great Society
President Johnson's goal and programs for the future of the United States
urban renewal
a program to rebuild rundown areas of cities
who were the candidates in the 1964 presidential election
Barry Goldwater and Lyndon B. Johnson
why was Johnson able to persuade Congress to pass many programs
his programs were designed to get rid of poverty, help people in poor areas with jobs, healthcare, education etc.
what programs did Johnson create for poor people
Vista, head start, Medicare, foundation of the arts & humanity, job corps, HUD, wilderness preservation act, elementary and secondary education act, higher education act
Lyndon B. Johnson
his plan as president was the great Society
Barry Goldwater
conservative Republican strong anti-Communist; ran in the 1964 election
hubert Humphrey
running mate of Lyndon B. Johnson during the 1964 election
black power
a movement among African-Americans to gain political and economic power
how did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 effectcivil rights for African Americans
outlawed segregation, sped up desegregation of schools, withdrawal of federal funds for programs to practice desegregation, and EEOC
a postponement, or a delaying, of having to serve in the armed forces
Nation of Islam
a black Muslim separatist group
Malcolm X.
a leader within the nation of Islam who was assassinated in February 1965
Stokely Carmichael
began the movement that came to be known as Black power
Betty Frieden
wrote the feminist mystique
Shirley Chisholm
first African-American woman to be elected to Congress
ho chi ming
the communist leader of North Vietnam
ngo dinh diem
the leader of South Vietnam who was overthrown and assassinated
viet cong
a South Vietnamese group loyal to communist in North Vietnam. They used guerrilla warfare tactics to fight the US
what is the war Powers act
that the president should consult with Congress before committing the US to conflicts. Congress was approved to keep troops overseas one in sixty days
Hubert Humphrey
Johnson's vice president who was the Democratic nominee for the 64 and 68 presidential election
Robert Kennedy
assassinated after winning the California primary in June of 1968
Richard Nixon
Republican candidate who won the 1968 presidential election
George Wallace
governor of Alabama and a supporter of segregation who ran under a third party for the 1968 election
Henry Kissinger
Nixon's national security advisor who held secret talks with North Vietnam leaders to end the war
programs for reversing the effects of discrimination
easing tensions between unfriendly nations
the economic condition of higher prices without economic growth
what did Nixon do for desegregation
affirmative action which was for minorities -- blacks, women, Latinos, Native Americans -to find jobs in fields that have been closed to them and admission to institutions of higher education
what economic problems did the United States face 1970s
competition increased from Western Europe and Japan. US had to make changes to be more competitive. Some American factories had to close causing low supply -- prices went up and income went down
the first task President Fordfelt he needed to accomplish
to pardon President Nixon
in what ways did Americans try to solve the energy crisis
wind and solar energy, nuclear power
why did President Carter encourage Americans to develop alternative sources of energy
due to the economy
how was Carter's foreign-policy both successful and unsuccessful
it was successful because of the agreement between Egypt and Israel. He invited the leaders of the countries to Camp David for discussions and an agreement was reached. He was unsuccessful trying to do the same thing with the US and Soviet and instead the Cold War escalated. He was also unsuccessful with the Iran hostage situation
Leonid Brezhnev
leader of the Soviet Union, who, along with Nixon, sign the salt I agreements
an organization working for Nixon that was tied to the Watergate scandal
James Carter
former governor of Georgia who won the presidential election in 1976
Anwar Sadat
president of Egypt, signed the camp David Accords
Menachem Begin
Israeli Prime Minister; sign the Camp David Accords
Ayatollah Khomeini
leader of Iran who refused to negotiate for the release of the American hostages in Tehran