Economic causes of the Civil War
the north and the south each led different ways of life -North was industrial (railroads, factories) -South was rural (based on agriculture) On the outset of war, they were trying to take advantage of each other this was shown thru the Anaconda plan(take over south blocking their ports), tariffs (making northern goods expensive for south) -**and there was also the uncertainty of how much power the states held over the fed govt considering the nation was so new still
Social causes of the Civil War
-the Underground Railroad: was a system created by abolishonists to try to bring slaves to the north so they could be free People were socially divided bc one side wanted to abolish slavery and others wanted to keep it
Political causes of the Civil War
*States rights; if states had the right to disregard any federal law they disagreed with slavery was a huge disagreement. even amongst the west. the Compromise of 1850 was established to calm all territories down. -Cali: free state -Pop soveriegnty decided slavery issue in Utah and New Mexico -Fugitive Slave Act (most controversial) allowed ppl to help capture escaped slaves --After losing California, the desire to spread slavery to new lands led Southerners to push the U.S. to secure more foreign territory. -another big event that happened was that the Republican Party was made to speak for all anti-slavery activists
economic consequences of the civil war
Southern economy was in ruins -many battles took place there and due to Anaconda plan -also they were running short on labor since African Americans were Emancipated -also foreign nations found a way to grow the crops they needed from the south on their own considering the south was busy fighting the north off -Both the North and the South were in ruins however considering numbers of soldiers from both sides were greatly injured and unable to resume to work causing their wives and family members to take over. -also infrastructure was damaged and needed rebuilding
social consequences of the civil war
African Americans could now freely progress in society. However they still faced harsh treatment and discrimination. -"Buffalo Soldiers" were formed after the war as the first peacetime all-black regiment of the US army
political consequences of the civil war
Abraham Lincoln's death. He understood that slavery important to the south and one of their main resources during the war, so he used that as an advantage during his presidency to gain the Confederacy back under the nation's control, and was assassinated at the end of the Union's victory after the Civil War
Radical Republicans and their impact on Reconstruction
~People who believed that the South were the cause of all destruction and lost lives in the Civil war and they wanted the South to receive punishment~ -Their impact on Reconstruction led to new state constitutions and Republican-controlled state governments in the South. `Reconstruction Act of 1867: divided South into 5 military districts each governed by a Union general `Ratification of the 14th (which gave citizenship to former slaves) and 15th amendments (a citizen's right to vote cannot be denied on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude)
13th amendment
Abolished slavery, except when used by gov't as punishment by a crime
14th amendment
African Americans were not to be denied equal rights. they were granted citizenship
15th amendment
a citizen's right to vote cannot be denied on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude
Jim Crow laws and how they affected southern minorites
-served to segregate black people from white people in public areas such as schools or hospitals. -These laws made living in the South a struggle for minorities (aka the African Americans) bc they were not given equal rights and privileges and therefore were faced with poverty, violence, and discrimination
Andrew Johnson
was Abraham Lincoln's vice president and wanted to follow with Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction which made it simple for the south to reenter into the Union
the relationship between the government, Native Americans, and American citizens
It was an abusive relationship. Americans used their resources to take advantage of the native americans and conquer them. ~The federal government created reservations for Native Americans when trying to kick them out of their homes in order to expand land for the nation. However, there were several times when the federal government broke these promises which resulted in battles and massacres. ~The second method the US govt used was they tried to assimilate the Native Americans both behaviorally and academically. However considering Native Americans' small and limited power, the American citizens took advantage of them and the Native Americans turned out more poor and unstable than ever before
how the American West was settled
~Homestead Act of 1862- granted any citizen or citizenseeking immigrant 160 acres of land at no cost This brought homesteaders into direct conflict with Native American territory (Battle of little big horn, dawes act, wounded knee massacre)