George Washington
Saved his army from destruction, President of the Constitutional Convention, President of the US
Patrick Henry
"Give me liberty of give me death!" Anti-Federalist
James Madison
"Father of the Constitution" Writes the VA Plan, Bill of Rights, most of the Constitution, takes a lot of notes at the Constitutional Convention
Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Independence, Stature of Religious Freedom, later becomes leader of Democratic-Republican Party
John Jay
Writes Jay's Treaty, slows British to participate in fur trade in America
Benjamin Franklin
Ambassador to France, convinces the French to enter the Revolutionary War
John Locke
Natural rights of "life, liberty, and property, Jefferson includes his ideas in the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Paine
Wrote Common Sense, Jefferson also includes his ideas in the Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation
Constitution initially passes Congress
Constitution is ratified
Treaty of Paris
Revolutionary War
Stamp Act
Lexington and Concord
Boston Massacre
Bill of Rights
You don't get involved, stay out of the war, US position on French Revolution
Salutary Neglect
England ignored her colonies and let them govern themselves
The colonies exist for the good of the Mother Country (IE America for Britain)
Townshend Acts
Taxes all of the major items that they use, lead, paint, tea, paper, goods, etc.
1st Continental Congress
Georgia isn't there petitions the king with a list of grievances
2nd Continental Congress
Olive Branch Petition, pass the Declaration of Independence, and Articles of Confederation, appoint Washington General
Constitutional Convention
Originally tries to reform the Articles of Confederation, but ends up creating the Constitution
Loyal to America, colonists
Not loyal to anyone, wait and see who wins so they can benefit economically
Loyal to England and the King
Patriots/colonists, ready to fight at a moment's notice
Bunker Hill
1st Battle in the War, Colonist lose, but make a stand
Lexington and Concord
Battle before the war, 1st shots are fired between minutemen and the British
"Shot heard round the world"
Lexington and Concord
Colonist win this battle, turning point in the war
Idea that states can void federal law, you don't have to follow federal law if you are a state
Alien Acts
Must live in America for 14 years to be a citizen, and the President can throw you in jail or out of the country if you are considered a threat.
Sedition Acts
You can be fined or thrown into jail for criticizing the government
Federal Judiciary Act of 1787
Creates the Court system, Supreme Court with 6 justices
Article 6
Constitution is the Supreme law of the land
Bank of the US
Hamilton's plan for a national bank (Federalist idea)
Whiskey Rebellion
PA farmers revolt over tax on whiskey, George Washington crushes the revolt with 15,000 troops (which shows the strength of the federal government)
Advises the President
Kentucky and Virginia Resolves
Madison and Jefferson will say that the Alien and Sedition Acts are Unconstitutional.
Separation of Powers
Each branch has its own set of powers that the others can't get involved in (3 branches)
Check and Balances
Says that each branch can monitor the other branches
Virginia Plan
Bicameral legislature (2 houses), 3 branches of government, created by Madison
The Great Compromise
Each state gets 2 senators, House of Representatives is determined by population
3/5 Compromise
Slaves count as 3/5 of a person when it comes to population so that the South can have a larger representation in congress
9 out of 13 states are needed to ratify
Federalist Papers
Federalists like Hamilton, Madison, and Jay write essays to convince people to adopt and ratify the Constitution
VA Statue of Religious Freedom
Thomas Jefferson, says no church can run the government, freedom of religion