indentured servants
poor immigrants paid for their trip to America by agreeing to work for 4-7 years
Cause for fewer indentured servants in America
economy in England improved
Cause of Slavery
-landowners need more people to grow crops -fewer indentured slaves=slave owners turn to buying slaves for workers
Slavery in the beginning
-indentured servants -could vote and own land and slaves after they were freed
Slavery becomes Permanent
-colonial governments pass laws supporting permanent enslavement -once legalized, slavery dramatically increased
Slavery in America
-slaves sold at actions; separated families -few earned freedom -some ran away -many worked until they died
Slave prices Increased=
more work demanded from slaves-they were abused
Ways for slaves to avoid work
-faked being ill -broke tools
building wealth and power for a nation or country by manufacturing(making) goods, exporting and selling goods for gold and silver
Ways to become really wealthy
-sell more than you purchase *accumulate more gold and silver -export more than you import -import less from your competitors to drive them out of business
English had few raw materials
colonized America to get raw materials
How the English created wealth
-put poor people to work *cheap labor -turned raw materials from America into goods in factories in England -sold goods in other countries
U.S Constitution Rights
-bear arms -trialed by jury -free elections -freedom of speech -subjects can petition the king -no cruel of unusual punishment -no taxation without Congress agreeing
Magna Carta (1215)
-document created by the nobility for the nobility in England -limit government and power of the monarch -limited taxation; House of Lords voted on taxes
English Government
1King 2Parliament
Two Houses of Parliament
-House of Lords(nobility) -House of Commons(commons) Parliament makes the laws
English Bill of Rights(1688)
-passed by Parliament -limited the power of the King or Queen -law of the English subjects and American colonists -many of the same principles included in the U.S. Constitution
Documents that Influenced the U.S. Constitution
Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights
new ideas and ways of thinking-problems can be solved by human reasoning (not just in God's or government's control)
Beliefs of John Locke for people's natural rights
life, liberty, and property
Great Awakening
-religious movement in the colonies -inspired by evangelical preaching -preachers spoke of personal religious experience -rejected Enlightenment views -not everything was in the hands of humans(God was still in control)
Effects of the Enlightenment
-inspired Benjamin Franklin to create new inventions and write books -John Locke
Effects of the Great Awakening
-new churches -increased religious tolerance -personal freedoms
Debts of the French and Indian War
-British spent a lot of money -King George III and Parliament wanted colonists to help pay for the war
Sugar Act (1764)
-passed by Parliament -enforced taxes already in place on molasses -made people pay taxes who were trying to avoid paying taxes
Quartering Act (1765)
required colonists to house and give supplies for soldiers after the F&I War
Stamp Act (1765)
-passed by Parliament -required colonists to pay taxes on all printed materials -first direct tax on the colonists
Taxation without Representation
-no one in Parliament represented the colonists so they became very upset -Parliament thought colonists were being selfish
Methods of Protest
-violence -wrote fliers/posters/pamphlets -formed groups/organizations -speeches -boycott
Results of Protests
-Stamp Act repealed -tax collectors quit -British lost business
Townshend Acts (1767)
-imposed taxes on imports -riots begin in the colonies
Boston Massacre (March 1770)
-colonists threw rocks and snowballs at the British soldiers guarding a custom's house -British soldiers fired their guns -killed 5 people -colonial political leaders begin to organize
Boston Tea Party (1773)
-only allowed a British tea company to not sell tea with a tax -Dec. 3, 1772 Boston Patriots dressed up as Indians and boarded 3 British ships and threw the tea overboard
Effects of the Boston Tea Party
Parliament passes Coercize Acts and Intolerable Acts
Coercize Acts
closed Boston Ports
Intolerable Acts
-forced colonists house troops -changed colonial governments and boundaries
First Continental Congress
-representatives from every colony except Georgia -met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania -boycott all British imports -set up new governments -unite
Effects of British General Thomas Gage named governor of Massachusetts
-colonists set up their own government to govern Massachusetts=Gage left out -colonists began stock-piling arms and ammunition
Battle of Lexington and Concord
-April 19, 1775 -Gage sends troops to arrest the colonists who started the new government - take away the weapons stockpile in Concord -Paul Revere tipped off colonists by riding through the country to warn people the British were coming
Who fought the British at the Battle of Lexington and Concord?
-local militia -drove the British back to Boston
Patriot colonists who volunteered to help
Second Continental Congress
-met in Philadelphia -May 1775 -all colonies were represented -Congress took responsibility for the war -appointed George Washington as commander of the army
colonists who wanted to be free of British rule and did not want to fight a war
colonists who wanted to be free of British rule and would fight or be in the militia
Common Sense
-written by Thomas Paine -convinced many colonists to support the war
Common Sense was about...
-independence -division between central and state government(republican state government) -uniting the states -leaders elected by the people -opportunity for everyone
Declaration of Independence
-spring 1776 Continental Congress selects committee to draft a document declaring independence -approved on July 4, 1776 -Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration
The Declaration included...
-list of British abuses -"all men are created equal" -included the natural rights -government could not take away natural rights -declared the colonies were separating from the British
British abuses listed in the Declaration
-Quartering Acts -mock trials for soldiers in the Boston Massacre
Reasons British Lost
-using old military strategies -Patriots were motivated -did not take colonists seriously as enemies -did not support Loyalist militias
Reasons Colonists Won
-motivated -used new military strategies -George Washington would retreat and fight another day strategy -Thomas Paine's Common Sense -assisted by French and Spanish
Treaty of Paris
-Americans led by Benjamin Franklin negotiated the treat with Britain
terms of the Treaty
-America was independent of Britain -America secured territory all land east of the Mississippi River (except Florida and the gulf coast)
Effects of the War
-many loyalists fled to British America (Canada) -slaves who fought with the British were re-enslaved -Indians lost all their territory
Slavery-the division
-slaves who fought with the Patriots were freed -some northern landowners sold their slaves to the south -northern states freed their slaves -many northern states would outlaw slavery