- From the 14th century to the middle of 17th century - Rebirth of Europe from the Dark Ages - Efflorescence of arts and ideas in Europe that coincided with the rediscovery of Roman and Greek culture
Renaissance Art
Tends to focus on the human form, somewhat idealized, as Roman and especially Greek art
Renaissance Architecture
- Greek columns - Triangular pediments - Roman Arches and Domes
The Renaissance also saw the rediscovery of Greek and Roman
- Writings and their ideas
A doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations
The state of having good sense and sound judgment
The status of belonging to a particular nation.
- In the Renaissance, a scholar who studied the languages and cultures of ancient Greece and Rome - Today, a scholar of the humanities.
Why is Italy prime for the Renaissance
Why were the Italian city-states very wealthy
1- Many city-states were mini-industrial powerhouses, each specializing in a particular product; Like Florence made cloth, Milan made arms 2- The cities of Venice and Genoa rich from trade
What did the Venetians export to the Ottomans
Why were Florence textile so valuable
The colors remained vibrant
What happened to the Byzantine scholars during the fall of Constantinople in 1453
- The fled with Greek ideas to Italy, taking their books with them
- 1473-1543 CE - One of the greatest minds of the Renaissance - Polish astronomer who produced a workable model of the solar system with the sun in the center
Why could the Renaissance be considered not as big of a deal as it is
- Life expectancy in Europe actually went down - Most of the population wasn't aware of it happening - Only experienced by the wealthiest and their painters