Politics - Ancient Mesopotamia
had divine Kings and Priests with massive burial tombs; lots of wealth
Economics - Ancient Mesopotamia
earliest cuneiform/writing was accounting, suggests that trade was very common; Sumerian traders traveled by land, river, and sea in wheeled carts and sailboats: traded wood, stone, metal, and food
Religion - Ancient Mesopotamia
"Divine" Kings and priests were powerful and worshiped; polytheistic group: worships many gods; patron gods
Social - Ancient Mesopotamia
Hammurabi's Code: book of laws, had different laws for people of different classes; gender roles: patriarchal
Intellectual - Ancient Mesopotamia
world's first writing system: cuneiform: pictograms: little pictures evolve into phonetics/sounds; accurate calendar based on lunar months where they could predict the onset of seasons and prepare for planting and harvesting; wheeled carts and sailboats
Artistic - Ancient Mesopotamia
ziggurats: towers used to get closer to the gods; Epic of Gilgamesh - heroic leader of Uruk visits the underworld; terra cotta, clay, bas relief
Nature - Ancient Mesopotamia
"Fertile Crescent" which is between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
Political - Neolithic Humans
more rigid hierarchies: social classes, non-equal wealth
Economic - Neolithic Humans
agriculture; pastoralism; hunting and gathering
Religion - Neolithic Humans
more established beliefs, institutionalized
Social - Neolithic Humans
100's to 1,000's in population; Labor Division hierarchies; gender roles; patriarchal
Intellectual - Neolithic Humans
more advanced tools --> new stone age
Artistic - Neolithic Humans
more sophisticated engraving, pictorals, sculpting, carvings, etc.
Nature - Neolithic Humans
farms; livestock
Political - Indus Valley
efficient leadership
Economic - Indus Valley
farmed (probably traded cotton)
Religion - Indus Valley
lack of burial tombs
Social - Indus Valley
40,000+ population
Intellectual - Indus Valley
created their own writing system(currently indecipherable); brick with squares in middle made wall building, repair, and movement easy; sewage pipes, waste chutes, water wells, grid oriented streets
Artistic - Indus Valley
created pottery
Nature - Indus Valley
located on and benefited from the Indus River
Political - Ancient Egypt
"god-like" pharaohs and officials; being a scribe was very prestigious; more respect for women
Religion - Ancient Egypt
over 700 pharaohs; important views of afterlife; mummification; polytheistic; anthropomorphic
Social - Ancient Egypt
had a diverse population of different races and skin tones
Intellectual - Ancient Egypt
Obelisk with hieroglyphic writing; Book of the Dead (Ten Commandments); papyrus paper
Egyptian Old Kingdom
capital at Memphis; pyramids, famous monuments
Egyptian Middle Kingdom
growth prosperity; capital moved to Thebes
Egyptian New Kingdom
famous Pharaohs (Ramses II, Tut); foreign invasions
Political - Chinese History
Xia: Earliest dynasty; legendary because of Yu the Great who tamed yellow river Shang: took over after Xia and used family members because of trust issues Zhou: long lasting; cultural; people put to death and beheaded for unknown reasons
Religion - Chinese History
"Mandate of Heaven" which says gods control who rules the land
Social - Chinese History
very patriarchal: men are doing work while women are tied to their homes
Intellectual - Chinese History
terracing and hydraulics: created pumps, bamboo piping to water rice fields; oracle bones which predict anything