Siddhartha Gautama
the founder of Buddhism
Caste System
the strict social structure of Indian life
During his reign, the collection of religious traditions called "Hinduism" flourished, becoming the dominant faith of the time
definition of ahimsa; Asoka sought to rule in accordance with this as ruler of the Mauryan Empire
the founder of the Mauryan Empire who followed the teachings of Kautilya; his Arthashastra became the most influential political treatise in Indian history
Caste System
one of the enduring institutions of Indian society along with the extended family and the autonomous village
the founder of the Jains
Asceticism and Indulgence
what Buddha said to avoid in his teaching which referred to when he said that people should follow the Middle Path
the principle that every action influences the cycle of life and death
a collection of texts of religious and philosophical nature; written between 800-500 BCE when Indian society started to question the traditional Vedic religious order
in this, a person's place in society is determined by heredity
Bhagavad Gita
"Song of the Lord"; discussed the intricate combination of ethics and action
Kautilya of Magadha
"Attack the weak, seek allies against the strong, bide one's time with equals, and practice duplicity wherever and whenever necessary," is this man's political strategy
another word for 'kings' that arose and were accorded godlike stature by the 6th century BCE with the growing power of states and the religion of the Brahamans (priests)
so potent a symbol of power and well-being in the Vedic culture and religion that its sacrifice became the most sacred of all ceremonies
a god who is portrayed as the embodiment of the Vedic heroic ideal; nearly a quarter of the Rig-Veda celebrate the exploits of him
scholars dispute the migration of these people into Northern India due to lack of artifacts, conflict of interpretation, and a growing body of scholarship
Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
two established cities of the Indus civilization
the language of the Vedas
the earlist of the Vedas; it is currently believed to have been composed between about 1400-900 BCE
a symbol that is long associated with the cyclical nature of life in Indian and Buddhist art and is 1st found in the cities of the Indus
Lapis Lazuli
an opaque, dark blue gemstone that became a coveted item among Harappan luxury good
Indus River
the fertile banks where Harappan civilization developed along
a large distinct area of land somewhat smaller than a continent; what geographers define the region encompassed by the modern states of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
the endless and seemingly unbreakable cycle of life and death
what the growth of is reflected in the novel Journey to the West based on the monk Xuan Zang's pilgrimages
the invention that completely changed how humans used horses and ushered in a new type of warfare
Silk Road
the overland trade routes that connected eastern and western Eurasia, beginning at the end of the fourth century BCE
the emperor that ruled during the high point of the Han Dynasty; his reign means "Martial Emperor"
one of the most important areas of scholarships during the Han Dynasty
Qin Shi Huangdi
the massive project of constructing the 1,400 mile Great Wall of China; first emperor
according to Confucius, a society will foster social institutions that encourage proper behavior if run by these
in 1974, a Chinese farmer found 8,000 life-sized clay soldiers in the First Emperor's ________
the nomadic tribes that were enemies of the Chinese dynasties
Qin Dynasty
the destruction of the books of Confucianism and other schools took place during this;
legalism was the philosophy of the state under this dynasty; the first fully unified government in Chinese history was also under this dynasty
the significant cultural contribution of the Shang Dynasty was the work that was cast (made) in this
Dao Te Ching
the primary document of Daoism
a core belief in this is: the need to force people to behave properly through the use of restrictive regulations
what Confucius believed that a primary basis for granting the right to participate in government should be
where the conversations between Confucius and his disciples are found
a system of state relations where less powerful states directly or implicitly agree to defer to the lead of the most powerful state
the Zhou system of decentralized government that gave considerably autonomy to local rulers
Zhou Dynasty
the dynasty that introduced the Mandate of Heaven and served to legitimized its power; the lengthiest dynasty in Chinese history
Shang Dynasty
the first Chinese dynasty to equip its army with chariots
oracle bones
where the earliest example of Chinese writing are found
Xia Dynasty
the earliest of three dynasties where "The Book of History" was a principal documentary source for information about China's them
Yellow River
where the Neolithic Longshan culture developed
where the Indus River would be found today