What was unusual about the Tooks?
they went on many adventures
Why did Gandalf visit Bilbo?
he was looking for someone to adventure with him
Who was Bilbo expecting for tea?
What about his uninvited guests irked Bilbo?
he liked visitors, but liked to know them before arrival
What effect did the dwarves' singing have on Bilbo?
he felt it was so amazing, he forgot everything else
State Gloin's opinion of Bilbo Baggins.
"He looks more like a grocer than a burglar!"
Gandalf showed the dwarves something that belonged to Thorin's grandather. What was it?
Map of the Mountain
Identify Dale.
old town in the valley under the shadow of the Mountain
Identify Smaug.
a dragon who lived on the Mountain
What story did Thorin tell Bilbo?
when in Thror's time they were driven out of the far North
How did Gandalf get the map and key?
Thorin's father gave it to him to give to Thorin before he died
Identify Azog the Goblin.
killer of Thror in the mines of Moria
Why did Bilbo leave his Hill in such a hurry to go to the Green Dragon Inn?
he was late for a meeting with Thorin & Co.
What had Bilbo forgotten to bring him, and how was it remedied?
pocket handkerchief, hat, and money; Thorin gave him a hat and said he'll live
When did Bilbo first wish that he were back home?
going through the Lone Lands in bad weather
Identify William, Bert, and Tom.
trolls that the dwarves saw in the woods eating mutton
What did William catch Bilbo doing?
pick-pocketing him
Who saved Bilbo, Thorin, and Company from the trolls? How?
Gandalf; distracted them until dawn so they would turn into what they were made of when the sun came out
What did Gandalf, Thorin, and Bilbo take from the trolls' cave?
swords, scabbards with jewels, and a knife in a leather sheath
What kind of creatures inhabited the valley of Rivendell and helped the travelers find the Last Homely Home? What did Bilbo and the dwarves think of them?
elves; Bilbo loved them and the dwarves hated them
Identify Elrond.
chief of the elves
What important information did Elrond give the travelers?
"stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the key hole"
What was Durin's day?
the first day of the Dwarves' new year
Why did travelers go into the cave?
to get out of the storm and away from the Giants
What did Bilbo dream in the cave?
walls cracking and the floors giving way
Bilbo and Thorin & Co. had a nasty surprise in the cave. What was it?
lots of Goblins
Did the goblins get Gandalf?
List several characteristics of goblins.
-cruel -wicked -bad-hearted -skilled miners -eat all the time
What caused the Great Goblin to become enraged?
Thorin had a sword that was used to kill many Goblins
How did the travelers escape from the Goblins' cavern?
Gandalf killed the Great Goblin
What were Biter and Beater?
swords often used to kill Goblins
What happened to Dori and Bilbo?
they were snatched up from behind
When Bilbo awoke after falling off of Dori's shoulders when the Goblins grabbed Dori, what was strange about his surroundings?
he could hear nothing, see nothing, and he could fell nothing except the stone of the floor
While groping around on the floor, what did Bilbo find and put in his pocket?
tiny ring of cold metal
How did Bilbo know his knife was an elvish blade, too?
it was with Biter and Beater
Identify Gollum.
small, slimy creature, dark as darkness, 2 big round pale eyes, thin face
Gollum and Bilbo made a deal. What was it?
if he gets the riddle wrong, Gollum can eat him. if he gets it right, Gollum has to lead the way out and leave him be.
How did Bilbo win the riddle game with Gollum?
he asked Gollum what he had in his pockets
What was Gollum's lost birthday present?
Bilbo's pocket
How did Bilbo discover the power of the ring?
he put it on
How did Bilbo find the way out of Gollum's land?
tricked Gollum into thinking he already found the way out, Gollum chased after, and Bilbo followed
Why didn't Bilbo kill Gollum?
it wasn't a fair fight
What gave Bilbo away to the goblins as he tried to escape out the door?
the ring fell off his finger into his pocket
Why did the Goblins give up looking for Bilbo?
they don't like the sun; it makes their legs wobble and their heads giddy
Why did the dwarves have a better opinion of Bilbo Baggins when he rejoined them after his adventures with Gollum and the goblins?
he snuck up behind them and snuck past the look out man
What detail about his adventures with Gollum did Bilbo leave out when he told the dwarves the story?
finding the ring
Where were the travelers after the goblin adventures?
the other side of the mountain
Why did the travelers climb up into the trees?
onslaught of the rocks and sight of wolves
Who saved Bilbo from the wolves?
Identify wargs.
evil wolves over the edge of the wild
Why were the wargs at the cleaning?
meet the goblins and the goblins were late
How did Gandalf try to get rid of the wargs and goblins?
threw pinecones with blue, red, and green flames
Who or what saved the travelers from the wargs, goblins, and fire?
the Eagles
Describe the Eagles.
keen eyes, not kindly, some cowardly and cruel, greatest of all birds, proud, strong, and noble-hearted
Identify Beorn.
very strong and a skin changer
Why did gandalf introduce the dwarves a few at a time to Beorn?
he gets angry easily
What news did Gandalf bring the dwarves about Beorn's whereabouts?
oak-wood and he has a wooden house
Beorn warned them about some things in Mirkwood. What?
perils in the woods
How do we know Beorn liked the travelers?
he did everything he promised
Why did Gandalf leave Thorin & Co.?
pressing business away south
What were Gandalf's parting words to the travelers as he left them at Mirkwood?
Describe Mirkwood.
arch like path with ivy all around, trees leaned over and listened (personification) and pitch dark nights
How did the travelers cross the black water?
What happened to Bombur at the black water river crossing?
he fell in and started drowning
What did Bilbo see from the top of the oak tree in Mirkwood?
forest going on forever and ever
Why did the travelers leave the path?
they saw lights to the left of the path
What happened when they entered the ring of light to beg for food?
Bilbo saw the lights disappear and then fell into darkness
How did Bilbo get separated from the others in Mirkwood?
Thorin walked into the other lights
What made Bilbo feel fierce and bold?
killing a giant spider
Identify Sting.
the spider he killed and named
How did Bilbo rescue the dearves from the spiders?
throwing rocks at them
Who was missing after the travelers were rescued from the spiders?
How did Thorin get separated from the others?
wood-elves bound him and carried him away
Why were the travelers actually glad to be captured by the wood elves?
they had Thorin too
How did Bilbo keep from getting captured by the wood elves?
he put on the ring
How did Bilbo rescue Thorin & Co. from the Elvenking?
he snuck around with the ring on and once he knew where everything was he unlocked their cells when the guard fell asleep
What sight did Bilbo see as he floated along on the barrel-raft?
the lands opened and he saw water and the mountain
How has Bilbo and the travelers been lucky?
they made it!!!
What songs did men near Long Lake still sing?
songs concerning the return of the King under the mountain (Thorin)
Why did Thorin demand to be taken to the Master of the Men of the Lake?
he is Thror's grandson
Why did the Master treat the travelers well, and send them to the mountain with provisions?
Thorin was Thror's grandson
Why did the men of the town leave the travelers at the end of the third day?
the shadow of the mountain
Identify Ravenhill.
where they made first camp on the west side of the great southern spur
What did the scouting party see at the front gate?
flat wall rose up in the lower part
What were the dwarves looking for on the western side of the mountain?
find new camp
How did the dwarves get the secret door open?
threw a rock that broke it showing a keyhole for Thorin's key
What did Bilbo see at the end of the tunnel?
red light slowly getting redder as he got closer
Why did Smaug go into a rage upon awakening?
the cup was gone
Why did Bilbo go back down the tunnel a second time?
to get Bombur and Bofur
How did Bilbo answer when the dragon asked who he was?
with riddles
Which of Smaug's sense was very keen?
What was Smaug's weakness that Bilbo discovered?
he cannot smell hobbit
Why did Thorin tell Bilbo to leave the thrush alone?
thrushes are good and friendly
Why did the dwarves move their camp to within the tunnel?
so they can shut the door before Smaug comes
What did Thorin say was the greatest treasure of the Mountain?
the Arkenstone
Why did Thorin & Co. go down the tunnel?
it's the only way out because they were locked in
What id Bilbo put in his deepest pocket?
the Arkenstone
How did Thorin and Co. get out of the Mountain?
through the chamber of Thror through the front gate
Where did the travelers go after they got out of the Mountain?
Balin's path
Identify "cram"
food (biscuitish) keeps good indefinitely, uninteresting except as chewing exercise, made by Lake-men for long journeys
Identify Esgaroth.
Identify Bard.
killer of the dragon and told everyone when the dragon was coming
How did Bard know where to aim when he shot Smaug?
an old thrush told him and Bard understood because he was of the race of Dale
What was Bard's reward for killing the dragon?
Dale was freed
What was Bard's response to the Master's offer?
he will revisit the idea later
Who came to help the Lake people at Bard's request?
Elves and their king
Why did all the men of arms go to the Mountain?
to recover everything of the Dragon's
Identify Röac.
son of Carc-- told him the thrush was telling them Smaug is dead
What did Thorin ask Röac to do?
go tell their families what has happened
What did Bard ask of Thorin, and what was Thorin's response?
a portion; it wasn't the dragon's treasure in the first place
What did the messenger of Esgaroth declare?
give portion to Bard and the men of the Lake OR ELSE
What news did Röac bring the besieged dwarves?
whether they win or lose against Dale, winter will still come sooner or later
Why did Bilbo offer to take Bombur's watch?
get rid of the Arkenstone
What did Bilbo give Bard? Why?
Arkenstone; "for bargaining"
Who praised Bilbo for his meeting with Bard?
Why did Thorin throw Bilbo out of his camp?
giving Bard the Arkenstone
Why wouldn't Bard let Dain and the dwarves pass?
he still hasn't gotten gold and silver
What announcement did Gandalf make?
Goblins are coming
What were the armies in The Battle of Five Armies?
Goblins, Wild Wolves, Elves, Men, and Dwarves
What plan did Gandalf propose?
lure goblins into valley so you can attack from behind and above
Whydid the dwarves agree to fight with the men and elves against the goblins and wargs?
goblins were the enemies of all and all other quarrels are forgotten
Who were the first to charge against the goblins?
When all seemed lost against the goblins, what appeared on the scene?
the Eagles
What happened to Bilbo during the battle?
he was hit by the Eagles with a stone
When Bilbo awoke after being knocked out by the stone, what did he see?
no living goblins and elves moving in the rocks below
Why did Thorin call for Bilbo?
he is about to die and wants to make things right with Bilbo
What did Bilbo miss at the end of the battle while he was knocked out?
Eagles fought, Beorn appeared, and they won
What parting gift did the Bard bestow upon Thorin?
What parting gift did the Elvenking give Thorin?
Who led the dwarves after Thorin's death?
What did Dain give Bard? Why?
1/14 share of all silver and gold; honoring the agreement
What did Bard do with his riches?
sent it to Lake-town and rewarded his followers and friends
What did Bilbo give the Elvenking? Why?
necklace that Dain gave him; his hospitality
Who became a great chief, ruling lands between the mountains and the wood?
Where had Gandalf been while he was away from Thorin and Co.?
the great council of white wizards. masters of love and good magic
What did Gandalf and Bilbo dig up?
the things they too from the trolls
When Bilbo arrived home, what did he find?
people crowded in front of his door
What, besides spoons, did Bilbo lose?
his reputation
Who came to visit Bilbo a few years after his return home?
Gandalf and Balin
What news did Balin bring?
Bard died of dragon-sickness
What were Gandalf's last words to Bilbo in this book?
"You are a very fine person, Mr. Baggins, and I am very fond of you; but you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all"