Bull Run
A battle about 30 miles from Washington, D.C., when 30,000 Northern troops fought a smaller Confederate force near a stream called Bull Run. Indication of war and the travesty of war. People thought they could have a "picnic" and watch the battle. In this battle, technology aids the South (telegraph for more troops brought by train).
McClellan found a copy of Lee's plans and realized that the Confederate forces were divided and he could destroy Lee's army. McClellan attacked Lee at Antietam Creek in 1862. He forced Lee to retreat back into Virginia but his army was too damaged to pursue Lee and finish him.
Total War
war on all aspects of the enemy's life
Radical Republicans
Opposed Lincoln's view that the war was only to preserve the Union and his refusal to make the end of slavery a goal of the war.
pg. 419 Union troops and the Confederates battled on July 3 of 1862. After 3 days of war, Union troops were more than 23,000 and more than 28,000 for the Confederates. On July 4, Lee retreated to Virginia.
George McClellan
Union general who put together a force of soldiers called the Army of the Potomac, after the previous disaster of Bull Run
Ft. Sumter
Federal fort in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina; the confederate attack on the fort marked the start of the Civil War
Mainly democrats who called for ending the war at any price, even if that meant welcoming the South and slavery back into the Union or letting the slave states leave in Peace. Some encouraged Northerners to resist the war and others openly supported the South.
Robert E. Lee
commander of the Confederate army
Jefferson Davis
Chosen as Confederate President
Martial Law
a form of military rule that includes suspending Bill of Rights guarantees
U.S. Sanitary Commission
a private relief organization that collected millions of dollars for projects to improve the living conditions of Union Soldiers
in May 1863, Virginia, Lee smashed General Joe Hooker, who lost 17,000 men to an army half the size of his.
Green Backs
a piece of U.S. paper money first issued by the North during the Civil War
Andrew Johnson
Vice President under Lincoln. Took office after Lincoln's assassination.
compulsory enlistment for state service, typically into the armed forces
Clara Barton
After the war, worked to identify thousands of soldiers who had perished at the Andersonville prison camp; founded the American Red Cross.
John Wilkes Booth
a fanatical Confederate sympathizer who killed Lincoln just 5 days after Lee's surrender.
Commander of the Union Navy, led 20/24 ships successfully past several forts into the port of New Orleans, where it surrendered without a shot.
Habeas corpus
a writ requiring a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court, esp. to secure the person's release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention.
Gen. Sherman
Northern general who was put in charge after no other generals could defeat Lee. He marched into Virginia, set fire to Atlanta and destroyed Richmond.
court house famous as the site of the surrender of the Confederate Army under Robert E. Lee to Union commander Ulysses S. Grant
Union Party
in the presidential election of 1964 (Lincoln's re-election), the Republican party temporarily changed its name to the Union party to attract Democrats who supported the war.
San Francisco
The Union feared attack on SF, poured large amounts of money for defense. Confederacy had too limited resources, were never able to attack.
Union forces, led by General Ulysses S. Grant, reached Jackson, the capital of Mississippi. They then turned and fought their way to Vicksburg. Grant then laid siege to Vicksburg. Conditions were harsh: they starved and ate horses, mules, and dogs. July 4, 1863, Vicksburg surrenders.
Richmond, VA
The Union wanted to capture the Confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia which was later destroyed my Sherman's march
Battle of New Orleans
During the night, David Farragut led 20/24 ships successfully past several forts into the port of New Orleans, where it surrendered without a shot.
List three consequences of the attack on Fort Sumter. (416)
a. Stirred nationalism in the North, (Lincoln requested 75,000 volunteers and got more than could equipped or trained) b. The idea of war caused four more states to secede. This left D.C vulnerable. C. Riots in Baltimore occurred after the attack
Identify Emancipation Proclamation.(422)
Emancipation Proclamation An official public announcement made by Lincoln on September 22, 1862, to free the slaves of the Confederacy, which made this conflict a war against slavery.
Explain Lincoln's timing in issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.(422)
The Union troops forced Lee's troops to retreat, but they lost too many people and were damaged to pursue Lee and finish him. Lincoln was not completely happy with the Union army's actions.
State why the Battle of Gettysburg was so significant.(422)
The Battle of Gettysburg was significant because after 28,000 confederate men are killed, Lee decides to retreat. In turn, the Union army intended to pursue Lee. The Union only lost 23,000 men.
Explain the differences in strategy of the North and South.(422)
Unions three pronged strategy - capture the Mississippi River. 2.Blockade the southern ports. 3. Capture Richmond virginia. Southern strategy - kept and used a strong army
State what factors caused Lincoln to change his war goals to include freeing the enslaved persons.(429)
increasing pressure from abolitionists and Radical Republicans to turn the war into a crusade against slave so as to destroy an institution that violated human principles of freedom and dignity. He also realized no European government would defend the South in a war to abolish slavery.
List the contributions made by African-Americans to the war effort on both sides.(429)
African-Americans were both drafted and enlisted into the Union's army during the course of the Civil War. The same could be said for both the North and the South territories across the United States. 200,000 African-Americans were on the battle field, and an additional 150,000 were part of the engineering corps.
Explain how women supported the war effort behind the lines.(429)
Women would help on farms and handle chores. Many Women worked as government clerks and factory workers—including dangerous work in factories and making weapons and ammunition for soldiers. Some women also went with armies in the field, cooking, sewing, and washing.
Summarize the advantages of the North and South.(429)
Advantages of the North: the Union's three-pronged military strategy; Superior resources; twice the population Advantages of the South: Better army because of strong military tradition; resources provided by Europe
Explain the strategy the Grant adopted to defeat the Confederacy.(435)
advancing instead of retreating after every loss and attacking Lee in bloody battles. Grant knew he could replace his losses while his enemy could not. Superior numbers & a war of attrition.
Examine how the tactics used by Union generals Philip Sheridan and William Sherman.(435)
Sherman used a tactic known as forage. This was used by striking into the enemy territory and to forage, or live off the land. Sherman continued to cause a path of destruction of cities, land and property where ever he went leaving the area a wasteland. This weakened enemy forces and moral.
Jonathan King
Like, super cool.