progressive movement
social reform movement of the 20th century
Florence Kelley
social reformer who helped pass the Illinois Factory Act that prohibited child labor and limited women's working hours
the banning of the sale and use of alcohol
journalists who wrote stories about corruption and unfair practices in business.
scientific management
the use of scientific ideas, like the assembly line, to make work more efficient
Robert M. La Follette
governor of Wisconsin who regulated big businesses like the railroad industry
Muller v. Oregon
Supreme Court decided that a state could legally limit the working hours of women
gives voters the right to propose a law directly
a direct vote on the initiative where voters could accept or reject the initiative
the voter's right to force a government official to face another election or a vote to remove a public official from office
Seventeenth Amendment
called for the direct election of senators by the people
NACW- National Association of Colored Women
created nurseries, reading rooms, and kindergartens
NAWSA -National American Women Suffrage Association
National American Woman Suffrage Association; founded in 1890 to help women win the right to vote
the right to vote
Susan B. Anthony
leader of the woman suffrage movement
Upton Sinclair
author who described the filthy conditions in the meatpacking industry in his novel The Jungle
Theodore Roosevelt
President from 1901 to 1909 known as the trustbuster
Square Deal
Roosevelt's program of progressive reforms
Meat Inspection Act
Pushed by Roosevelt, it called for strict cleanliness requirements in meatpacking
Pure Food and Drug Act
(1906) Passed by Congress, it stopped the sale of contaminated foods and medicines and required truth in labeling
belief that some land should be preserved as wilderness while other areas would be developed
NAACP-National Assoc. for the Advancement of Colored People
founded to push for civil rights and racial equality
Gilford Pinchot
Head of the U.S. Forest Service appointed by Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Roosevelt's secretary of war who became president in1909
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
Passed by the Senate, it did not lower tariffs much at all
Bull Moose Party
Progressive Party formed by Roosevelt's supporters
Woodrow Wilson
Nominated by the Democrats, he became president in 1912
Carrie Chapman Catt
President of NAWSA who led the campaign for woman suffrage
Clayton Antitrust Act
Passed by Congress in 1914, it made it more difficult for monopolies to form
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
(1914) Agency that had the power to investigate businesses for the government
Federal Reserve System (FRS)
Controlled the money supply and made credit more easily available.
Nineteenth Amendment
Amendment that gave women the right to vote