virginia?
Rex's parents and uncle
What did Jeannettes father make her do once after he had been in a fight?
He made her sew stitches in a gash on his arm
Why didn't Maureen have to dig throught the trash for food?
She made friends throughout the neighborhood and showed up at their houses throughout dinner time.
What did Jeannette and her brother and sisters fight over when it was cold at night?
Their dogs, Tinkle and Pippin, because they were warm.
What were their two dogs names?
Tinkle and Pippin
What did Lori say when her mom asked the kids if they had anything nice to say about their Grandma Erma when she died?
"Ding dong, the witch is dead"
What did her mom say when Jeannette tried to get her to leave her dad besides "It's against the Catholic faith"?
"I'm an excitement addict"
What did Jeannette do when she found out that it would cost 1200 dollars for braces?
She made her own braces
Who was Jeannette named after?
She was named after her high school teacher, who was also her fathers English teacher, Jeanette Bivens.
What was the name of the piggy bank Jeannette and Lori had to save up money to move to New York?
Why did her dad ruin Lori's clay bust of Shakespeare?
Because he thought that Shakespeare was a fraud.
What famous person did Jeannette interview for her school newspaper?
Chuck Yeager
What did Jeannettes dad give her before she got on the bus to New York?
A jackknife
How did Jeannette know her mom and dad had moved to New York before they had even told her?
She heard on the radio about a van that had broken down on the New Jersey turnpike that had spilled clothes and furniture all over the road.
Who is Jeanette's father?
Rex Walls
Who is Jeannette's mother?
Rose Mary Walls
Who is Jeannette's older sister?
Lori Walls
Who is Jeannette's younger brother?
Brian Walls
Who is Jeannette's younger sister?
Maureen Walls
Who is Rex Wall's mother?
The German restaurant Jeannette worked at...
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