Order of Events: (wars)
1) Austria declared war on Serbia 2) Russia declared war on Austria 3) Germany declared war on France 4) Great Britain declared war on Germany
What was the greatest factor in America's entrance into the war?
Submarine Warfare
What was the last event in America's move toward war?
The sinking of four American merchant ships
What did the Fourteen Points include?
The League of Nations
Order of Events: (Acts and Treaties)
1) Selective Service Act 2) Chateau-Thierry 3) Armistice 4) Treaty of Versailles
What was included in the Treaty of Versailles?
The self-determination plank from the Fourteen Points
What document believed that the United States should avoid all entanglement with Europe?
The Irreplaceable's
Who had a number of military interventions?
Woodrow Wilson
Wilson once promised:
"The United States will never again seek one additional foot of territory by conquest."
What 1916 campaign slogan did Wilson run under?
"He kept us out at war."
What did American Neutrality in the Great War mean?
That the U.S. traded with both sides and gave loans to Allies to avoid collapse of American trade.
What did the Zimmerman telegram arouse?
American patriotism in the West against the Germans.
How much did America's army increase in less than 2 years of war?
10 fold
What were German's permitted in the treaty of negotiations following the Great War?
They were promised no part.
Did the United States ever join the League of Nations?
No. They did not.
American's strongly supported what?
The demands of the Flood Administration.
What did the Versailles Treaty contain?
It contained one of the most unreasonable demands in World History.
What event sparked the Great War?
The murder of Archduke Ferdinand.
What was Germany's Schlieffen Plan?
To defeat France, then attack Russia.
Germany's invasion of what nation brought Great Britain into the Great War?
What was the main provision of the Selective Service Act?
The draft
What was the main provision of the Espionage and Sedition Acts?
Ban on criticism of the War Effort.
What famous phrase came from the Sckenk decision?
"A clear and present danger"
Who was America's "Ace of Aces"?
Eddie Rickenbacker
What master politician from Great Britain went to Versailles with the pledge "we will squeeze them till the pips squeak"?
David Lloyd George
In what year did the United States enter the Great War?
April 6, 1917
What popular term described American Soldiers in the Great War?
On what exact date did the German's sign a truce ending the Great War?
November 11, 1918
What clause in the peace treaty stated that Germany was responsible for the Great War?
"War Guilt" clause
What unreasonable demand did Britain and France make on the German's to pay the entire cost of the war?
Reparation Payments
Who was America's secretary of state before the Great War?
William Jennings Bryan
Who was the Mexican Dictator from 1876-1911?
Porfirio Diaz
Who was the Patriotic head of the Food Administration?
Herbert Hoover
Who was "one of the most ruthless tyrannies in Mexican history"?
Victoriano Huerta
Who was the senator who opposed the Treaty of Versailles?
Henry Cabot Lodge
Who was the American General during WWI?
John J. Pershing
Who was the Mexican bandit who raided New Mexico?
Pancho Villa
Who was the German ruler who drew England into war?
Wilhelm II
Who thought "the world must be made safe for democracy"?
Woodrow Wilson
Who was the Christian hero in WWI?
Alvin C. York
What nations opposed Germany during the Great War?
What was the costly American offensive battle?
What truce ended the Great War?
What were the names of Germany and it's Allies during the Great War?
Central Powers
What was the American halt of the German offensive?
What was the peacetime association of countries designed to prevent war?
League of Nations
What was the name of the passenger liner that was sunk with American's on board?
What was the American commitment to oppose Germany if submarine warfare continued?
Sussex Pledge
What was the right to limit free speech during wartime?
Schenk vs. United States
What was the German plot to give part of America to Mexico?
Zimmerman Telegram