Alexander Hamilton
Federalists who supported the bank. Secretary of treasury. Believed that a strong central government was necessary to pressure the union wanted to quickly develop a commercial and industrialized economy.
Alien and Sedition Acts
Authorized the President to arrest and deport immigrants who criticized the federal government. Made it a crime for citizens to publicly discredite the federal government. Silenced the Democratic Republicans.
American Neutrality
Britain and France were at war and the US didn't want to get involved because they were to weak.
Andrew Jackson
Democrat; Won the election in 1828. Emerged as a war hero after the battle of New Orleans
Bank War
Federalists wanted a bank, and the anti-federalists diidn't. supreme court said you can't tax the federal bank.
Battle of New Orleans
Greatest Victory in January 1815. 2 weeks after the Americans and the British signed a peace treaty at Ghent.
Cotton Belt
Group of southern states that grew cotton and exported.
Dartmouth vs. Woodward
When the state of New Hampshire tried to replace the trustees of Darmouth College. But, the college had a charter and that they could appoint their own trustee. The court decided that Darmouth one because of the charter.
Election of 1800
Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied. House of Representatives chose Jefferson thanks to Hamilton. Led to a change in the Constitution in 1804 requiring electors to vote separately for President and Vice President.
Election of 1824
Four leading Democratic Republicans between John Quincy Adams, William Crawford, Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay. No one won a majority of electoral votes. Jackson wins thanks to Clay. Clay is Secetary of State
Election of 1828
Jackson defeated Adams. Campaign manager was Martin Van Buren. Party promised a return to Jeffersonian principles: strong states and a weak federal government that would not interfere with slavery.
Eli Whitney
Made cotton gin and interchangeable parts.
Macon's Bill #2
Restored trade with both Britain and France also promised that if either country actively recognized American neutrality then the United states would resume trading sanctions against the other country.
Lewis and Clark
Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore the new territory. Guided by Sacajawea.
Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson obtained vast territory extending from Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains. Doubled the size of the Untied States. $15 million
Industrial Revolution
Begain in Great Britain during the 1700s with the development of machines powered by steam of flowing rivers to perform work that had once been done by hand. The first machines spun thread and wove cloth more quickly and cheaper.
Indian Removal Act
Led to the trail of tears. Peacefully negotiated the exchange of American Indian lands in the South for new lands in the Indian Territory (Oklahoma).
Hudson River Valley School
Group of landscape painters that used realistic detail to reflect an enormous reverence toward nature.
Hartford Convention
Federalist delegates from New England states mat at Hartford making a separate peace with Britain. Demanded constitutional amendments designed to strengthen New England's political power.
Hamilton's Financial Plan
Proposed new taxes, high tariffs and to Charter a Bank of the United States that could regulate state banks, strengthen the national government and ensure that business interests were closely aligned with those of the government.
XYZ Affair
Adams sent envoys to Parist to negotiate peace but three French officials known as "___" demanded higher terms.
Whiskey Rebellion
Pennsylvania mountains made it difficult to transport bulky bushels of grain to eastern markets. Poeple distilled grain into wiskey. Farmers hated the tax on whiskey. In 1794 farmers rebelling the tax by attacking tax collectors.
Washington Farewell
Washington declines to run again due to ailing health and to set an example by walking away from power.
War of 1812
United States went to war with Britain and attempted to invade Canada but failed. Army killed Tecumseh. British invaded the US. and seized Maine and burned the White House and the Capitol.
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Declared the Alien and Sedition Act unconsitutional.
Treaty of Ghent
Peace treaty that restored prewar boundaries
Tariff of 1828
Promoted American industry but embarassed President Adams and ensured a Jackson victory.
Nullification Crisis
South Carolina voted to void the tariffs within the state's borders and threatened to secede from the Union if force is used against the state.
Monroe Doctrine
Responded to threats by European powers including France. Helped Spain recover Latin American colonies and declared their independence.
Missouri Compromise
Henry Clay made this. Northern district of Massachusetts entered the Union as free state of Maine to balance admission of Missouri as a slave state. Compromise drew a line across the continent from the southwestern corner of Missouri to the nations western boundary. South = slave, North = free