John D. Rockefeller,
gained control of the oil industry and created the company Standard Oil
Dawes Act
Legislation that encouraged Native Americans to be absorbed into the main culture
The policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants
Chinese Exclusion
Nativist legislation that halted Chinese immigration for ten years and prohibited Chinese from becoming US citizens
Gold Standard
Hard monetary policy
Social Darwinism
Idea that humans, like animals and plants, compete in a struggle for existence in which natural selection results in "survival of the fittest."
Populist party
group that favored lower transportation cost and "free silver"
A lack of workers affected did not....
...boost American industrial growth in the 18
Social Darwin
The government should stay out of the affairs of business and let the strongest ones survive
Thomas Edison
Helped make electricity more widely available
John D. Rockefeller
Ruthlessly put his competitors out of business
Andrew Carnegie
Helped the entire nation and therefore all people in it
Why did children work in factories?
Families needed the income
Where did European immigrants often first settle?
In large cities where they entered
New York, Ellis Island
Eastern port city entry for the majority of immigrants arriving in America
Name two pull factors for immigration to the United States
Free land and jobs
The 1800's and early 1900's immigration laws discriminated more against this
What attracted many Chinese to the US in the late 1800's
Jobs with American railroad companies
How was the lifestyle of homesteaders on the western frontier?
They had to study even for the necessities
Many Native American nations did what when American settlers moved west
The native Americans formed the anti-white club and used politics to fight for rights
The United States government encouraged settlers' attempts to
Take Native American Lands
Immigrants of past acting hostile towards immigrants of present
Sharecroppers in the South had many problems including....
Low product prices, pests and constant debt to landowners
The Wizard of Oz is said to connect with what political group?
The Pendleton Act
Forced potential government employees to pass civil service examinations in an attempt to eliminate graft in government hiring
The Gilded Age
Refers to an era of corruption and greed