Queen Liliuokalani
1891 queen of Hawaii. Doesn't want to give up her power and wants Hawaii to be for the Hawaiians. Captured for supposedly threatening the lives of American citizens in Hawaii and put in jail.
The policy in which stronger nations extend their economic political and military control over weaker territories
Alfred T Mahan
Admiral of us navy that urged government officials to build up the strongest navy in order to compete with other powerful nations
William Seward
Supporter of American expansion Secretary of State under president Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. Arranged for us to buy Alaska from the Russians for 7.2 million in 1867
Pearl Harbor
A naval base in Hawaii. The kingdoms best port that became a refueling station for American ships
Sanford b dole
Head of the Hawaiian government who wrote the letter stating that queen Liliuokalani threatened the lives of white Americans in hawaii
José Martí
A Cuban poet and journalist in exile in New York who organized a resistance against Spain using an active guerrilla campaign and deliberately destroying property in order to achieve a free Cuba
Valeriano weyler
Spain's best General who tried to end the rebellion by herding the entire rural population of central and western Cuba into barbed wire concentration camps.
Yellow journalism
Sensational style of writing that exaggerated the news to lure and enrage readers
U.S.S. Maine
The strongest us naval ship that blew up February 15 1898 in the harbor of Havana over 260 men were killed
George dewey
Commodore who gave the command to open fire on the Spanish fleet at Manila. He led the to a victory that allowed us troops to land in the Philippines
Rough riders
A volunteer Calvary under the command of Leonard wood and Theodore Roosevelt
San Juan hill
the bloodiest and most famous battle of the Spanish American war. It was also the location of the greatest victory for the Rough Riders
Treaty of Paris
The treaty ending the Spanish-American war I. Which Spain freed Cuba turned over the islands of Guam and Puerto Rico to the us and sold the Philippines to the us for $20 million
Foraker act
Legislation passed by congress in 1900 in which the us ended military rule in Puerto Rico and set up a civil government
Platt amendment
A series of provisions that in 1901 the us insisted Cuba add it's new constitution commanding Cuba to stay out of debt giving the us the right to intervene in the country and the right to buy or lease Cuban land for naval and fueling stations
A country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger power
Emilio aguinaldo
Filipino leader Emilio Aguinaldo led his country to achieve independence after fighting off both the Spanish and the Americans.
John hay
Secretary of State who sent messages called the open door notes
Open door notes
Messages sent by the Secretary of State john hay in 1899 to Germany Russia great Britain France Italy and Japan asking the countries not to interfere with us trading right in china
Boxer rebellion
A 1900 rebellion in which members of a Chinese secret society sought to free their country from western influence
Panama Canal
An artificial waterway cut through the isthmus of panama to provide a shortcut between the Atlantic and pacific oceans opened in 1914
Roosevelt corollary
An extension of the Monroe doctrine announced by president Theodore Roosevelt in 1904 under which the us claimed the right to protect it's economic interest by means of military intervention in the affairs of Western Hemisphere nations
Dollar diplomacy
The us policy of using the nations economic power to exert influence over other countries
Francisco "pancho" villa
He robbed and commandeered trains and, like the other revolutionary generals, printed fiat money to pay for his cause. Villa's men and supporters became known as Villistas during the revolution from 1910 to roughly 1920. He joined with Madero's forces and aided in winning the first Battle of Ciudad Juárez in 1911.[3]
Emiliano Zapata
August 1879 - 10 April 1919) was a leading figure in the Mexican Revolution, the main leader of the peasant revolution in the state of Morelos, and the founder of the agrarian movement called Zapatismo.
John J Pershing
fought with the unit on Kettle and San Juan Hill in Cuba and was cited for gallantry. (In 1919, he was awarded the Silver Citation Star for these actions, and in 1932 the award was upgraded to the Silver Star decoration. also served with the 10th Cavalry during the siege and surrender of Santiago de Cuba.