Charles Coughim
Attracted millions of radio listeners to his radio talk show and discussed the FDR but got disconnected by him supposedly not doing enough to fight the depression
Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)
Democrat President Elected
Eleanor Roosevelt
Distant cousin of FDR and married him
Fireside Chats
Presidential Speech delivered by radio
Insured bank deposits up to $5,000.00
Built a series of dams in the Tennessee River Valley to block floods and generate electricity
In the spring of 1935, Congress gave $5 billion for new jobs
Pump Priming
A theory that putting people to work on public projects put money in the hands of consumers who would buy more goods, which in return would stimulate the economy
The Fair Labor Standards Act
Provided workers with additional rights. Established a minimum wage, initially at 25 cents per hour, and a maximum workweek of 44 hours. It also outlawed child labor
Court Packing
Accused president Roosevelt of trying to increase presidential power and upsetting the delicate balance between the three branches of the federal government
John Keynes
British economist that argued deficit spending was needed to end the depression
The Social Security Act
Congress enacted established unemployment insurance for workers who lost their job. It also created insurance for victims of work-related accidents and provided aid for poverty-stricken mothers and children, the blind, and the disabled
Indian New Deal
Prevent further loss of land and improve living conditions for Native Americans
Black Cabinet
Unofficial Advisers
John Collier
The new deal's commissioner of Indian Affairs
Welfare State
A government that assumes responsibility for providing the welfare of children, poor, elderly, sick, disabled, and unemployed
New Coalition
Brought together southern whites, northern blue-collar workers, poor Midwestern farmers, and African Americans
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Encouraged the practice of Indian religions, native languages, and traditional customs
Francis Perkins
Secretary of Labor an first female cabinet member
Huge, dramatic, paintings
The Wizard of Oz
Flourished during the New Deal years as Americans sought escape from the worries of the depression
Frank Copra
A director and leader of the movie genre that focused on the strength of average Americans
John Steinbeck
Wrote the most famous novel of the 1930s (The Grapes of Wrath)
Lillian Hellman
A New Orleans native that wrote several plays featuring strong roles for women
War of The Worlds
Millions of Americans tuned into a radio broadcast called War of The Worlds and thought it was real by Orson Welles