George H. Bush
Reagan's former Vice President who won the 1988 presidential election
Tiananmen Square
Site of a peaceful student demonstration in China; hundreds of the protestors were killed
Manuela Noriega
Ruler of Panama who was heavily into international drug trading
Saddam Hussein
Leader of Iraq who attacked Kuwait
Nelson Mandela
South African leader who was jailed for trying to end apartheid
The former Soviet Union
William Clinton
The Democrat who won the 1992 presidential election
H. Ross Perot
Gained the most votes of any third-party candidate in history in 1992
A small country where Croats, Muslims, and Serbs were at war
Oklahoma City
Home to the federal building where 168 Americans were killed by a terrorist bomb
George W. Bush
Republican who barely won the 2000 election
al Queda
A worldwide terrorist network believed responsible for the World Trade Center attacks
Tom Ridge
First person to be appointed to the newly formed Department of Homeland Security
Nation building
One of Clinton's foreign policies which aimed at building up democratic governments
Ethnic cleansing
The Serbs engaged in this by trying to eliminate all Muslims and Croats
The use of violence to promote a cause
Grand Jury
A jury that decides if the charges against a person are strong enough for a trial; was used to investigate President Clinton in 1998 about his personal behavior
Lay off or fire workers to cut costs; during a weakened economy, a company tends to do this to save money
Policy in South Africa of complete separation of the races; Nelson Mandela worked to end this in South Africa
Ronald Reagan
Former California Governor who won the presidential election of 1980
John Hinckley, Jr.
Tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan by shooting him in 1981
Sandra Day O'Connor
The first woman justice appointed to the Supreme Court
William Rehnquist
Improved the efficiency of the Supreme Court, cut its caseload, and led the Court in making many conservative rulings
Walter Mondale
The Democratic Party candidate for the 1984 presidential election
Geraldine Ferraro
The first woman to run for Vice President on the ticket of a major political party
A rebel group in Nicaragua fighting against the Sandinistas
Mikhail Gorbachev
During Reagan's second term, this man became the leader of the Soviet Union; called for a policy of glasnot
The loosening of government controls; used by Reagan to try and reduce some government regulations
Federal deficit
Occurs when the government spends more money than it takes from taxes, fees and other sources
National debt
The current one is well over a trillion dollars
Kyoto Protocol
Treaty resulted from the a conference in Kyoto Japan; goal was to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being produced worldwide; U.S didn't approve or claiming it would be too expensive
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromr
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
World Health Organization (WHO)
Part of the UN, works to achieve decent health among nations. It promotes cooperation among nations and provides access to medicines and healthcare
North american Free Trade Agreement
Eliminated trade barriers between the US, Canada, and Mexico in 1994
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
Cute tariffs on more than 100 trading companies
Charles Babbage
Singlehandedly who thought out the idea of a machine built and powered by a stream and would have been as large as a locomotive engine
First successful space shuttle launched in April 1986
Space shuttle exploded after liftoff, killing 7 astronauts and a teacher; rocket booster has problems
International Space Station
US worked with 14 other countries to build it; visited by crews of astronauts who conduct experiments and undertake space walls from the station
Hubble space telescope
Launched in 1990, sends pictures of events and objects back to earth
George W Bush(son of George Bush) won against Clinton's VP. Albert Gore Jr. When Florida had to recount their elecotral votes by hand. It took 5 weeks of legal battles until the Supreme Court stopped it and named Bush President since it was taking too long
Department of Homeland Security
Coordinated effects to make Americans safe at home
Conditions in which countries are members of a world community
Moral majority
Christian organization that favors traditional and strict moral values