Half-Way Covenant
Offered partial membership rights to people who have not yet converted.
Tenant Farmer
farmer who works land owned by another and pays rent either in cash or in crops.
Triangle Trade
Is a historical term indicating tade among three ports or regions. Specifically North America, England, and Africa.
Common Sense
Pamphlet wriiten by Thomas paine that stirred up public support for the American Revolution and called for the end of british rule in colonies.
American Nationalism
The American citizens who are devoted to the nation and have patriotism.
Freedom's Bureau
Gave food, clothing and education to former slaves and children.
A movement to end slavery
Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle"
Novel written giving a vivid protrait of life and death in a turn-of-a-century American meat-packing factory. Pointed out horrific details that led to reform of the Industry.
Labor Union
an organization of workers formed to improve their wages, benefits, and working conditions
The 14th Amendment
granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the US
Weaknessess Of the Articles of Confederation
The articles gaves the government no separation of powers. The government was to weak; the articles left much of the power to the states.
The whiskey Rebellion
A rebellion caused by a tax placed on farmer's goods, favoring the rich and hurting the poor.
Salem Witch Trials
a series of trails that prosecuted people of witchcraft in Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693 and it has come to represent religious extremism and the governments invasion of personal rights.
Bill of Rights
The first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution, containing a list of individual rights and liberties, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press.
War of 1812
Fought between U.S. and England primarily over trade restrictions by England on the U.S with France.
Jacksonian Democracy
Polititical philosophy of Andrew Jackson; believed in Westward expansion and the rights of settlers.
Events leading to the Civil War
The Mexican War ended- 1848, Fugitive slave Act- 1850, uncle Tom's Cabin Released, Bleeding Kansas shocked Northerners, Charles Sumner is Attacked by Preston on the floor of the senate, Dred Scott Decision, Lecomptom Constitution rejected, John Brown Raided Harper's Ferry, and Abraham Lincoln was elected President.
Emancipation Proclamation
Issued by Abraham Liincoln on September 22, 1862 it declared that all slaves in the confederate states would be free.
Jim Crow Laws
Laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites.
A group of investigative reporters who pointed out the abuses of big business and the corruption of urban politics; included Frank Norris (The Octopus) Ida Tarbell (A history of the standard oil company) Lincoln Steffens (the shame of the cities) and Upton Sinclair (The Jungle)
Ida Tarbell
Was known for leading the "muckrakers" of the prgressive era. Wrote about the Standard Oil Company's Unfair buisness policies.
13th Amendment
outlawed slavery
19th Amendment
gave women the right to vote
Treaty of 1763
Ended the French and Indian War and effectively kicked the French out of North America. (Also called the French and Indian War)
Great Awakening
a religious movement that became widespread in the American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s
Middle Passage
The difficult voyage made by enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the West Indies where they were sold.
Monroe Doctrine
Americas first foreign policy opposing interference in the western hemisphere from outside powers
Northwest Ordinance
Set up the Northwest Territory outlined how territories could become states.
Manifest Destiny
the belief that the U.S. should extend all the way to the pacific ocean.
Jane Adams
founded the first American settlement houses was Hull House in Chicago
Lewis and Clark
explored Louisiana Purchase and found route to Pacific Ocean
First Transcontinental Railroad
The two railroad lines, Central Pacific Railroad and Union Pacific Railroad, lines were created east to west. Build by immigrants primarily asian.
15th amenment.
declared rigth to vote no matter what race, skin color, or pervous condtion or servitude.
Shays' Rebellion
was led by Daniel Shays it was a protest against the land being taken away and the taxes that they had just worked so hard to get rid of